Secrets of the Vale

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1:00pm Aug 25 2013

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Posts: 743

I need to help with some catering but I will finish up Shadow and Holidays's posts as soon as I can. Those that have been replied to are free to create another post. My apologies to the ones that had a bit of bad luck! You guys are doing great though, despite the generators. Yall are so gutsy, and the swarm's numbers have dwindled.


1:08pm Aug 25 2013

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Posts: 11,785
Rika squeals in delight and gathers up her net. Before taking on another member of the swarm, she decides to see if she can make her net a bit better.

((If this is allowed. ovo))


1:19pm Aug 25 2013

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Posts: 1,586
The girl had always liked adventure. Really, it was just a fascinating combination of luck and risk, adventure. The Vale, however, that she had near fallen into, was full of alot of things she had never hoped to expect. And... it seemed she had come in at a inopportune time. There were creatures, a swarm, flying around and other people already beginning to defend or capture the batlike creatures. Maybe, just maybe, she could join in. They were brandishing swords and nets as weapons and even, it seemed, as means to capture the bat creatures. Perhaps there was a spare net around that the girl could find, being more of a pacifist. If you could capture it rather than hurt it, that would be for the best. Her hazel eyes began to search the area for one of these nets, hoping that there would be one left that no one had yet found.

[[I am trying to understand the process of this. >X> Lake is normally confused at things if they are complicated BUT I am going to try. Tell me if this is okay. :x]]

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

1:44pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 163
(Can I try to capture the same one?)

Cloaked hurries to retrieve his net. He wasn't going to give up on that Barebat. He looks around until he sees it and slowly creeps up, hoping it hasn't noticed him. He wanted to throw his net again, but he didn't want to damage it any more. With a shrug, he tosses again, hoping it hits his target.

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5:07pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
[I'll go for the last Lvl 8 one in the 2nd row]
Knowing that her net is fully capable of capturing this certain barebat, Kitty approaches the creature with full confidence. 
The Barebat seems to notice her presence, but doesn't seem to move.
And with a strong swing of her arm, Kitty throws the net with a good level of accuracy...


5:54pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
I am extremely confused, could anyone simplify how this works to a very clueless Sona?


6:15pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 163

You may try and build a net or find a weapon. If you succeed in finding or building you can attempt to attack a Barebat. If you have a net, and you win, you will capture your opponent. If you have a weapon you will kill or drive it away. You get items from killing them and you if you capture them, you can buy them after the swarm is gone.

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6:23pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
yes, I got that part. But... who's to say I caught the creature? What do I build my weapon / net with? 


6:32pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 163
This is sorta like a roleplay. You can decide what you wanna do. Like if I said...

" Cloaked searches frantically for something to build a net with. He picks up a few vines and sticks and starts working"


"Cloaked looks for something to use as a weapon. He spots a hefty branch and picks it up. Maybe this would do?"

You have to leave something like that. You can't say I built a net. AstridMelody decides that for you. After you write something, she will reply.

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6:35pm Aug 25 2013 (last edited on 6:35pm Aug 25 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Ohh, I get it. :o
So when do we know when the swarm is coming through? 


6:39pm Aug 25 2013 (last edited on 6:40pm Aug 25 2013)

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Posts: 163
Astrid Melody wrote this. Thought we could all pop it up to the front. Page 4 to see all the pictures of the Barebats

"Secrets of the Vale


The Swarm is Here!


The shrieking creatures draw closer until they are right on top of the auction grounds. Their forms are completely revealed, and visitors can see the creatures fully now, as they zoom through the skies and hover while shrieking and batting their wings heavily as a threat display. Some even flap towards The Great Tree itself and begin to munch on the fruits.

BareBats have invaded the portal of The Great Tree! These nasty creatures seem to come from the Acid Swamps, where chemicals have seeped into their portal and mutated every creature within. BareBats are mostly hairless aside from the small mane atop their heads and around their necks. Their tails are equipped with a sharp barb, filled with some rather nasty poison! They are travel in large groups in their natural environment, and have seemingly bottomless stomachs. They eat everything in sight as long as it smells sweet.

 The scent of the fruits has lured them from the broken link hole. Quickly! We must do something to stop them or else they will completely devour our food source and kill the trees!


Defend The Great Tree!


Visitors! Take action and strike now! Use your nets or weapons. New visitors may join the fight at any time, just pick your method to help us and step in! This may take a while to handle, so act cautiously, help your friends, and possibly invite others to help take arms in capturing or defeating these creatures!

<- Levels ->
1 : X : 4

<- Levels ->
X : 1 : 8

<- Levels ->
2 : 1 : X

<- Levels ->
8 : X : X

The difficulty level of these creatures are labeled from left to right below them.

An 'X' in place of their level means they have been captured or defeated.

Visitors, choose your individual opponents. You may post your action, and then your success rate will be determined through the same generator that determined the levels of these BareBats.

If you participate in this event, please read the guidelines posted on the front of this thread, under one of the new discoveries. There will be an entry speaking of Swarms. Please read this to know how to interact, and read others previous actions for examples on how to enter your action. It can be very creative and perhaps a paragraph long, or just one simple sentence.

Remember, you may see the BareBats and like them now, but you are only given the option to help capture or defeat them. After the event is over, captured ones will be tamed in the corral by Mangodile, and will be available for purchase as special event companions.

