Secrets of the Vale

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1:00pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 153
ok well if that one get adopted then ill wait for the next activity

Thank you OmennaApple for the beautiful Gondra!rnrnPocket Creatures, New Halloween Special>last pocket creature made>>

1:04pm Aug 27 2013

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Posts: 743

RikatheFallen has Looted a Torn Page


You chase after your companion who is sort of hopping and flapping his wings. As you call out to him, he slows down, not wanting to disobey his new owner. He whimpers and looks down at the page in his mouth with concern, then drops it into your hands. The edges are a little slimy with saliva.

You've received a Page of Runes I !


1:14pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
May I adopt the 1st one in the 3rd row? I want it to be male and named Bujinggo. I shall send the tu now.

Also, I would like to bid 2.25mill on the Sour fruit.


1:14pm Aug 27 2013

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Posts: 11,785
Rika reaches out to pet Kio, praising him for returning the page before she looks down at it. She shifts the book she hods in her arm to trace her fingers over the symbols again, murmuring softly as she tilts her head curiously.


1:21pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 743
Frank - I'm sorry but I gotta let the people who participated in the swarm pick first. If you want to, you can just hold your place by sending payment ahead of time and basically garunteeing you will be getting a leftover BareBat after everyone has chosen one that is supposed to go first.

But if you'd rather wait just in case, I can send back your TU.

I may adjust the rules for this later, since it does seem that the actual participants are not replying as fast as others may really need them to.


1:22pm Aug 27 2013

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Posts: 743
Rika - Sorry but I need to make sure of what you are doing. Are you using the book again, or the page? You cannot use the book again for today. Just wanted to be sure I understood.


1:28pm Aug 27 2013

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Posts: 11,785
(Just the page. uvu)


1:30pm Aug 27 2013

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Posts: 4,355
Sona takes the cracked book and sets it in her lap, then begins to flip through it with her brows furrowed in concentration. Jasper leans over her shoulder and watches her read, curiosity dancing in his wide eyes.


1:42pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
It's ok. I shall wait for a guaranteed pet as soon as others have chosen.


1:44pm Aug 27 2013 (last edited on 1:44pm Aug 27 2013)

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Posts: 743

RikatheFallen has made a Discovery!


RikatheFallen has discovered a Curse. Curses can alter your companion, or hurt them. If you have items, you can attempt to use them to help your pet or possibly reverse the Curse, but with very small odds. If you've already used your items for the day, you must wait until tomorrow to try to help your pet. However, something may happen in the future that may help out with curses and blessings alike. Just be patient, and don't worry too much. Be strong for your companion.


RikatheFallen's Page of Runes I


The ripped page lies still in your hands as you trace the runes again. The runes flicker the same violet light again, though it fades. It's as if being torn has depleted its magic. However, as you look over you notice Kio smacking his tongue in his mouth and coughing, then doubling over and whimpering, wrapping his wings around his stomach area. Your torn page suddenly begins to hiss and simmer, the pages turn to a dark purple, then black. The edges crumple and appear burned, then fall into ashes, then blows into the wind. Kio shrieks and shakes his head, looking up at you with worry.

Your torn page is destroyed, and gone forever.


Kio has been Cursed...


Your pet seems pale and frightened. It would appear your action with your item has taken a toll for the worse. Comfort your companion while he recovers from the initial affects of this curse. You don't know what is happening to your pet, yet...all you can do is hope that he will recover soon.


1:57pm Aug 27 2013

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Posts: 11,785
Rika makes a startled sound and kneels down beside her Barebat to heft him into her arms and hold him close, apologizing for what she had done to him. The poor thing looked terrified and she felt absolutely terrible for it as well. Hopefully she could find a cure or that he would recover soon...


3:15pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 743
Sonador's Book Interactions


Sona lies back and studies the alabaster leather text with interest. Jasper studies it curiously along with her and chitters softly to himself. As the visitor flips through the pages, suddenly a small piece of paper falls from two pages that had been folded together. The wind picks the piece of paper up and carries it off in the distance.

Your book remains intact, but it looks like some sort of potential treasure has fallen from it. Will you attempt to get it back?


3:23pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 743

RikatheFallen's Interactions


As you hug Kio close to your body, he smiles and chitters softly. He moves his wings around you and hugs you back tightly. He stares into your eyes and nods with a soft little chirp. He appears to be telling you he will be okay, although he does seem to wince and rub at his head a little, as if feeling a bit of a headache.


3:37pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Yes I shall!
Sona watches as slip of paper drifts off into the wind. She knew what happened to Rika's poor Barebat when she looked at the stray piece of paper, but she decided to take the risk. She stuffed the old, cracked book under her arm and took off after the piece of paper, Jasper following behind.


3:41pm Aug 27 2013

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Posts: 163
Cloaked was wandering around with Festus on his pant leg when he comes upon Rika and her Barebat. Something seemed wrong though. He sees the Barebat rubbing at it's head and then his eyes shoot to the book. What had happened in here? He wondered. Walking slowly up to Rika, so he didn't frighten her Barebat anymore than it was already, he sets out his backpack and begins digging. Within a few minutes he pulls out a vial of venom. "I dunno if this will do anything. In fact it might do the opposite. But it's worth a try if you really want it." He says holding his offering out to Rika.

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3:56pm Aug 27 2013 (last edited on 4:07pm Aug 27 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586

I would like to catch the one with the black wings on the second row. :3
Male named Orisis please o3o

Also, I would like to buy a crimson manual. ^^ Sending tu for everything plus... a tip cause I'm enjoying this alot >X>

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

3:58pm Aug 27 2013

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Posts: 11,785
Rika looks up when Cloak comes near, her precious Barebat hugged close. She glanced down at the poor creature and stroked his head before nodding at Cloak and reaching for the vial of the toxin. She ponders over it for a bit before she moves to grab her book and pour some of the toxin carefully across the cover, just to see what it would do.


4:00pm Aug 27 2013

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Posts: 1,586
The girl smiled as the barebat was taken away and even as it found it's owner. As for her, it wasn't meant to be with it... but hey, she could still find a friend. Eyes peered down at her net which had taken a bit of damage but was still good. The thing that she noticed, however, was the fang stuck in it. Of course, there was also a chipped bit of the bat's barb but the fang really caught her eye. If she really wanted to loot anything, it would be that fang.

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

4:01pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 743

Sonador's has Obtained a Page of Runes II!


As you chase after the slip of paper, Jasper flies ahead of you and clamps his talons around it. He shrieks in delight and flies over to you, dropping the slip of torn paper in your hands, then lands on the ground beside you, looking rather pleased with himself. Upon closer inspection you see that the paper has various runes written upon it. Some of them are even underlined with red ink.

You have obtained a Page of Runes II !


4:04pm Aug 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
That's what made Rika's Barebat get all sick. o-o
If I keep it... will Jasper get sick too, or is there a chance something good with come out of it?

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