2:29pm Nov 18 2021
Posts: 2,165
Bought the summer misi from Tea and a Flightless Wing from Otachie :3
9:40am Nov 19 2021 (last edited on 8:35pm Nov 19 2021)
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Posts: 955
New update!
Latest species has been found around Otroe Mountains. Introducing Fenix from Reiflem Fenix is a feathered creature from Reiflem. They originally inhabited Scria until Scria turned colder than it once was. Fenix migrated to Reiflem and become one of the sought after species in all five planets. Fenix feathers are highly valuable that they are traded among potion makers to make magical potions and elixirs. It is rumored that one of the ingredients to make Potion of Lucks is the Fenix feather. The method of how Fenix is hatched is special as you need to burn the egg to ashes and from the ashes, rises the baby Fenix. Fenix Egg can never be cracked by any mean except from burning the shell with flame. Fenix roams high altitude and commonly seen around mountains. Fenix can breath fire in the later stage of their life, mostly when they are in their mega stage.
Due to their rarity, Fenix can only be found in shop on the 3rd of every month. The reason behind the date is unknown. As for now, only the current five Denizens are able to acquire them.
Natural, Sapphire, Black, Albino, Monochromatic (Rhian, Xichen, Elohim, Otachie, Billark)
9:52am Nov 19 2021 (last edited on 9:52am Nov 19 2021)
Normal User 
Posts: 955
Rhian has burned Natural Fenix Egg to ashes. Natural baby Fenix has hatched!
Xichen has burned Sapphire Fenix Egg to ashes. Sapphire baby Fenix has hatched!
Elohim has burned Black Fenix Egg to ashes. Black baby Fenix has hatched!
Otachie has burned Albino Fenix Egg to ashes. Albino baby Fenix has hatched!
Billark has burned Monochromatic Fenix Egg to ashes. Monochromatic baby Fenix has hatched!
5:58pm Nov 19 2021 (last edited on 5:59pm Nov 19 2021)
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Posts: 955
Rhian has won a Hotspot Fenix Egg from the games in Discord server.
Rhian has burned Hotspot Fenix Egg to ashes. Hotspot baby Fenix has hatched!
7:03pm Nov 19 2021 (last edited on 7:05pm Nov 19 2021)
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Posts: 955
Rhian’s Natural & Hotspot baby Fenix has evolved!
Xichen’s Sapphire baby Fenix has evolved!
Elohim’s Black baby Fenix has evolved!
Otachie’s Albino baby Fenix has evolved!
Billark’s Monochromatic baby Fenix has evolved!
4:46am Nov 20 2021 (last edited on 7:36am Nov 20 2021)
Normal User 
Posts: 436
Hello, I'm selling all my adopts I have at 75% of their original price. I wish them to not be revamped, because I am their original owner and I have full rights over them.
6:00am Nov 20 2021 (last edited on 6:00am Nov 20 2021)
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Posts: 503
Request: Clone Species: Onghuo Color: Gargoyle
Explanation: Link for the color palette
Color 1 - main body Color 2 - cracks in body Color 3 - inside of ears Color 4 - nose/hooves/horn Color 5 - eyes Color 6 - fur
For further explanation, I would like it to look like marble that's been repaired with adhesive dusted with gold, like a piece of pottery that's been repaired in the kintsugi art style.
Poke a hungry Mon? 
7:00am Nov 20 2021
Normal User 
Posts: 436
I would like to return the ownership of the albino Isamu to Billark and the albino Aquwa + camouflage Misi to Buzzard. Thank you for the gifts, i wanted to return them, never selling them.
9:17am Nov 20 2021 (last edited on 9:17am Nov 20 2021)
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Posts: 955
Xichen has won an Albino Fenix Egg. Albino Fenix has hatched and evolved!
Billark has won an Royal Xilong Egg. Royal Xilong has hatched and evolved!
SecretsOfTheShadows has won an Nebula Xilong Egg. Nebula Xilong has hatched and evolved!
9:27am Nov 20 2021
Normal User 
Posts: 955
Everyone regarding Otachie’s second last post above. She can sell her adopts and you can buy but those only falls under customs not the respective colors as I am revamping all the official colors she has. All of her adopts are now customs so if you buy you would not get the roles of the respective (previous) colors. Thank you.
11:26am Nov 20 2021 (last edited on 11:26am Nov 20 2021)
Normal User 
Posts: 955
Billark has won an Autumn Revo Egg. Autumn Revo has hatched!
Elohim has found a Hotspot Brachiado Egg. Hotspot Brachiado has hatched and evolved!
Shark has found a Hotspot Yuduri Egg. Hotspot Yuduri has hatched and evolved!
Winter Pre-event Eggs Buzzard won Winter Medura
Billark won Winter Anemolt
Tea won Winter Xilong
Fennimage666 won Winter Purrot
Billark has found an Autumn MERKA Taming Chip. Autumn MERKA Taming Chip is activated!
