Banner Style: Avatar With Pets
Preferred Colours (If any): I like the colors black, and red. I would like the banner to look like mist because of my username. Make it look mysterious.
Creatu(s):Black liyure(baby form), stardust black shaefu(adult),black wyrea(adult),black stardust jahra(adult),black habbi(teen), and nattie liyure(baby form)
Main Text:SecretsOfTheShadows
Sub-text (If any): Can you keep a Secret?
Background Images (If one in mind): can’t think of one
Anything I need to know about this creatu/ banner? Can you have my avatar in the middle. Babies in the middle and adults on the end of both the left and right
(I.E is it a gift, does the creatu have something special that needs to go on the banner. Anything extra you can give me.
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