Professor X's Banners!

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3:06pm Mar 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 37
Are you ordering an overlay or a banner?

3:45pm Mar 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 461
I sent the tu hehe


4:10pm Mar 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105

a banner please sorry


4:12pm Mar 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 37
Then could you please fill out the banner form, not the overlay one? C:

4:15pm Mar 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,105

I did it already i edited my thread so its the right one


8:24pm Mar 4 2013


Posts: 2,161
Your banners are so good. I want some for all my completed Transformer and Brave Police creatu. Is there a limit? I'll only ask you for one at a time, but I think I'll buy quite a few from you. <3


8:57pm Mar 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
Text: "I don't mind you pushing me away if it means you love me, little sister."
Color Scheme: Red, orange, pink ~ the colors of the sunset. Maybe a little grey, if that could fit.
Font: Eh, anything. Something fanciful, perhaps?
Additional info: Maybe in the background you could add a long bow and arrows, possibly?


1:11pm Mar 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 37
Autobot, there's no limit at the moment, but I'd appreciate it if you only ordered one at a time, lol. Keeps it easy on me and leaves room for other people to order, too.

Unique, do you have any images in specific that you'd like included?

1:48pm Mar 5 2013


Posts: 2,161
Okay! I'll fill out a form then. <3

Pet Name: Sunstreaker

Pet Age/Species/Color: Adult lemon shaefu

Toptext (any large text you'd like on the banner):  Just the name again.

Subtext (any small text you'd like on the banner, optional): Sociopathic Narcissist. 

Color Scheme: Black, yellow and gray.

Font (either a specific one or a general look): I don't really have a general look of it. You can get creative if you want or I can give you more details.

Additional info (anything else I may need to know): If you could somehow incorporate this picture, I'd be very pleased. <3 I did my best to cut it from the background. You might do a better job though. XD


7:42pm Mar 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
I do not, but I am sure I can find one if that is easier for you.


6:33pm Mar 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 130
Pet Name:GoldenCrisp
Pet Age/Species/Color:blonde,5,Ortachie
Toptext (any large text you'd like on the banner):Gold
Subtext (any small text you'd like on the banner, optional):Lilly56
Color Scheme:Gold, silver, red, 
Font (either a specific one or a general look):shimery or royal
Additional info (anything else I may need to know): for my profile and sig

price: any mutant from my show room

come help make the perfect country! You decide the laws!

1:15am Mar 9 2013 (last edited on 1:15am Mar 9 2013)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136

So, love, how well can you do hair? ;D

Pet Name: LeonKuwata
Pet Age/Species/Color: Ginger, Teen, Veram

Overlay: Do you see this gorgeous specimen. I mean, I just... Want the hair and goatee, most of all, but the piercings would be excellent as well. And there's this nifty little video that I can't stop watching.

Additional info (anything else I may need to know): I'm sorry, I'm just super-happy I've got this bugger. |D


8:37pm Mar 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 37
How does this look?


5:13am Mar 16 2013 (last edited on 5:16am Mar 16 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,105

omg that is better then I imagined il send U the Tu n U send me the code =D


12:18pm Mar 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Hey, I'm not sure if you still have mine, but I got an iluvu overlay and I've sem to lost the image.
Do you by chance have it?
If not it's probably in a folder somewhere on my computer. |D


11:13am Mar 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 37
Okay, I'll get started right away! c:

It would sure make my job easier if you could find an image you'd like included. ;u;

The only mutants I'm a fan of are Veram, Meragons, Mirabilis, and you have any of those?

2:24pm Mar 21 2013


Posts: 2,161
Yay! Thank you <3


7:46pm Apr 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 8
Pet Name:

Pet Age/Species/Color:
15(Teen)/ Veram/ Sepia

Toptext (any large text you'd like on the banner):
Can't handle the heat?

Subtext (any small text you'd like on the banner, optional):
I didn't think so. 

Color Scheme:
Whatever looks good. I want it to be semi-surprise.

Font (either a specific one or a general look):

Additional info (anything else I may need to know):
I will end payment when I see banner. :D


7:38pm Apr 13 2013


Posts: 2,161
Do I need to post my order form here or is the Rmail I sent you a while ago enough? Sorry about that, didn't think. xD

Also, I'm thinking of asking for a less-complicated overlay for my azure roditore if you'd be interested in doing that for me. I swear you're just so good at banners and overlays I can't even. *throws tu at you and bows to your awesomeness*



10:39pm Apr 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 105

Pet Name: LunesdaleShamrock
Pet Age/Species/Color: Adult, Meragon, Achro
Toptext (any large text you'd like on the banner): TheUltimateHorseLover
Subtext (any small text you'd like on the banner, optional): The Meragon Queen
Color Scheme: Black, White, Red, Gold
Font (either a specific one or a general look): like the font on Moltres's banner
Additional info (anything else I may need to know): nope :)
how much for this?

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