Fennimage666 has found a Autumn Xilong Egg. Autumn Xilong has hatched!
11:51am Nov 20 2021
Normal User 
Posts: 44
Buying otachie's Vampire Isamu and Dawn Isamu!
11:42pm Nov 22 2021 (last edited on 11:46pm Nov 22 2021)
Posts: 2,165
Requesting a different clone as instructed when soul aquwa was rejected.
Request: clone Species: vetan Colour: uldavian Explanation: with the owner's blessing, I'd like to clone the uldavian vetan with rainbow circuits, based on an old design I had for a jahra OAK. I've made a palette for the body, and a palette for the markings, though you don't have to use all of the rainbow colours right now, since I'll have to send him back in for add-ons to get the rainbows on! tle="" target="_blank">[X]
Body colours: Palette 1: 1 - purple fur 2 - dark grey 3 - green feathers and fur 4 - off-white 5 - eyes and glowing spots
Palette 2: 6 - circuits 7 - horns
I'd like the clone to be called "Rainbow-Circuit", since eventually when I am able to request the extra colour add-ons that's what it will be.
12:43pm Nov 23 2021 (last edited on 12:44pm Nov 23 2021)
Normal User 
Posts: 436
I would like to give my following adopts to the respective users as a gift. ^~^
Xichen: Byul-Blue Mango,Camo,Black Galaxy Purrot-Black,Wheat Xilong-Cosmic Void
Secrets: Kit-Camo Medura-Camo Inferni-Haunted Brachiado-Black
Shark: Quetzalt-Black Medura-Bino Brachiado-Wheat Anemolt-Wheat
Tea: Woobuzz-Cotton Candy,Bino,Bumblebee Xilong-Uldavian,Natural,Summer
Elohim: Woobuzz-Honeybee,Camo Byul-Zorua,Platinum,Blue Violet,Bino, Wine, Sun Leo, Black Pink
Kippy: Binturo-Black Isamu-Wheat,Candy,Radioactive
Rhian: Memera-Black Misi-Orange Inferni-Bino, Cyan
Fenn: Inferni-Natural Vetan-Natural Purrot-Natural Brachiado-Bino
Bill: Vetan-Calico Isamu-Calico Xilong-Platinum Brachiado-Cyan
Buzz: Fenix-Bino Brachiado-Natural,Summer Onghuo-Wheat
4:34pm Nov 23 2021 (last edited on 4:46pm Nov 23 2021)
Normal User 
Posts: 205
8:33am Nov 25 2021 (last edited on 8:34am Nov 25 2021)
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Posts: 955
New update!
New species has been found around Relcorean alps. Introducing Usa from Relcore Usa is a medium-sized creature native to North and South Relcore. Usas are generalists and can adapt to wide variations of habitat. North Relcore Usa has wider antlers compared to the South Relcore Usa. Usas eat large amounts of food, commonly eating legumes and foraging on other plants, including shoots, leaves, cacti, prairie forbs, and grasses. They also eat acorns, fruit, and corn. Their muliti-chambered stomachs allow them to eat some foods humans cannot, such as mushrooms, (even those that are toxic to humans) and poison ivy. Their diets vary by season according to availability of food sources.
As for now, only a few owners are able to acquire them. Natural, Black, Summer, Orange, Wheat, Albino, Cherry, Grape (Persephone, Tea, Tea, Tea, Rhian, Buzzard, SecretsOfTheShadows, Xichen)
8:45am Nov 25 2021 (last edited on 8:45am Nov 25 2021)
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Posts: 955
Billark’s Autumn Revo has evolved!
Fennimage666’s Autumn Xilong has evolved!
Elohim’s Mythical Isamu clones
4:34pm Nov 25 2021 (last edited on 4:40pm Nov 25 2021)
Normal User 
Posts: 205
Winter Pre-EventShark won Winter Isamu  
Rhian won Winter Memera 
11:21pm Nov 25 2021 (last edited on 11:21pm Nov 25 2021)
Normal User 
Posts: 955
Persephone’s Natural Usa has hatched!
Tea’s Black, Summer & Orange Usa have hatched! Rhian’s Wheat Usa has hatched! Buzzard’s Albino Usa has hatched! SecretsOfTheShadows’ Cherry Usa has hatched! Xichen’s Grape Usa has hatched!
12:04am Nov 26 2021 (last edited on 12:04am Nov 26 2021)
Normal User 
Posts: 955
Persephone’s Natural Usa has hatched!
Tea’s Black, Summer & Orange Usa have hatched! Rhian’s Wheat Usa has hatched! Buzzard’s Albino Usa has hatched! SecretsOfTheShadows’ Cherry Usa has hatched! Xichen’s Grape Usa has hatched!