Rave's Art Commissions :)

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5:43am Aug 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 348
New Option up :D

Get your own Wolf/Dragon Hybrid!Unique creatures which you can personalize to create your own! Forever Yours!

2:37pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 348
Bumpy :3

Get your own Wolf/Dragon Hybrid!Unique creatures which you can personalize to create your own! Forever Yours!

2:38pm Aug 27 2013 (last edited on 2:39pm Aug 27 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 280
Username:  ThornlessRose
Payment:  10 Mil
What You Want:  My Gold OAK Zaphie. :3
References:  Oh wait, he's in my banner.  xD
Other:  He is a very proud Zaphie<3  Not too much for playfulness.  Don't really know what else to say.  xD

 photo ZaphieBannerProgress_zpsa364f1e4.gif

2:51pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 348
So a transparent OAK zaphie <33 I'll do this one as if he is standing very proudly, head upright :) Is that okay :3 I'll get it done asap :3

Get your own Wolf/Dragon Hybrid!Unique creatures which you can personalize to create your own! Forever Yours!

3:17pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 280
Sure<3 <33  Thanks<3 :3

 photo ZaphieBannerProgress_zpsa364f1e4.gif

9:35am Aug 30 2013 (last edited on 9:37am Aug 30 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 348

I hope its okay <3 Yush its big, but heres a link to the original image <3
If you'd like me to resize it for you feel free to ask :) Thankyou for ordering :) 
Theres a download link there too :)

Now to get on with a Stardust Bino Liyure ;v;

Get your own Wolf/Dragon Hybrid!Unique creatures which you can personalize to create your own! Forever Yours!

5:49am Sep 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Username: RikaTheFallen
Payment: Tu :U 10 mil
What You Want: My character Glitch. C:

Other: He doesn't have facial expressions or really a mouth. unu He expresses himself through body language.


12:20pm Sep 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 163
Username: Cloaked
Payment: 14mil ;D *I need to get another 7mil, but once I do, it's going your way*
What You Want: Colored/shaded/ No background
References: Could I get a wolf? I don't care, what color/position it's in, but can it be a normal wolf color? Be creative :D
Other: Thanks

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

12:22pm Sep 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 348
Sure :D Would you like be to make your own wolf character? <3

Get your own Wolf/Dragon Hybrid!Unique creatures which you can personalize to create your own! Forever Yours!

12:24pm Sep 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 163
Sure, xD Anything you want to do with it, is fine with me XD Just don't make it pink or purple please X3

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

12:52pm Sep 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 348

Get your own Wolf/Dragon Hybrid!Unique creatures which you can personalize to create your own! Forever Yours!

1:23pm Sep 14 2013 (last edited on 1:23pm Sep 14 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 348

Heres the finished piece RikaTheFallen :D Theirs a download available, i hope you like it <3

Get your own Wolf/Dragon Hybrid!Unique creatures which you can personalize to create your own! Forever Yours!

5:46pm Sep 14 2013 (last edited on 5:48pm Sep 14 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 969
Username: Murgy
Payment: I'm willing to pay between 10m and 35m, depending on how it turns out, if you choose to accept my request. c:
What You Want: I'd like a drawing of my natural Wyrae, fullbody with a transparent background. I realize that this is a complicated request, but I'm willing to pay heftily for it. I can even up my offer if it turns out really well. c:
http://snowwire.deviantart.com/art/Prize-MochaMutt-177054743 <-- This is the kind of pose I would like, but feel free to alter it a little. Also, if you could draw him facing to the left instead of right, that'd be great. c:
Other: Let me know if you would rather not try to tackle this, it's fine if you don't want to. c:


6:17pm Sep 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 348
Murgy, i'd love to draw your Wrae, their so cute and pretty ;v; I'd be glad to tackle this :) Thankyou :)

Get your own Wolf/Dragon Hybrid!Unique creatures which you can personalize to create your own! Forever Yours!

6:22pm Sep 14 2013 (last edited on 6:22pm Sep 14 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 969
Awesome, thanks Rave! c: If you have any questions feel free to rmail me with them.

EDIT; I probably should have mentioned that I'd like him to have a calm or peaceful ex
pression, or something like that. Thanks!


6:31pm Sep 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 348
Okay, calmness :) I'll do my best with this Wryae :P Thankyou 

Get your own Wolf/Dragon Hybrid!Unique creatures which you can personalize to create your own! Forever Yours!

7:32pm Sep 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 280
Hey, just curious, are you still planning on doing art of my snake(s) for me?  ^^

 photo ZaphieBannerProgress_zpsa364f1e4.gif

8:17am Sep 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 348
Yep, thorn <3 They'll definately be done today or tomorrow <3 Thankyou :)

Get your own Wolf/Dragon Hybrid!Unique creatures which you can personalize to create your own! Forever Yours!

4:00pm Sep 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,582
Username: lake
Payment: 20mil (for 2 pieces)
What You Want:

2 pieces please, with the two people doing anything you would possibly like. Be creative, I don't care what pose.

Two different pieces of full body transparent.
One with:http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/298/1/e/personal_griffin_by_lakeore-d5ixw7c.png

The other with the dragonhound (the wolf with horns and the forked tongue) here:




Other: nope *flopson*

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

8:18pm Sep 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 365
Username: Dragoon147

Payment: Pure tu, 15mil

What You Want: I have a character I'd love for you to do although I can't say I've many references. But the Full body + background is requested :3

Kojiro is just a big black lion with sapphire eyes, ravens wings and his back legs are like a birds.

References: http://i40.tinypic.com/23hpult
I can't find my other one but if I do I'll post it :).

Other: Nothing unless you need it. Kojiro is mostly nocturnal, though, so a night theme would suit him best.

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