I need some tu, and selling things isn't working out so well, so I'm selling commissions again I guess. I haven't done this in ages.
Examples of my profile codes can be seen on my profile and
tle="" target="">Mugiwara's. I can do a pretty wide variety of things, so just because you don't see something on one of those pages doesn't mean I'm not capable of it. Feel free to ask before you order!
For examples of my pet pages, check out the pets on my profile. I coded all of their pages from scratch. Some are simple and some are more interesting, and I can do a large variety of things with pet pages, so again, feel free to ask for anything and I'll let you know if it's outside the realm of possibility.
Here are my profile pet pages, for easy reference.
The price of your code will depend on the complexity of what you ask for, but should be around 2-3 million tu for a profile and 500k-1mil for a pet page. I will let you know about the price before I start coding. It might be lower, or higher.
When you order a code, please be as specific as possible in telling me what you want! The more detail, the better. If you leave any details out, I'll make it up myself. After I send you the code, I will wait for your approval. The first time you see the code, I will correct any issues for free. If you contact me later, changing your code will cost 300k. (To clarify, this is for aesthetic changes, not if I have made an error in the code.) I also prefer to send HTML code through personal email because it sometimes gets distorted in rmail, but if you don't feel comfortable giving me your personal email I understand and we can work something out.
One final thing. I will add a 500k charge to your price for every image you ask me to find on my own. If I look for more than 15 minutes, that will go up to 1mil per image. Provide your own images to avoid this charge!