Planet Kusher 2.0 (adoptable)

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1:46pm Oct 25 2021

Normal User

Posts: 228
Type: Clone
Species: Byul
Color: Daisy Aries Byul 


Main Body and claws to be color 5

Nose/Horns and Stomach/Tail to be color 2

Leaves to be color 4

Eye and Paw ridge to be color 3

Flowers to be color 1


1:53pm Oct 25 2021 (last edited on 5:52am Nov 3 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 436
Request 1
Request Type: Clone
Species: Byul
Color: Leo
Explanation I'd would like to clone Shark's Leo Byul with this palette, please and name it Sun Byul. My laptop can't make links, so i'm posting it as a text.

The bandages to be the 1st color
The blue on the ornaments to be the 2nd color
The shoulder fur/hair, claws and collar to be the 3rd color
The body that is brown-ish color to be the 4th color
I'd like the golden/yellow items/ ornaments to be made the 5th color

If possible the eye to be hex tle="#b28247 color">#b28247

Request 2
Request Type: Clone
Species Byul
Color: Gemini
Explanation: I'd like to clone Bill's Gemini Byul with the following hex i will provide..I'd also like to call it Toothpaste Gemini Byul. Reference here--> tle="" target="_blank">java:nicTemp();

I'd like #95D2EC to be the main body's lighter color, not the purple, but the yellow-ish?
The dark purple to become #FF4242
The light purple to become #D01B1B
The Blue "screen" over it's eye and the dark grey to be #FFFFFF
The light grey to be #e7f9ff
The light green(including the eye color) to become this color #47abd8


6:38pm Oct 25 2021

Normal User

Posts: 228
Type: Wooden Delicate Paintbrush (Inventory)
Species: Byul
Color: Anubis Leo

Change all the black parts to hex #3B3B3F


7:43pm Oct 25 2021

Normal User

Posts: 422
are there still cloning blueprints available? and can I get one please :)
and how much are they ;w;


8:48pm Oct 25 2021 (last edited on 9:03pm Oct 25 2021)


Posts: 2,165
Hello I'm here to order another clone but this time it's my own byul xD

Request type: clone
Species: byul 
Colour: Aries
Explanation: I'd like a clone of my Aries byul inspired by the trance elemental leverene; the Trance Aries Byul. I've uploaded a palette here, plus the creatu that inspired it so you know what I'm going for! tle="" target="_blank">[X]

I'd like the colours to be the following:
#1 replacing the cream fur
#2 replacing the pink fur
#3 replacing the brown on the nose, claws, and horns
#4, #5, and #6, I would like on the flowers, scattered at your discretion in alternating colours (ie. try not to have yellow next to yellow)
#4 on the claw tips
I'd like white on the leaves and orb, like on the trance elemental leverene
#5 as the colour of the eye
I'll keep my other clone orders for after you've done the two I asked for today, so I don't overwhelm you :3


9:02am Oct 26 2021 (last edited on 10:18am Oct 26 2021)


Posts: 585
Ignore this 


9:39am Oct 26 2021 (last edited on 10:34am Oct 26 2021)


Posts: 585


10:57am Oct 26 2021 (last edited on 11:10am Oct 26 2021)


Posts: 585
New Update! 
(1 per person)

As you are walking through the forest, you suddenly see a flash of bright blue. In the place of the flashing light, you spot a bundle of spooky neon eggs.
You decide to be brave and examine them!
Which one will you choose?

| Taken | Taken | Taken |
| Taken |

| Taken |


11:02am Oct 26 2021

Normal User

Posts: 941
Isamu pls


11:03am Oct 26 2021

Normal User

Posts: 153
woobuzz pls

Adopts by Kush

11:03am Oct 26 2021

Normal User

Posts: 44
purrot pls!

11:06am Oct 26 2021

Normal User

Posts: 228
brachiado pls


11:09am Oct 26 2021

Normal User

Posts: 436
Inferni please?


1:37pm Oct 26 2021 (last edited on 1:37pm Oct 26 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 205
Fennimage666 won the Pharaoh's Quetzalt egg from the Halloween event on Discord!

Fennimage666 and a few other brave souls had to solve different puzzles and bypass various booby traps to reach the center of the tomb.

At the center, the Pharaoh demands offerings to win his prized Quetzalt egg.

Meanwhile, the Pharaoh's Quetzalt baby hatched!

Fennimage666 provides the right offerings: juicy grapes, raw rib steak, and a grape juice bottle.

The Pharaoh's Quetzalt has evolved!



1:37pm Oct 26 2021


Posts: 2,165
Nooo I missed another purrot :'D I'm the one who keeps asking for more purrot eggs and I keep missing them every single time lmao 

Anyway! I've come up with palettes for the other clones I've paid for, so I'm gonna go ahead and order those now. Take your time and feel free to prioritize other things! 

