7:50pm Aug 27 2013
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Posts: 1,752
AstridMelody- ok, my brother is using the computer >.> I'm on my iPad so I'll try to see if I have time to put the coding up on my siggie tommorow.
8:18pm Aug 27 2013 (last edited on 8:43pm Aug 27 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,792
((Could I maybe pick up the barebat second in the third row, and a golden text?))
I look over the many barebats flitting around the corral. One catches my eye and I wave to mangodile who is currently helping some of the others from our ragtag hunting party find their new companions. I think the barebat is a male, and the name Dengue comes to mind when I see him, so I suppose that will be his name. While I wait I also go to look at the different books the Great Tree is able to offer. There's one that glitters slightly in the corner of my eye, and when I pick it up and heft it in my hand, I decide that I will inquire about it as well.
3:26am Aug 28 2013
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Posts: 1,477
Astrid: Male please, and could you name it Suton please? :3
4:58am Aug 28 2013
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Posts: 1,658
I made a bid on the sour fruit for 2.25mill
1:51am Aug 30 2013
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Posts: 1,477
3:32pm Aug 30 2013
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Posts: 743
Hey guys, sorry for the wait. I'm extending the auction til Labor Day. I've started school and have been too busy getting supplies. I refuse to buy college books until the first day of class, because I usually never need all of my books. Turns out I've hit an unlucky year and I need books for every single class, including classes that really and truly shouldn't need one. The teachers are just being butts. I can't get financial aid so I'm having to scrounge together some form of some extra money. But, I'll be working on replying to you guys asap and finishing various arts for the thread.
From here on out, I probably won't be able to respond a whole lot to just normal roleyplaying ( I.E. you interacting with your pets unless it is interactions that have a true consequence that is crucial to the storyline of this thread, or to help you get a better understanding of how your pets or interactions work. If you reply with something that won't have any effect, I may not be able to reply. I just don't have the time to do roleplay that is not necessary to discoveries and helping players.
On another note, I've had to open up art commissions as a last resort in attempt to get some actual financial help. If anyone here is interested, Rmail me. I don't believe real currency transactions are allowed here, but I'm just putting it out there that I've opened for commissions on an art site. I'm afraid i can't take TU at this time...I'm relying too heavily on...well...real life xP
Again, sorry for the delay. I'll be replying to all of you hopefully by the end of this weekend.

3:38pm Aug 30 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Das okay Astrid. <3
Also doing the book thing for the random books. I'll send the tu in a bit.
4:41pm Aug 30 2013
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Posts: 1,752
Its ok, school is starting for everyone. I hope it gets better c:!
3:39pm Sep 6 2013
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Posts: 743
Just a heads up, everyone.
Again, I apologize for the delay. Life has just been a bit busy lately and I've had to put commissions first and go through a few things with school. However, the auction for the seeds should be over by Saturday. I've been touching up the creatures that will be associated with them because the bids got high enough...and I felt like they needed to be enhanced. The original ideas I had for two of them, I thought were mediocre for their own bid.
For those of you who have sent me TU, and I have not responded with an update yet on a BareBat adoption or anything, PLEASE remind me who you are. I don't have alot of time today to go through all my alerts to find them, so if you could remind me so you're not left without the thing you paid for, it would be great.
Thanks guys. And if you're still wantin to bid on the seeds, you have a a day or two left. I said saturday but it might linger til Monday. Hopefully It will be saturday evening though.
3:41pm Sep 6 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,792
((Could I maybe pick up the barebat second in the third row, and a golden text?))
I look over the many barebats flitting around the corral. One catches my eye and I wave to mangodile who is currently helping some of the others from our ragtag hunting party find their new companions. I think the barebat is a male, and the name Dengue comes to mind when I see him, so I suppose that will be his name. While I wait I also go to look at the different books the Great Tree is able to offer. There's one that glitters slightly in the corner of my eye, and when I pick it up and heft it in my hand, I decide that I will inquire about it as well.
Here you go Astrid :) no problems, sent the tu already I think? |
4:06pm Sep 6 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,586
5mil on the sweet seed please o3o
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
4:16pm Sep 6 2013 (last edited on 4:34pm Sep 6 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,752
Astrid, do you mind if i bid 2.250k on the tangy? ;o; Your fruit crocs are soo pretty.
4:25pm Sep 6 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
There's a minimum bid increase Holidays. That your bid doesn't match. unu
4:34pm Sep 6 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,752
Ah, sorry didn't see that. Editing my post.
9:50pm Sep 6 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,658
I sent tu already for one of the bats. But you told me I have to wait since I did not participate in the event.
9:57pm Sep 6 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
I would like to place a bid of 3 mil on the tangy seed please. uvu
3:29pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 743
I'll be going through and trying to reply to various interactions now. Because it has been a long time, the remaining participants who have NOT commented will now be sort of null and void. They are allowed to still claim one, but because others cannot wait forever, their abilities to 'pick first' have been set to the side. From now on, anyone can adopt BareBats that are remaining.
I am hoping to set loose another event soon that will summon some creatures, but I want to wait until the new area is discovered. Because of this, I might speed up the process for all of the visitors to migrate to another portal.
I may start a roleplay forum for you guys to just have random fun amongst yourselves, but I don't really have time to monitor it. SO...if anyone wants to start a roleplay forum based upon the events of The Vale, rmail to discuss it. It might be fun for those of you who want to role play with your creatures and the environment, and I may pop in from time to time with Mangodile and other characters that will be mine. Because my roleplaying can only go so far on this thread, and you guys seem to like to make posts that really won't affect anything regardless. This will give you all a chance to simply interact with each other without me worrying about it if will affect something within the actual story or within chances to make events and other things. If someone wants to start one though, I implore you to have a good team of people to monitor it, and try to stick to the actual environment of the CURRENT portal that everyone is in withing the original adoptables thread of The Vale.
I also must deeply apologize, but I don't think I will be shading the creatures anymore unless specifically requested. Shading just takes a little bit longer with me and with the way my schedule has been, you guys will get your creatures and events coming around faster if I just don't shade new creatures. Creatures already in existence will have shading, but new ones that are being made will no longer automatically come with shaded layers unless someone really badly wants that to happen. I simply don't have the time to worry about it with every single piece of art within this thread.

4:16pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 743
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holidays321-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you sing the peaceful song, the book shakes slightly. The cover glistens and the pages brighten up. Soft whispers fade around you...although you couldn't make out the language or what they were saying, the voices sounded pleased and content. It appears you have reached the magic of your book again. Maybe next time you interact with it, it will be more responsive.
4:29pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 743
Doctor - You can interact with your book yes. Just remind me which book you were buying, ahaha. <_>;
KittyKat - Doctor got to that one first I believe. Unless I misread your comment. First one on row 2? Remember that the one with only 2 BareBats count as a row as well.
ShaoXBaby23 has Adopted Dengue
The visitor appraches the corral with her mind set on a peculiar BareBat with red tinted wings and splotched dark skin. As it flaps in the air, it clumsily dives down and tumbles on the ground, flipping around and landing with a thud right in front of the visitor's feet. Its tail flops over its head as it looks up to you with an awkward and silly smirk, then chitters happily, twitching its ears.You have also received a Mysterious Golden Text and may now interact with it.

4:32pm Sep 7 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 743
Frank - You may adopt a BareBat now, sorry if I didn't specify.