Quick Sketches :U

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10:35am Nov 6 2010 (last edited on 9:31pm Nov 8 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Aye. I need some pretty quick tu, so. Sketches!

Basically like those. :U

Jus' tell me what you want. Reference, details, and whatever.

They'll only be about fifty thousand each.

Sobuyplz. ;D

Tryst - Finished, paid.
Daddy - Finished, paid.
Garcia - starting.


10:38am Nov 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,576
Pretty c: Bump.


10:40am Nov 6 2010


Posts: 1,586

I want a unicorn >)

With cloven hooves, a long lion like tail, "feathers" or hair on the legs and a pretty spiral horn. And fangs :D


10:41am Nov 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 556



Here, Draw me. But instead of that outfit, put me in a nnice v neck blouse and drak jeans. c: If you do the body at all.


11:08am Nov 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
You want a beard on there, Tryst, since it's the lion-tailed version? xD


11:10am Nov 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,597

Could you draw my wolf-like thing?

 He looks like a large wolf and has black fur, with some dark red fur here and there. His eyes are golden and across his right eye is a slash scar. Black bat-like wings come out of his shoulder blades/shoulders, and there is one tear in his right wing. His claws are dark silver, and he has two short horns coming out on his head, between his ears, and they're dark silver as well.

Also, he has a black-feathered raven that follows him around so could you find a place to put the raven in the picture? Like on his shoulder or beside him on the ground.

Just so you know, he's pretty mean and prefers to be alone. And if possible could you make him in a sitting position?


Nevermind about the color, I just copied and pasted this from another thread. 


11:19am Nov 6 2010 (last edited on 6:11pm Nov 6 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

Ahhh Cool!!!

Aza is kinda short, 5'5. She has a slender figure.  She has a red tint to her sandy gold hair. Her hair is naturaly curly. Not crazy curly but nice soft even ringlet curls that are shoulder leangth. She has Bright geen eyes that compliment her pale skin perfectly. She usualy has a light rose pink tint to her cheeks, which is normal. She usually wears dark colors for some odd reason. And thats the only thing she has in common with her sister Sunimara.

Personality: She likes to joke around alot and tease people but she is also utterly nice.  She speaks her mind in a sorta shy way, but she also makes people mad doing that. I guess you can call her a loner because she dosnt like to talk to people much. She wont even admit it to herself. But if they talk to her thats a diffrent story.She flirts alot, but again in a shy way. She is stubborn and also apologizes alot, for no apparent reason

 Sunimara is tall 6'0. She has silky white hair with Crystal blue bangs goes down to her Mid back. Her skin is very pale, and her icy Crystal blue eyes dont help. She usually Has gold rubberbands that hold the hair behind her blue bangs. She also has a weird looking tattoo that is on her left arm. Like her sister Sunimara likes to wear dark clothes but instead Sunimara only wears tank tops and shorts. (No need to add ears or tail)

Personality: Again Sunimara is very diffrent from Aza. She takes things more seriously, She has a biit of a temper, and is very protective over every thing. She likes to talk alot and doesnt like to be alone very often. She likes to try to make the best out of every situation. Even though sunimara likes to talk alot she gets very quiet and stif around guys. She is very clumsy and gets embara,ssed easy.


12:40pm Nov 6 2010 (last edited on 12:42pm Nov 6 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Unicorn's done. I just went ahead and said no beard. P:

Full size. [link]

I.. had a lot of fun with this one. I almost never draw horses, so. I got to pretty much speed-learn their anatomy through Google. xD

Was gonna straighten it out, but it kinda looks cool sideways.

And it brought up a weird question in my mind too. Would the horn be a Unicorn's version of the third eye? ;o Suddenly they seem so much more awesome, hah.

Now. On to Daddy's.


4:02pm Nov 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,299
I would like him (with all his accessories still 'cept blood~) drawn in a variation of this outfit (the one on the left), looking very upset/angry/embarra.ssed~ |D <3


5:35pm Nov 6 2010


Posts: 1,586
xD It's prettier than I expected! Sent the tu! Thank youu <3 I looove uuunicorns!


6:57pm Nov 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,446
>C Draw me a bear. It shall be all "OMGGRAWRGOLDILOCKSATEMYSTUFF" and standing on its hind legs and wearing a very manly silk scarf. That has a heart pattern >C


9:43am Nov 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Hah, sorry I haven't done any more guys. I haven't had access to a scanner.

But I swear, I'm still working. xD


8:10pm Nov 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Arrighty. Sorry for taking so long there.

Daddy Zebez is done. :U

Link to the image. Even though it's the same size. xD [link]

Ahm. Apologies if the build is a little off. I tried staying as close as possible to your picture, but somehow I had a lot of issues.

Must be one of those stupid cycles. o3o Seems like on occasion, I'll just. Die at drawing certain things.

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