A marten with dragon wings, horns, and spots that resembles a cow's. It's like, black, grey and purple. Lime green eyes. o3o It's name is Sable <3
Fur is a silvery black, with darker grey horns and dragon wings. The spots are in her fur, and they are more of a purple colour. Any other details can be grey or pruple judging on how you think it would look.
Usually she wears a purple collar with silver spikes, and black/silver chains wrapped around her front right paw and tail, but that is completely optional.
she is long, and sleek, but very fluffy. o3o And cute.
Sable's famous quote is : 'I run through your wildest dreams, and live in your darkest nightmares.'
<3 <3 <3 Thanks. <3 <3 <3
Paying :
Up to 800K + A stocking of your choice from below:
and Veram.
Also, when the Iluvu hunt starts, 1-2 Iluvu eggs. (Possibly)
<3 <3 <3 <3
Size/Style/Coloured or Black & White doesn't matter to me, I'd just like for Sable to be drawn. <3
Pose one :
Without her saying, with the chains and collar. Lime green lettering floats above her said that says, "Welcome to Nom Shot." Under her, in smaller and slightly darker lettering, it says, "Hands off the merchandise." Done by Little Namine
Pose two :
Curled up in a ball, with an egg tucked against her. Egg - Perfectly circular, with little dragon wings sprouting out the sides of it. It's a deep purple colour with silver and black slash-like marks all over it. Done by
Pose three :
Sable is baring her sharp teeth, her weight on her haunches like she's going to spring. Her wings are spread from her side. Her eyes are narrowed in anger. !!will add extra 100K if you can draw her victim!!
Pose four :
Sable perched on a branch of a willow tree*, glaring down at you. (You're looking from below.) Above her head reads: "Lookie Here" in bright orange letters. Below her reads "Creatu for all the ages" in darker orange letters. Her chains are wrapped around the branch.
*Can be any type of tree, but willow is preferred.
Final Pose :
A plate of pancakes, loaded with butter and syrup. Sable is sitting next to it, a spork clamped between her jaws and her head cocked to the right. Done by tinyfreya
I will only pay if I deem the art worthy. Don't scribble something down and expect to recieve the tu, stocking and egg. If that's the case, leave now before I eat you.
I also DO NOT like repeats of the same pose. o3o Though, you can still try to top the one before you~