Request type: clone
Species: byul
Colour: Aquarius 
Explanation: I'd like to clone the Aquarius byul with the theme of the moon and stars reflected on the ocean in mind. Here's a link to my palette and reference image so you know what I mean! tle="" target="_blank">[X] 

Colour 1 for the pot
Colour 2 for the light green
Colour 3 for the dark blue 
Colour 4 for the claw scales and the nose, with a more brightly saturated version on the tips of the claws
Colour 5 for the light blue
Colour 6 for the water
Colour 7 for the orb and the eye
Colour 8 for the glow around the orb 

Request type: clone
Species: byul 
Colour: Leo
Explanation: I'd like to clone the Leo byul with a palette of dark blue, teal, and gold, beneath the moonlight sea refs in the link above. 

Colour 1 on the dark blue
Colour 2 on the orb
Colour 3 on the gold
Colour 4 on the beige body
Colour 5 on the bandages
Colour 6 on the black mane 

I hope those are okay! Like I said please feel free to leave these for when you have more time instead of doing them with my other two clones. <3


4:42pm Oct 26 2021 (last edited on 12:12pm Oct 31 2021)


Posts: 585

You slowly make your way to the bundle of eggs and in the middle lays the biggest out of them all. You do like a challenge, so you pick it up.Upon your touch the egg bursts open and out appears a Haunted Brachiado! 

You quickly glance around to make sure nothing is lurking before making your way to the eggs. One covered in feathers sparks your brave curious mind, so you lightly touch one of the feathers. This makes the eggs shed its feathers and crack open, revealing a Haunted Purrot!


You decide to bend down and pick up a stick. You aren’t quite feeling as brave as you were a few seconds ago. Slowly you move closer and gently prod the smooth looking egg with a stick. Nothing happens. You start to lean down toward the large egg, but the smooth egg starts to slowly crack open. Out falls a Haunted Inferni!

You stare at the bundle of eggs in silence for a little while before deciding to make your way to them. One covered in beautiful fur catches your interest. You wonder how soft it must feel, so you decide to forum your fingers along the top of the egg. This triggers the egg to wobble and break open, revealing a Haunted Isamu!

You get a sudden burst of adrenaline, which makes you run straight over to the bundle of eggs. Right at the front hidden under a few of the others lays one shaped like a load of bread. You are feeling rather hungry, so you decide to choose this egg and get out of the forest just in time to grab some dinner. You lean down and swoop the egg up into your arms. Doing so makes the egg suddenly break open and out flies a Haunted Woobuzz!


7:53pm Oct 26 2021

Normal User

Posts: 228
Ordering and paying for two more clones!

#1: Request Type: Clone
Species: Byul
Color: Meragon Capricorn


Color 1 for the headpiece and jewelry
Color 2 for the paw ridges and claws 
Color 3 for the main body 
Color 4 for the accents on the nose, ears, and paws
Color 5 for the eye
Color 6 for the mane and hind leg accents
Color 7 for the belly and tail
Color 8 for the orb and gem

#2: Request Type: Clone
Species: Byul
Color: Gemini 


Color 1 for the light gray parts of the armor
Color 2 for the dark gray parts of the armor 
Color 3 for the neon yellow parts of the armor
Color 4 for the bright purple parts of the armor 
Color 5 to replace the blue for the eye gadget
Color 6 to replace the dark purple belly and fur accents
Color 7 for the main body color


6:42am Oct 28 2021 (last edited on 7:19am Oct 28 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955

Misi is a gift from God. This feathered angelic creature nest on the clouds of Scria. Only worthy travellers find them in the wild and they are hard to be domesticated. They lay golden eggs that later covered in the mother’s feathers. Female Misis cover their eggs with their feathers to avoid their eggs being stolen by evil hearts. During infancy, the color of their feathers is dull and unattractive but once they reach adulthood, their color shines brightly. In later stage of their lives, they’re also given a halo by the God.

Some worthy travellers have found some eggs and hatched them. Congratulations!

Fennimage666 has found a Natural Misi Egg.
Natural Misi Egg has hatched!

Buzzard has found an Albino Misi Egg.
Albino Misi Egg has hatched!

Tea has found a Black Misi Egg.
Black Misi Egg has hatched!

Xichen has found a Wheat Misi Egg.
Wheat Misi Egg has hatched!

Billark has found a Candy Misi Egg.
Candy Misi Egg has hatched!

Otachie has found a Tropical Misi Egg.
Tropical Misi Egg has hatched!

Eggs are found!

(10,000,000 tu each)

SOLD, Mountain, SOLD
(15,000,000 tu each)

(17,500,000 tu each)
(32,000,000 tu if you buy Pride+Blacklight or Blackgold+Silvergold)

You can also paint your Misi in your own color scheme!
when the paintbrushes come back
Base Misi Egg

6:44am Oct 28 2021

Normal User

Posts: 44
pride and dawn please!

6:44am Oct 28 2021

Normal User

Posts: 503
Black gold and silvergold plz

Poke a hungry Mon?
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