Heyyo~ I have a putty tat for you to draw :D
His name is Silverstorm owo
He is a silver tabby Norwegian forest cat with wings. ^^ His left eye is yellow, right is deep violet. He has a long black scar along his chest coming down from his left shoulder, which is kinda shaped like a lightning bolt. The squiggly lines around his paws are little sparks of electricity, kinda like on the zaphao's claws.
This is Lenny, the noble steed of the Butterfox. He is colored like the trance color variation on Res, kinda the same patterning as the meiko. His tongue is rainbow colored and his eyes are white. He can consume only pudding, for his lack of teeth makes chewing impossible. If you draw him, please draw the Butterfox somewhere on/near him? :3
You can just chose from either, or do both. I don't mind x3
Pssst also if you ever feel like trying your hand at some robutts I have a couple of references here: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/065/9/5/code_blue_and_catalyst_revised__trad__by_silverstormwarrior53-d796fia.jpg and http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/065/c/b/sentry_revised__trad__by_silverstormwarrior53-d796f1d.jpg