7:04pm Apr 5 2010 (last edited on 7:57pm Apr 11 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 735
Ok so the last one turned to utter disaster so This time I'm just gonna do chibi stuff like animals and people...and maybe just objects- oh and even creatu! I'll try this one and see how it goes? I don't mind drawing things... and by the way, I'm only doing digital... sorry? EXAMPLES: http://yaoifreakgurl11.deviantart.com/art/First-ever-Shaymin-157263281 http://yaoifreakgurl11.deviantart.com/art/Austria-157266488 http://yaoifreakgurl11.deviantart.com/art/Fang-XD-158146329
PRICE: Anything you think is fair I guess? I'm horrible when it comes to pricing. Well just remember I'll do anything unless its a really detailed thing... but we'll see. I do creatu, animals, pokemon, people, etc... 1. Ferniio - http://yaoifreakgurl11.deviantart.com/art/Persona-159713001 2. paigecam- http://yaoifreakgurl11.deviantart.com/art/Persona-girl-159824987 3. Mindii : http://yaoifreakgurl11.deviantart.com/art/Persona-girl2-159829233 4.Kink: http://yaoifreakgurl11.deviantart.com/art/Roccoon-with-a-ball-160432056 tle="YaoiFreakGurl11" />
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
7:21pm Apr 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,701
Can i have one of my persona please? :D If you take a look on my profile its the green and purple anthro dude on my background :D Yeah just draw him standing there being all cool. And if you want to give him lfeet he wears purple converse :D
7:26pm Apr 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 735
Sweet I'll get workin on him right away X3
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
7:27pm Apr 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,701
Thank you (:
7:33pm Apr 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,469
A robot dragon and a skeleton dragon fighting in the desert! XD
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:47pm Apr 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 735
Fox I will never draw that until I'm older then Maybe I'll think about that! Stop asking about that, I cant even draw robots D:
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
9:39pm Apr 5 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,701
Awesome thank you :D I'll send over your tu now ^^
7:33am Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 735
Thank you :D I hoped you liked him!
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
3:16pm Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
Would you do my persona? I have an example of her on my profile... Typically she has black hair, neon pink eyes, light skin...and she wears a black long-sleeved shirt with a pink heart on it, skinny jeans, and pink socks(no shoes). She usually holds a black balloon or a black stuffed bunny. :) Will pay maybe, 50k? Would do more but I'm insanely broke right now.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

3:59pm Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 735
Of course, I'll get right to it A.S.A.P!
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
4:28pm Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 436
Your art lovely. The only thing I suggest is saving as .png rather than .jpeg I keeps all the nice quality. :P Could you do my persona? :D http://i682.photobucket.com/albums/vv187/_Minzor_/Commission_for_Mindii_by_nessisauru.png Thank you. <3 Ohyeah, I'll pay 50k+. :D
4:49pm Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,469
Fein. Could you draw....Rozzarian and Archeress? They be sisters. I have a doodle of Rozzarian somewhere. I'll show you tomorrow morning. :D And Archeress is an Amber Rodi that carries a bow around as well as a quiver full of arrows.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:04pm Apr 6 2010 (last edited on 5:35pm Apr 6 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 735
fox: N'k thats better
Mindii: Thanks, those little pixle things both me way to much and I was tring to figure out how to make it better ;P I learn something everyday..
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
5:19pm Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,469
Lol. Kay. :D And I already finished the first Manga. You were right--they are short. Ima wait till after I finish the whole book before I read the second one. :D
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:32pm Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 735
Fox those two manga are one book.... Ya its a rip off but hey I think its great! Unluss you just don't wanna spoil it if thats what you mean?
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
5:34pm Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,469
Yeah. I dun wanna spoil the last half of the book for meh. You already told me that they're the first book. And it isn't a rip off, since pictures take up more room than words.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
7:47pm Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 10,925
Skunkers, she's so cute!! :) Sending tu.
We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.

7:48pm Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 735
Thnks X3 I'm glad you like
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.
7:54pm Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 436
8'D! Thank you! That is really some pretty epic stuff. c': Sending TU now. <3
7:56pm Apr 6 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 735
Thanks X3 I'm really glad you told me about the cleaning up thing or I would have never had a pretty lookin art :3 I'm glad you enjoy
If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.