Raylet's Art Thread

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10:37pm Sep 13 2011 (last edited on 1:27am Sep 29 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 78

ANNOUNCEMENT!!: I go to college as a full time student with classes that demand a large amount of my time. Please  remember, if you are going to ask for commissions from me, you may have to wait quite a while until your art is finished. Thank you <3


Because of the recent success and popularity of my past commission thread Quickie Commissions!, I've decided to reopen commissions, and keep a permanent thread open for all your commissioning needs. I can draw humans, OCs, anthos/furries, animals, and pretty much
anything you throw at me.

-----------------------  COMMISSION INFO  -----------------------

**I will need a reference in order to draw your character/oc/creatu/pet. If this is the first time you are having a character drawn, it is vital that you describe them and their personality as best as you can if you want me to portray them properly.

**All my commissions are saved with a transparent background, and are usually sketched on a small canvas. Drawings will be done bigger upon request.

**Because I am currently going to school, I will not take more than 3 slots at a time. You may not reserve slots, so check by often to see if there is an opening.

**I try to complete commissions in order received. If I have questions about a work, I will usually move onto another commission until I get a reply.

**When I finish your commission, I will promptly send you an rmail notifying you of its completion. Once I get a reply, I will send you your art.

 **If you want something different than the samples I have to offer, feel free to ask what I'm willing to do. I'm very flexible.

**I noticed in my last thread that I like to edit the first page a lot. So please be patient with me, and remember to check back often for offers and the such.

-----------------------  ARTWORK  -----------------------

Here are a few samples of what I have to offer.

Lineart-500ktle="" href="http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c292/KittyGoMou/f6e23f90.png">[x]

Flatcolor-1.5miltle="" href="http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c292/KittyGoMou/5b5df5d1.png">[x]

FullColor-2miltle="" href="http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c292/KittyGoMou/46d087ba.png">[x]

Not enough samples to convince you? Feel free to check out my deviant art.

-----------------------  ORDER FORM  -----------------------

[Please put your full user name. It makes it easier for me to keep track of orders.]

Type of commission:
[Lineart, Flatcolor, Fullcolor.]

Character to be drawn:
 references. If you have no references of the character, find references on google. I'm not picky.]

[Fill this out even if you have references.
 Please state a pose, and list a
couple of attributes of the character/pet/whatever youre having me


10:37pm Sep 13 2011 (last edited on 4:13pm Nov 20 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 78

-----------------------  SLOTS  -----------------------

1: LunchBoxBaby-fullcolor-Lunch+Shadow  *FINISHED*   - PAID

2: TheShadowWolf333-fullcolor-Zaffiro  *NOT STARTED*  - PAID

3: Meelanya-fullcolor-Akenia, Orchid Female Tesuri *NOT STARTED*  - PAID



10:37pm Sep 13 2011 (last edited on 4:19am Nov 20 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 78


12:27am Sep 14 2011


Posts: 348


Type of commission: 
Flat color

Character to be drawn: 
Two adult Shaefu's that are brothers.

Vyalam: Indigo


Xiezhi: Black


Their pet pages tell a little about them. Basically, Vyalam manifests the power of water, and Xiezhi the power of fire.

I'd really like a drawing of them playing/wrestling together. I leave creative licence up to you for if you want to draw some water and fire, or anything really! I'm not picky!

Some pose ideas:





1:09am Sep 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 78
Sure thing, Crow :3
I'll get started on it asap


1:58am Sep 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 455
subscribe, might be back later :)

2:20am Sep 14 2011 (last edited on 2:21am Sep 14 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 98


Type of commission:

Character to be drawn:
My tle="" href="http://i31.tinypic.com/13ygdbm.jpg">Fursona.

The only the face is more lion-like with a slightly longer snout and there's a small amount of fur under the tail. No necklace.
Varg is snobbish, cold, cruel, insane and has a sadistic manner about her. The pose is about that same or you could do whatever you want.

I see you shiver with antici... pation.
It\'s not easy having a good time! Even smiling makes my face ache!

2:29am Sep 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 78
I'll set you up with a slot, LoneVarg


2:31am Sep 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 455
Name: TokyoWolf

Type of commission: Fullcolor, 2 million

Character to be drawn: Me and my boyfriend as wolves :)

Deion: My boyfriend is a pure white wolf with sapphire blue eyes and kinda fluffier fur. So there really doesn't need to be a REF for him xD
For me though this is my fursona is below as my signature :P she has the same sapphire blue eyes, grey body, black markings and dark grey front and hind legs. heres another REF just incase :)

I would like my boyfriends wolf protecting me :)

except i would obviously like me as a wolf in the back instead of the girl :P and I would like myself to look like im scared :) also I would like my boyfriends tail to be up, like alpha males do when they see another male.

Thanks so much and im sorry if this seems like a lot, I cant thank you enough x.x If you have any questions, PLEASE Rmail me :)


2:33am Sep 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 78
Sure thing, Tokyo. You now have a slot.


2:34am Sep 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 455
thanks so much Raylet :)

11:27am Sep 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

//Waits until slots open again//
I need more art from you!!! :D


6:54pm Sep 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
Shoot, price rise. XD -flail- I'll stalk anyway, see how much money I can muster.  Glad to see you're getting business. :D


12:11am Sep 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 78
Yeah xD I needed to boost prices. I did 11 commissions, and I still didnt have enough for the dye kit I wanted. Go figure |D


12:21pm Sep 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 98

I see you shiver with antici... pation.
It\'s not easy having a good time! Even smiling makes my face ache!

8:56pm Sep 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 275


4:18pm Sep 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,893
Bump. Stalk.

i’m such a gamer uwu

1:08am Sep 20 2011 (last edited on 1:09am Sep 20 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
-Patiently waits for a slot- :>

Any chance I could bribe you for a slot? :U 


1:17am Sep 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 78
Hm... That would count as reserving a slot... xD
And, even though I LOVE tu and would LOVE to get more, because I'm busy with school I dont know how long it will take me to reopen my slots. If youve noticed, I technically have two open slots. I'm just not sure if I'm ready to commit to more art commissions. You'll just have to wait. I may take bribes later on when my school workload isnt so demanding.


1:23am Sep 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
I noticed... xD I figured you're busy but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask. 
Good luck with your school. :> I hope you don't get too much work~

I'll be stalking this whenever I have internet for a slot. |D

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