Planet Kusher 2.0 (adoptable)

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3:50pm Nov 4 2021 (last edited on 10:38am Nov 5 2021)


Posts: 2,165
Replacement for my rejected aquwa custom:

Request: custom
Species: byul
Colour: apprentice
Add-ons: fancy, complex
Explanation: I'd like a byul based on one of my OCs! Here's a ref + one with a different hairstyle that shows the brooch better. There's also a colour palette for your convenience! tle="" target="_blank">[X] 

I'd like the fur colour and pattern to match the white blouse with the strips of blue with gold gilding; blue and gold where the yellow on the natural byul would be, and white on the pale blue underbelly. I would like the same white on the byul's front legs, remaining disconnected from the belly by the blue and gold fur. 

The visible eye on the adult matching his gold eye with the scar over it; on the baby I think the eye would be blue though.

The orb I would like to be the blue of his right eye, with swirls of sparkles and a cloudy texture inside to make it look like a crystal ball.

- to mimic his hair without directly putting a ponytail on it, a longer flowy blonde mane added around the head; It was not possible to do in the character creator (and I forgot to change the colour palette for this), but the hair is actually meant to have a slight gradient to it, with a bit of a golden orange at the ends as a nod to his dragon form (fancy)
- the blue cape/sash that's secured with the brooch I'd like added on as well, wrapped around the shoulders and falling curved with the byul's back; it's not visible in the ref but the cape does have a hood (complex)

I really hope this is more doable than the old request I was asked to replace! I tried to be as specific as possible so you don't have to think too much about how to incorporate the different aspects of his design!


New requests:

Request: buy/hatch the illusion binturo
Species: binturo
Colour: magician
Explanation: I want to hatch the "fake" binturo egg I summoned during the final round of the discord server Halloween event. I'm not sure exactly what the design would include, but I might request some add-ons later. Will send appropriate payment for the request!

Request: custom
Species: aquwa
Colour: Alolan Ninetales
Add-ons: fancy, complex
Explanation: I'd like an aquwa designed to resemble the Alolan variant of the pokemon ninetales. Refs and palette here: tle="" target="_blank">[X]

Basically just colour it the same as the ninetales; mostly pale blue-white with some slightly darker parts and white highlights. The eye is colour 4 in the palette, and the inner ear is colour 5.

- long, flowy head crest (fancy)
- extra tails/tail with the wispy points instead of just the waves (complex)

Payment total: 
0 for byul (necessary add-on consoles in inventory, paid for the slot already)
???? for binturo (payment to be discussed over discord)
35.5 mil for aquwa (complex add-on is in my inventory already but I need to buy another fancy)


7:28pm Nov 4 2021 (last edited on 7:30pm Nov 4 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
Elohim has used a Blood Delicate Paintbrush on Black Yuduri

Elohim has cloned the Frankenstein's Binturo Egg
Teddy Frankenstein's Binturo has hatched and evolved!

8:08pm Nov 4 2021

Normal User

Posts: 228
Sent tu to hatch my Carnival Egg!


9:10pm Nov 4 2021

Normal User

Posts: 205
Trading my evil demon isamu (purple) for Fennimage666's summer anemolt and 10mil.


9:11pm Nov 4 2021

Normal User

Posts: 228
Request Type: Radioactive Gem
Species: Woobuzz
Color: Blackgold

Using the Radioactive Gem in my inventory to mega this sweet pup!


1:38am Nov 5 2021 (last edited on 12:35pm Nov 5 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
Cloning Blueprint
This blueprint can clone any custom design (from Golden Customs or Exclusives like the Horoscope line & upcoming Halloween line) except mutants, magicals and megas. You may or may not need to have the custom as your own. You can borrow other people’s customized pets and clone it at the lab. For example if you want a Horoscope: Sagittarius Byul design with the wings, props and all, you can borrow the Byul from Kush and clone it with your own color palette.
Price: 80% of whatever they were sold for, if the custom is not yours you need to pay 80% to Kush and minimum of 20% of their base price to the respective owner. The original owner can charge however % max price they deem right for them. The owner can also refuse the cloning request for any reason, disclosed or not. Remember to never pester the original owner if they refused to sell the clone.

(0 blueprints stocked)
Max 2 purchase per person

11:37am Nov 5 2021

Normal User

Posts: 44
Request: golden custom
Species: isamu
Colour: Pico
Add-ons: simple
Explanation: he's pico from pico's school / friday night funkin :) also theres a lil blood

also claiming magma anemolt from the discord giveaway :D

12:28pm Nov 5 2021 (last edited on 12:37pm Nov 5 2021)


Posts: 910
Request: Clone
Species: Skeleton Vetan
Explanation: would like it based on sunset colors like tle="" target="_blank">this palette 
Skeleton pattern color: yellow
Dark body color: dark purple (replacing the dark brown on the original) 
 Body colors/gradients: pinks/yellows/oranges
Eyes/flowers: maybe a purple? I do not mind whatever it is. Artist can have liberty here
Again, want this to be easy! ;; not picky beyond the yellow skeleton on pinks/oranges ^^ let me know if you need more specifics 


2:22pm Nov 5 2021

Normal User

Posts: 228


Request Type: Clone

Species: Vetan

Color: Tide Pool Skeleton



Here is the color palette java:nicTemp();


