Welcome to
Stardust Art Shoppe
All art is free
Just post what you want, make sure it's detailed so I don't have to keep asking you more more information
Check slots BEFORE you post.
I will not do art if all slots are taken
Please don't complain that I'm slow; I have school and other sports/music classes to go to
I will NOT reserve slots
I do NOT have a secret 'password' that you have to use to get a slot, so please don't post asking what the word is
(Honestly, what's the point of a 'password' anyway? ._.; )
I'll draw ANYTHING.
I don't really like anime, but I'll do it
*Note: I'm not always able to edit posts, but I will if I can
If I've done art for you before but forgot to send you the HTML, or you lost the HTML, just Rmail me and I'll get it