Pokemon Signature

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9:04pm Dec 4 2014 (last edited on 9:05pm Dec 4 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 616
If you look down in my signature, I have moving sprites of the three legendary birds.

If you would like a signature like mine, or to have them for your profile, it is only 1mil per pokemon, and I will send you the coding!

Gotta Catch 'Em All!


9:06pm Dec 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 336
I'd absolutely LOVE two pikachu's, moving.
If possible?
One male looking and one female looking,
With the male passing the female a heart or pokeball or an apple 8)?

If thats too complicated, let me know! I have other idea's ^^


2:09am Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 2:10am Dec 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Do you actually make the gifs or do you just get them from another website? :u

because by the looks of it, you're only getting them from one website that provides people with the actual animations from the pokemon games. 

honestly i dont find it fair to sell images you find off another site unless you somehow customise them yourself, and im p sure it's also a form of theft, but you can always check with staff members.

if somehow i'm misunderstanding, i deeply apologize!


9:49pm Dec 6 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
I'm in agreement with Chimney; you're basically taking sprites from a game and giving users coding - which is literally as simple as adding an image to a page.


1:22pm Dec 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 616
Okay? I am selling coding. If people want to try and figure it out themselves then that's fine as well. I'll even provide the link. It doesn't matter how simple it is; if people don't want to put forth the effort to learn the coding then they can have me do it for them, find the pokemon, provide them with different poses, and then send it to them all at their convenience. If they instead want to try and figure it out and not pay me, that's up to them. I'm not forcing anyone to buy anything, I'm simply providing the means.

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