Thank you for doing this. ^^ They're all Gods in stories I write, by the way. :D
Heiku the Male Black Meiko
He's supposed to look really mean and scary, but he's a very nice person. :D Can you make him sitting on the floor in a house holding his son (Geometrically the male black Meiko) who is reaching out for a dark shield on the floor? The shield is like the same as my Tesuri's orb. Their special item. xD I'd like it if the membrane of his wings could be made of shadows. Be creative with that. ^^ And on one of his legs, below the hip at the side, there should be a dark mark. A black circle with a tiny sliver of silver. =D
Hatsya the Male Blonde Valabex
He's a light God, like how Heiku is a dark God. :D And, since he doesn't have opposable thumbs, he fights with a light sword using his mind. So I'd like a bright, powerful-looking yellow sword floating in the air next to him or lying on the ground while he is reading a book. Give him a peaceful ex
pression. He should be wearing gold or silver bands on each hoof. Make the book long, because he luffs to read.
Saishia the Female Sepia Otachie
She's one of the very responsible people. You can make her sitting in the shade of a tree holding an intricately knotted wooden staff. The staff should end in a nest of small flowers/leaves surrounding a large green emerald. Her left arm should be wrapped in vines from the elbow to the shoulder. And she wears three earrings per ear- two silver dot earrings per ear, and one gold ring per ear. Her wings should be normal except the tips of her wings should look like green leaves tipped with a bronzish gold. Saishia should also be wearing an epic hula skirt with a small red ribbon at the back. On her right arm she has one silver bracelet. On each foot she wears gold bands and each tail has one silver and gold band. :D Sorry if it's complicated. On her head I'd like a tiara. A silver band that connects at the middle with a green gem, and a few centimeters on both sides of the gem extends to a point upwards to a gold ring. The gold ring holds a small emerald.
Ronx the Male Natural Ardur
Make him look lazy. xD And he should be holding a fire amulet. If you can, put a fire marking somewhere on his body. ;D He's relatively simple. Be creative with him.
Paerlz the Female Cream Meragon
She's a Queeeen! Sorta. More like top God. Make her wear this intricate gold crown with jewels and everything. Surrounding her should be six lights or something that represent the six elements- fire, earth, water, air, dark, light. And on her tail should be a lot of gold and silver rings. :D On each hoof there should be gold rings as well. I'd like her to look epic and powerful.
Resisted the Male Silver Malal
He's an Air God. Can you make him have bird-like wings? So he can flyyyyyy. xD And he should have a scar over his right eye, if it shows. There should be two silver rings that float in the air next to him, or he could hold them. His eyes should be green. :D On his right shoulder, he has n air symbol- two swirls of wind.
Thank you! If the stocks go up, I'll pay you. :D