3:27am Aug 25 2013
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Posts: 1,792
Well since I'm watching a movie now, sounds like a good idea. Looking around for pieces to build a net, I pick up a few things, look them over and discard them. Eventually I find some nice pieces to use, but I know nothing about making a net. Oh well, here goes nothing.
3:33am Aug 25 2013 (last edited on 3:49am Aug 25 2013)
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Posts: 1,477
Kitty approaches the creature, taking care with every step, as to not startle the black bare-bat. As soon as she gets close enough, she throws the net, hoping it won't miss the soon-to-be-angered animal
3:36am Aug 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 163
(The very last one lvl7 c:)
Cloaked hurries past Kitty and stops as he chooses his next target. This barebat seemed to be a splotchy gray-white. He knows his net has a small chance at capturing this target, yet he still goes for it. With a war whoop he runs over to his target trying to get it's attention.
3:45am Aug 25 2013
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Posts: 743
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KittyKat43239's Encounters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A fierce looking BareBat approaches the visitor, KittyKat with an obvious amount of moxie and brutality. As she tosses her net into the air, the creature swoops with grace and shrieks mockingly. However, just as the creature's pride set in, its left wing talon yanked back. Kitty's net grazed past the creature and managed to take it down, despite its awesome strength and whit! As it falls through the sky, the net scratches and tears upon the BareBat's wings, ripping a patch of its leathery membrane, and falling to the ground.
Because the BareBat nearly escaped and was caught in an awkward position, Kitty's net unfortunately tears. It is still usable and still very sturdy, but now has a handicap. Soon, the BareBat tires itself, and Mangodile rushes over, taking it to be tamed in the corral.Your net is very strong, but your even stronger opponent has weakened it. Fortunately you have a chance at some loot! Will you attempt to take the Leathery Patch?

3:49am Aug 25 2013
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Posts: 743
ShaoXBaby23 has Obtained a Net and Joins the Fray!
As you scurry to find a net in the chaos of the swarm, you successfully build something from nearby materials. Your net has a very high efficiency with a level of 9.
You may now attempt to challenge a creature!
3:52am Aug 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,792
Cool! First row middle I suppose? Hunkering down in the bushes, I comb my hands through my hair and wipe the sweat off of my face, preparing to enter the swarm. Two people are already there, and I study their techniques. The barebats are darting this way and that, I focus on one, and brace myself. Suddenly I burst from the bushes, and charge in screaming, throwing my net over the barebat, hoping that I caught it, and hoping it will hold.
3:59am Aug 25 2013
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Posts: 743
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloaked's Encounters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The grey splotched BareBat coos and snaps its jaws as a bit of fruit juice runs from its lips. It flaps its wings and cries out as Cloaked rushes toward it. The creature can barely take flight from its perch in The Great Tree before the brave visitor's net wraps around and entangles it, then falls to the ground. The Blessed visitor seems to be having incredible luck, but will it last?Cloaked's net takes no damage this round.Soon, the BareBat tires itself, and Mangodile rushes over, taking it to be tamed in the corral.You have captured this BareBat with complete ease, and received no damage! You appear to still have loot to collect, however. Remember to choose which piece you would like to attempt to collect from your previous catch. The venom, or the talon?

4:04am Aug 25 2013
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Posts: 1,477
Kitty notices that her Net wasn't half the quality it was before, and is confident she'll be able to repair it. She calms herself down and attempts to reach for the leathery patch...
4:07am Aug 25 2013
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Posts: 163
(Top, far right one Lvl4)
Cloaked decides on trying to pick up the venom. After trying, he picks his next target and leaps into the fray! He hopes his luck holds! He takes on a a white-ish one with beautiful blue wings in hopes of capturing it. He throws his net as he runs, hoping his toss was just right.
4:11am Aug 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 743
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ShaoXBaby23's Encounters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new visitor enters the battlegrounds in the swarm, net readied and focused. She leaps out with stealth and flings her sturdy net across the fields. The net snags onto the tail's barb and wings of a brown, above-average BareBat. The barb spasms and cracks, chipping off the sharper part of the barb and sending it flying down to the ground. The tip of it leaks venom onto the ground, but it is absorbed by the earth almost instantly. Before the BareBat completely loses control, it flaps its wings in shock and fear as it topples to the ground, landing with a thud. Shao's net managed to avoid any damages!Soon, the BareBat tires itself, and Mangodile rushes over, taking it to be tamed in the corral.You have captured a BareBat and have even found a fine tuft of hair from its mane entangled in your net! You also have knocked a part of its tail off and can loot that item if you wish! Will you attempt to collect only one item, or both? If one, specify which.