Color 1 for the underbelly

Colors 2,3 for the gradient 

Color 4 for the skeleton pattern 

Color 5 for the horns

Color 6 for the eye


2:36pm Nov 5 2021 (last edited on 3:30am Nov 6 2021)


Posts: 2,165
Since these don't count towards the maximum two orders, I'm gonna do all three of these at once haha

Request: recolour
Species: quetzalt
Colour: magma (recoloured)
Explanation: replace brown on the body with this colour tle="" target="_blank">[X]

Request: recolour
Species: inferni
Colour: candy (recoloured)
Explanation: replace light blue on the mane with the colour of this bubblegum tle="" target="_blank">[X] so it goes better with the brighter pink

Request: effect
Species: byul 
Colour: omega were-byul 
Explanation: use one of the rune plates in my inventory on the byul

Payment: 2 mil for the wooden paintbrush for the second recolour


11:55pm Nov 5 2021 (last edited on 11:56pm Nov 5 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
Billark has found a Royal Isamu Egg!
Royal Isamu has hatched!

Loki has exposed Blood Binturo to Radioactive Gem.
Blood Binturo has evolved into Mega Blood Binturo!

2:17am Nov 6 2021 (last edited on 3:44am Nov 6 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
Rhian has used Wooden Delicate Paintbrush to repaint Glade X013 & Yuduri

Rhian has used Stripe Effect Plate on Glade Chini

Rhian has used Rune Effect Plate on Natural Misi

Rhian has used Add-on Console: Simple on Riverside X013

Otachie has used Wooden Delicate Paintbrush to repaint Blue-Mango Capricorn Byul & Natural Xilong

Otachie has used Rune Effect Plate on Albino Vetan

Xichen has used Wooden Delicate Paintbrush to repaint Magma Quetzalt & Candy Inferni

Xichen has used Rune Effect Plate on Omega Were-Byul

4:24am Nov 6 2021 (last edited on 4:25am Nov 6 2021)


Posts: 2,165
Request: clone
Species: binturo
Colour: mythical
Explanation: I want to clone my mythical binturo with the black liyure colours. Here's a palette and ref of the liyure tle="" target="_blank">[X]

Colour 1 for the light brown on the body and swirls on the ears
Colour 2 for the outer stripes
Colour 3 for the claws and nose
Colour 4 for the darker brown and white
Colour 5 for the eyes
Colour 6 for the feathers
Colour 7 for the horns


10:29am Nov 6 2021 (last edited on 10:29am Nov 6 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
Rhian has found a Knockout Yuduri Egg.
Knockout Yuduri has hatched and evolved!

Rhian has found a Swan Lake Misi Egg.
Swan Lake Misi has hatched and evolved!

Elohim has found a Lion Inferni Egg.
Lion Inferni has hatched and evolved!

Elohim has found a Blood Moon Byul Egg.
Blood Moon Byul has hatched and evolved!

Elohim has used a Add-on Console: Fancy on Valentine Byul

Elohim has found a Carnival Woobuzz Egg.
Carnival Woobuzz has hatched and evolved!

Shark has cloned the Skeleton Vetan Egg
Sunset Skeleton Vetan has hatched and evolved!

Elohim has cloned the Skeleton Vetan Egg
Tide Pool Skeleton Vetan has hatched and evolved!

Otachie has exposed Black Binturo to Radioactive Gem.
Black Binturo has evolved into Mega Black Binturo!

Xichen has cloned the Mythical Binturo Egg
Black Mythical Binturo has hatched and evolved!


11:27am Nov 6 2021


Posts: 2,165
Request: radioactive gem
Species: binturo
Colour: black mythical
Explanation: e v o l v e  this baby!!


12:37pm Nov 6 2021

Normal User

Posts: 228
Request #1 
Request Type: Clone
Species: X013
Color: Mythical 

Using Albino Liyure color palette tle="" target="">here

Color 1 for the markings on the body
Color 2 for the body armor and leg armor 
Color 3 for the leaf whisker things
Color 4 for the feet
Color 5 for the plasma parts

Request #2
Request Type: Clone
Species: X013
Color: Mythical

Using Black Liyure color palatte tle="" target="">here

Color 1 for the leaf whiskers
Color 2 for the markings on the body
Color 3 for the body armor and leg armor 
Color 4 for the plasma parts
Color 5 for the feet


1:45pm Nov 6 2021

Normal User

Posts: 205
Trading my albino anemolt for Ota's natural anemolt

3:29pm Nov 6 2021


Posts: 585
Request Type: Stripe plate
Species: Misi
Color: Black

Please use a stripe plate on the Black Misi


3:34pm Nov 6 2021 (last edited on 3:34pm Nov 6 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
Tea has used Stripe Effect Plate on Black Misi


6:14pm Nov 6 2021 (last edited on 6:16pm Nov 6 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 205
Recolor Request
Request Type: Wooden DPB x 2
Species: Misi
Color: Barbie Swan Lake

Explanation: Recoloring the add-on necklace because I didn't bring proper references for the colors last time oops

It's a range of colors so you can see the overall vibe I'm going for. But I'd say the main colors are the middle two (color #3 and #4).

Can you please use the pinks for the necklace and the purples for the gem?

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