4:37pm Sep 7 2013
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I look down at Dengue and giggle as he flops down at my feet. "You're so adorable you know?" I wave thanks to Mangodile and crouch down to pet little Dengue. He starts making a strange humming noise and flicks his tail back and forth slowly as if he's in a trance. I experiment with petting him then stopping and realize that it must be him purring, because each time I stop be gives me a strange look and the sound stops. "Hm, what should I do now?" I look to where I placed the book and pick it up, feeling a strange warmth emanating from it. "Do you want me to read this to you, Dengue?" He nods a bit and I realize how tired Dengue is. It must be from being captured and held in the corral, then trained and given an owner all in the same day. "I guess anyone would be tired. Okay then buddy, I'll read you a bedtime story." I sit down and he curls up in my lap, his head resting on my stomach. His ears flick every once and a while as I open the book and begin to read to him.
(uses the mysterious golden text)

4:54pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 1,586
[[I bought the crimson manual. ]]
With her barebat behind her, flapping slightly as she walked, the girl began to explore the area she was in. After all, she had been tossed into this so quickly that she hadn't been able to get a good look around. There happened to be quite a few people walking away from a certain area to her left. They had books in their hands or other animals in tow. A library maybe? Bookstore? Turns out, not quite to that extent but there was a pile of books with a little man selling them. With what money she had left in her pockets, she paid the man for a crimson covered one. There was no deion on the back about the story or even what it was for so she was winging it in buying this. It turns out, she couldn't even read it. Maybe it was an instruction book to how to survive in this crazy world. Her fingers traced the words for a moment before turning to ask the man for a piece of paper and a pen. Maybe she could try to translate it to English. Look for words in common. Slowly with her pen in hand, she began to gaze intently at the words, looking for runes in common and in possible sequences.
[[Basically, she is trying to solve it like a puzzle. You know, like the ones you find in the newspaper where there are random symbols that take the place of words.]]
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
4:55pm Sep 7 2013 (last edited on 4:55pm Sep 7 2013)
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Posts: 743
Auction Ending Soon
I will be ending the auction between 6pm and 10pm (basically in the next 5 hours or something).
I'll be ending the basic storyline of The Great Tree after the Auction is completed. We will be moving on to the next portal after this as well ( but I gotta finish the art for the area lolol ).
As a teaser, Yes, the next portal will be in relation to Halloween. If you like spooky cute things, stay tuned for the next auction and possible swarm if someone makes it happen, though I might also just have an automatic one.
6:05pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 743
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ShaoXbaby23's Book Interactions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shao sits down with her newly adopted partner. Dengue chitters and nuzzles against the book as you try your best to read through it, though to no avail. The runes are far too foreign to you, and cannot be read. Suddenly Dengue stiffens and leans back...his eyes narrow and glaze over. He snarls and twitches for a moment, then sneezes right towards your book. A few pages fly over, then a small slip of paper tears from one of the sheets from the force of the sneeze. It floats off in the wind, carried by Dengue's sneeze. Your book remains intact, but it looks like some sort of potential treasure has fallen from it. Will you attempt to get it back?
6:07pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 11,785
(Psst Astrid. <3 I sent the tu for the book randomization thing~)
6:16pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 1,792
I look, bewildered as something floats from the book. I run around the room trying to catch it while Dengue falls back, making a strange gurgling noise that I assume is laughter.
6:38pm Sep 7 2013 (last edited on 6:38pm Sep 7 2013)
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Posts: 1,752
3.25 mil on tangy please.
6:39pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 11,785
3.5 on tangy. :I
6:40pm Sep 7 2013 (last edited on 6:41pm Sep 7 2013)
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6:45pm Sep 7 2013
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4 mil on tangy. :T
6:47pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 1,752
4.25 on tangy.
6:51pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 1,752
Holidays looked at the book, "look" she whispered to Shima. She started singing even louder and waited. It seemed to like music.
(kind of short.)
7:37pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 11,785
5 mil on tangy.
7:40pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 1,752
2.50 on sour c:
7:43pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 743
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor has made a Discovery!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor was successful in identifying some runes of The Vale's ancient language. Although their language is very complicated, you were able to find out some basic meanings of two runes. The ability to decipher two different runes is a rare and lucky occassion. Runes can be useful as to be able to identify and search for specific ones you may already know. If you search for and find a rune that you have deciphered, you can be forewarned to things that may happen. You can use this knowledge to potentially counter or avoid curses or blessings. You can also use this knowledge as potential clues for what may be lying in a portal and may even be activated to trigger events. They have many different uses, but some things will only happen if you have combined runes available to you or find multiple ones in the same area. Runes can also be used for casting magic during battles or swarms, and be used for casting magic to add to recipes to create new objects.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have received the Blessing of Intuition!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your curious studies have been rewarded by the ancient spirits within the book you hold. You now have an ability to search for Runes that you understand. You can also attempt to learn more, though some books will only offer the ability to learn some or none at all. Those who have the Blessing of Intuition can meditate once a day. Meditation can have various affects depending on the Rune that they meditate with. You choose the rune that you have already discovered and focus all of your energy on it and completely envelop your mind around it. Doing this may help you to find uses for these Runes in recipes. Meditation only helps you find uses for Runes, so you must meditate with a Rune and some other ob ject to find out if it can be used in a recipe. (I.E. - Meditating with a discovered rune while holding a chipped claw may make something happen ) Scraps of paper that are salvaged from books cannot be used to learn new runes, but you can search for Runes that you already know on them. This Blessing will never go away, but can be enhanced. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor's Book Interactions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor's intuitive actions with her book seem to trigger something within the crimson manual. You hear faint whispers suddenly surrounding you. Your BareBat tilts its head to the side, seemingly able to hear them as well. As your fingers trace certain runes the voices become louder and more distinct...you can hear them whisper some words that you are able to understand! As you connect some runes to others, they light up and the whispers become louder but more focused. This happens with two different combinations of runes that you study...you think you've identified how to read them! Sanctuary/Completion/Wholeness/PerfectionThe Whispers have revealed certain English translations to you for this rune combination. Portal/Entrance/Doorway/PathThe Whispers have revealed certain English translations to you for this rune combination.Your book remains intact, and you now understand 2 Runes. Consider this part of your inventory.

7:51pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 743
RikatheFallen - Please remind me of what book you wanted/what you are talking about xD I'm so sorry I've lost track of alot.
Holidays321 - I'm afraid any other interactions you may do will not have an affect, for you have already done your action with the book for the day.
ShaoXBaby23's Interactions
Try as you may, sadly the wind has carried the page too far into the sky and far past the forest. Dengue looks sad and whimpers a little as he watches you chase after it. He flies into the air, but a strong gale knocks him off balance. He lands and tumbles about to your feet, looking up at you with a slight frown and a small whimper as if apologizing.
Sorry, you have failed to loot the page.
7:52pm Sep 7 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 11,785
xD I'm getting a book to replace the one that broke earlier on. uvu The one where I don't pick the book.
7:54pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 1,752
(ah ok c: I'm still getting the hang of things on this thread, it's very fun though and I quite like it.)
8:02pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 743
Auction Ending Shortly
One Hour remains for the Auction. (9:00 PM)
You will all be transported to the next Portal no later than Sunday evening or sooner. A new auction will begin once transported, or a day after. If actions are posted that I have not gotten to, I will complete them first, so transportation might run late if I am having to reply to many people. If BareBats are still remaining, they will be kept in the next Portal's taming area and will still be up for adoption.
8:04pm Sep 7 2013
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Posts: 1,752
(I'm so excited <3 but lol the fruit crocodiles just randomly brought back memories of me as a little kid. :l )