If you fall in battle, you must defend yourself. ( You will no longer be able to post actions, aside from S.O.S's. Another visitor must sacrifice their turn at an action to perform a 'Rescue' and get you back on your feet to fight and give you a weapon. )

If someone chooses to fight them with a weapon, the creature they kill will be destroyed. It will no longer be a design available for purchase, but remember, if one is killed, you can salvage their parts, which will come in handy later.


Fight. Explore. Discover.

For The Vale!"

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7:08pm Aug 25 2013 (last edited on 10:55pm Aug 25 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
It wasn't like Sona to go out on life-threatening adventures just for the heck of it, but that particular day, she was feeling especially adventurous. Sona gathered an armful thick vines from nearby trees, planning to weave them together to make a net.


8:07pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,792
*nudges Astrid* Bid 2mil on the sour seed please? :3


10:46pm Aug 25 2013

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Posts: 743
Sonador ( and anyone else still a bit confused ):

To explain better, I suggest reading the very front page's various groups for information. The discovery of 'events' is what you want to check. The event this thread is going through right now is called A Swarm.

Swarms are special events that come by rarely, whether by chance ( if I just want to release a new lesser creature into the wild ) or by special event that can be caused by the 'visitors' ( you guys ). Swarms have a lengthy preparation time, and the thread will be updated no less than three times about it. Players have time to find a net or weapon before the Swarm hits, and new players coming in can still try too.

Your reply to obtain a net was okay, but you can't actually say that you built the net. How I determine everything in this thread, is by a percentage calculator sometimes, or a random number generator. The Events are mostly controlled by's number generator. When people 'search' for weapons or nets, they must say something like this:

"I search for tools to make a net" (or weapon, if you choose to fight)

OR you can make it elaborate like some people here are doing, and actually describe yourself going out and searching through the environment.

We are currently in the portal of The Great Tree within The Vale. Other places will be different, and will have different things for building tools. Here, you can indeed opt to explore a forest type setting. But some places may be...for example...clockwork. This does not necessarily affect your odds, but it will affect how you write your responses. Just be true to how the story is going and where we currently are.

When you DO make your post about searching for a tool, you must write JUST the action of searching. Again, it can be simple, or detailed, but it cannot actually godmod and say "Yes, I have succeeded in building a net completely". Eventually I will be ignoring this and just play overrule anyone's mistake in saying this unless it is highly detailed, as if they have actually gone forth with a high quality net and has explained that they are successful no matter what. That's not how this works. Your chances are all randomly generated.

If you search for your tool, I use the generator. I roll from 1-10. The number that is generated will be your net or tool's 'Level'.

A level 10 net/weapon will ALWAYS catch/defeat your first opponent. Even if it does NOT get damaged during your first encounter, the second time you will still have a slight chance to fail. If a 1 is generated, your attempt to craft a net or weapon completely fails. If you fail at crafting, you may try to build the opposite option from what you chose. ( I.E, if you failed to craft a net, try a weapon. If you failed a weapon, try the net. )

If you manage to fail at crafting BOTH, you must wait until the next day to try to craft again. You can still participate in the Swarm though, by being on the sideline as a 'Rescuer'. Visitors may rescue fallen friends who have broken their nets or weapons and have to spend their turns defending themselves from the Swarm. During that time they're pretty much stuck and cannot do anything to help or fight or try to capture anything.

So basically, your post needs to be edited a bit. You may search and attempt to build your net from vines. Just don't count the part where you are supposedly successful. :>


10:49pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Oh, I see. c:
I did read the entire first post, but a few things were worded a bit weirdly. I didn't quite understand, so yeah, I'll go edit my post now.
Thanks. <333


10:50pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 163
Oh dear.

I'm sorry Sona. I didn't explain anything worth anything. :U I think I confused some of you. From now on I won't say a peep. :X
(Except to rollplay. Barebat Imma eat you)

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10:56pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Edited, does that look okay?


11:07pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 743

Holidays321 has Obtained a Net and Joins the Fray!


The newest visitor to join the battle against the Swarm has amazingly managed to find sturdy materials and built a fully efficient net of level 10! Although her bad luck with her book had sparked this event, perhaps her luck was turning around!


Holidays321's Encounters


Holidays, the newest visitor to join the fight, stands ready with her well-crafted net. She locks her eyes onto a pale BareBat with splotched skin. The creature shrieks and flies in circles around in the air, panicking as the swarm's numbers become smaller and smaller. With a steady toss, the net flies into the air and wraps around the entire body of the BareBat, weighing it down and falling to the earth.

As the BareBat struggles, your net is ripped slightly from the creatures' thrashings.

Soon, the BareBat tires itself, and Mangodile rushes over, taking it to be tamed in the corral.

Your net has taken some damage, and there was no loot to be found.


11:09pm Aug 25 2013

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Posts: 743
ShadowWolf, Holidays claimed that number before you. May I ask you to pick another?

( however, Holidays, you did say "Level 2 on Row 2"...there is no level 2 on row two, so I assumed you meant row 3. If it was a mistype, I will adjust the BareBat you captured, but your results will not change, because of the level of net you have.


11:12pm Aug 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 743

you may not attempt to repair your net, because you have no items to test out this possibility, sorry!

Reminder for everyone with a book:

Today marked a new day. You have an option to test out your books if you so desire, but you have full permission to wait until the event is over. Your books will not affect the event unless you are currently equipped with a weapon. All of you have chosen net so far, so you don't have to worry about it.

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