Selling Artz

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10:27am May 16 2012 (last edited on 4:01pm May 16 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 18
*As you walk in, you see a mutant Draqua curled up* "Hello, and welcome to my art shop. My name is Kinataoru. You can call me Kina. Would you like art? I only draw traditional, so sorry if you came for digital. I can draw humans, anthros, fursonas, Pokemon,  Real and fantasy animals, and maybe creatu."
"You can get full color, shaded, or lineart drawings. Examples are on the next page" *Kina hands you a form* "Please fill this out for what art you want. What I accept is near the bottom of the page. I want you to decide how much it is worth. Keep in mind that colored is the most expensive."


What I want drawn:
Examples(if any) of what i want drawn:
Shaded, color, or lineart(if color, do you want it flat or with shadows?):
What I will pay you in:
Extra Info:

"This is what I accept as payment" *Kina hands you a list*

Name Tags
Haberisar eggs
a Black Uilus (for K1r)
any DK
Trance potion

Help me with my egg! Canidragon Egg on Dragonadopters

10:27am May 16 2012 (last edited on 8:30pm May 16 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 18
(sorry about the crappy drawing of shadow. I drew that months ago. This is my new style of drawing)

Dragon lineart(shall be colored, and can someone resize it for me?):

SB use:

Anybody want art? [url=] <---Go here!

Help me with my egg! Canidragon Egg on Dragonadopters

10:31am May 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,937
Do you have any examples of what kind of art can we, customers, 
can expect to get and to pay for? o3o


10:32am May 16 2012 (last edited on 10:39am May 16 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 18
Well, If you'd like, I can upload an unfinished one i am doing.

Help me with my egg! Canidragon Egg on Dragonadopters

5:23pm May 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
What I want drawn: My fursona (A Stoat).
Examples(if any) of what i want drawn: Uh... Not really. This is the first time she would be drawn.
Shaded, color, or lineart(if color, do you want it flat or with shadows?): Color please. It doesn't matter is shadows or not.
What I will pay you in: Tu, if I can afford the price.
Extra Info: She is all red except for on her feet. The white goes up half way between boots and socks (terms for the coloration on cats and dogs) (except her front left foot), and the lining of her ears is white. About a quarter inch above where her boot/sock would stop on her front left foot, she has three white bracelets. Her eyes are blue. Her tail is longer than normal, and has one white bracelet at the tip. The corner of her mouth is curved up just slightly in a smile. I think that's about it. u.u

How much would this cost me? :U


8:01pm May 16 2012 (last edited on 8:01pm May 16 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 18
3 things.
#1 what is a stoat
#2 will you pay in items or TU?
 #3 sounds pretty cool ^^

Help me with my egg! Canidragon Egg on Dragonadopters

8:14pm May 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
tle="h" href="">This is a Stoat.
Tu, but it depends if I can afford the price. What would you want for this?
Yay! ^^


8:39pm May 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 18
Ill show you the art when i finish and you can decide the quality.

Help me with my egg! Canidragon Egg on Dragonadopters

8:48pm May 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 694

I'll pay in tu and pets if needed, how much would this be in lineart

She is a human with one fox ear cause she lost one in an accident, brown hair and red fox tail. She has green eyes. She is only 7 years old. She wears Red t-shirt with cats and black pants. She wears a purple ribbon her tail and always has a stuffed border collie with her.


8:49pm May 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 18
that will be fairly cheap. Ill let you decide on the price once i finish.

Help me with my egg! Canidragon Egg on Dragonadopters

9:15pm May 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Oh really? Cool!


4:48pm May 20 2012

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Posts: 1,997


8:02pm May 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 18
they're almost done, dont worry ;) The child with dog is the hardest though.

Help me with my egg! Canidragon Egg on Dragonadopters

8:05pm May 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 18
Whelp. I got a problem. My scanner is acting up, so i will not be able to upload them. i'm sending both of you some TU to make up for it, sorry!

Help me with my egg! Canidragon Egg on Dragonadopters
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