4:12am Aug 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 743
Going to bed for th night, guys, I'm sorry. I will continue this asap tomorrow afternoon!
Kitty just made a new discovery btw. I'll explain later.
4:20am Aug 25 2013 (last edited on 4:20am Aug 25 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,792
Whoo! *fist pump* success, and my net is still in great condition *hefts it*. Gee though I didn't think it'd put up that much of a fight. I need to improve my technique drastically if I want to catch even stronger ones. *looks down* Oh, it's a... stinger of some sort? Must've been part of the tail. Cool a souvenir! *attempts to collect it*
(Gnight Astrid!)
5:20am Aug 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 1,477
Ooh~ Cool :D
6:22am Aug 25 2013 (last edited on 6:42am Aug 25 2013)
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Posts: 11,785
This one, level five ;v; might I try to capture it?)
Rika searches long and hard for what she believes the best possible items to build a net with are. She groans in frustration and nearly gives up several times until she holds her finished net up triumphantly.
6:24am Aug 25 2013 (last edited on 6:53am Aug 25 2013)
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Posts: 1,752
Holidays321 looks around to see if she can find something to build a net with. She picks up her book and looks at it, it seemed as if these books were much more powerful than she had thought.
lol i had to go yesterday.
(may i try to catch the level 2 in row 2? c:)
9:56am Aug 25 2013
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Posts: 316
ShadowWolf Hurries to help the others. May I try to catch the level 2 on row 3?
10:38am Aug 25 2013
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Posts: 743
KittyKat43239 Has Made A Discovery!
I'm unsure if you meant that in this context, but I assumed you meant to try to repair the net with your loot. In the future, discoveries like this need to be made when specific actions are taken. From now on I won't automatically assume things like this while loot is being attempted to pick up. I was just tired and dumb when I said that, and didn't wanna go back on my word that you did, indeed, make a discovery. In the future, visitors need to get their loot, and then once I assure them they've obtained it successfully, you can perform an action with an item to see if they can indeed be used for something during an Event to help you with your actual equipment.
KittyKat43239 is successful in looting the Leathery Patch, and has determined that it can be used to repair her net! As she fiddles with the Leathery Patch, she manages to stretch the leather over the rips and fixes the net with great success. It has been repaired completely, and has gone up one level from before!
Kitty's net is now a full level ten! Kitty's Leathery Patch has been used up.
Leathery Patches can be used for repairs to any equipment used for battles against Swarms. The probability of success is average. This item may has more uses to discover.

12:36pm Aug 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 743
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloaked's Encounters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +++Cloaked is successful in looting the venom, and managed to collect it into a pristine bottle. Your collection is very potent and of high quality. Hold onto it, for it may come in handy later!+++ As Cloaked readies himself to try for his next opponent after collecting his prize from the first catch, the pale BareBat cries out and hisses, having observed its fallen comrades' mistakes. The Blessed visitor tosses his net, though it looks like it might miss! The creature panics and ends up flying straight into the net! It falls towards a tree and gets snagged, cutting into the net. By some awful luck, the creature has managed to escape!Unfortunately your net has flown off course and landed in a nearby tree. You manage to get it down, but it has taken very heavy damage. Your net's level has fallen drastically. (level 4.5)Cloaked's net has taken alot of damage, and sadly there was no loot to be found.

12:43pm Aug 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 743
ShaoXBaby23's Encounters
ShaoXBaby23 has managed to gather her prize from a previous capture. You store the sharp, hollowed stinger in your pack, careful not to prick yourself with it. It may come in handy later.
12:57pm Aug 25 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 743
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RikaTheFallen has Obtained a Net and Joins the Fray!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the newest visitor fumbles to find something to help capture the beasts, she finds some small twine and such to build her net. The BareBats keep diving down at her, disrupting her work, and affecting the quality of her net. Your net has a very low efficiency with a level of 2, though it may still be used to capture!(In the future, you should generally wait to choose your opponent after you've known if your net is successful. If your roll was a 1, your net would have completely failed. Just FYI :) Your capture roll got very lucky this time with such a low net, but just warning you for next time~) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RikaTheFallen's Encounters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rika stands ready with her net, though it is weaker, with a fierce determination. She targets one of the flying creatures and slings her net high into the air, cutting off the BareBats gliding patterns. Amazingly, she manages to catch the average-leveled creature and it falls to the ground while spinning.Your net has received no damage, as if the creature was too shocked to put up a struggle.Soon, the BareBat tires itself, and Mangodile rushes over, taking it to be tamed in the corral.Your net has taken no damage, and there was no loot to be found.
