Taking Requests!!

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11:36am Oct 30 2017 (last edited on 12:41pm Nov 8 2017)


Posts: 2,161
IMPORTANT: I am no longer taking requests at this time. All of the remaining ones will be completed, but if you still want some art I'll have a commission thread up in the next week or so!

Hi all! So I've been experimenting with different styles recently and I was thinking maybe it's a good idea to take requests during this time! (if my art is even good enough for requests I have no idea) There are a few rules and guidelines involved when requesting so I'll post those below after some examples of recent works:

Screenshot (188) by smoltair

Screenshot (187) by smoltair

Ex by smoltair

Screenshot (199) by smoltair

Silverstorm redesign by smoltair

Liyuremark by smoltair


- Nothing human or anthro please ;; I'm not comfortable enough with my own abilities drawing them to draw them for other people yet
- One request per user
- I will draw at this time: most animals, most creatu, mythical non-human/non-anthro creatures, creature OCs, and characters from things (as long as they are animals)
- I reserve the right to decline a request if I don't feel I will be able to draw it or if drawing it will frustrate me to the point of not doing them anymore
- Please do not complain if I decline your request :x if I do you're welcome to ask for something different instead but there are no promises that I'll choose that either
- These are requests-- free art, so please don't expect the quality of a paid commission ;v; I will do my best to make it look nice but I can't promise anything
- I definitely appreciate tips, and might be persuaded to polish up the finished piece (IE colouring and shading if it has none or if the lines are sketchy maybe make them smooth) by a generous one *eyebrow wiggle*
- This is an experimental period for me, so I can't guarantee the quality or style of the piece I draw for you (I will still do my best to make it look good though!!)
- If you are unhappy with the outcome of your request (and ask nicely) I can potentially make a few small changes to the art for you
- Everything will be transparent as I am not practicing backgrounds at this time
- I will only be taking five requests at a time so I am not overwhelmed
- Please do not push me to finish your request quickly; this usually makes me very anxious and less likely to finish the art |D
- I would much prefer to work from a reference, even a photograph would do (but don't expect it to be realistic please I can not draw realistic figures at this time), but if you have a detailed enough deion or don't mind me taking liberties where you don't describe things I could give working from just writing a go, but I'm much more likely to choose to work from a ref
- I will post a watermarked version of the finished request on this forum and rmail you an un-watermarked version for your use only


Username -
Requesting - (either post your ref to the forum or if it's too big and will stretch the forum post a link)
Details - (like is there a specific pose you want the character or creature in or something)
Anything else I should know - (are you planning to use the finished product as an adoptable base or anything; just a heads up I'd really prefer if you didn't use my art to turn a profit esp because I'm doing it essentially for free so I'm not likely to choose your request if that is what you want it for)

1 - Tea
2 - Mantine
3 - Reaper
4 - Sagitaurus

Completed requests:

*FaolanSpioraid has yet to tell me what they want drawn so their name has been removed from the slots*


11:55am Oct 30 2017 (last edited on 11:57am Oct 30 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 941

Username - Billark
Details - eating? or anything you're comfy with c: also feel free to draw his as a quadruped if you're not comfy with biped :3
Anything else I should know - He's one of my fav character. Lazy, likes to eat and grumpy all the time. I even have an (crappy & unfinished) 2d animation of him tle="" target="_blank">here so you can see his personality there c: 

thank ye and goodluck~


5:37pm Oct 30 2017 (last edited on 5:37pm Oct 30 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 1,937

lov the kitter snekkers!! ♥♥ eeee u did them so well ;u;

Username -   i t   i s   m e ,   n o m t h e e

Details - like the kitter u have up there, just sketchy lines would work too! 

i like how your work looks and would lov a drawin of either of my babs :3c

Anything else I should know - ur a total cutie face? pbbbtttt :Ic


11:10pm Oct 30 2017 (last edited on 11:40pm Oct 30 2017)


Posts: 2,161
Before starting the requests I finished my cat WIP and I'm proud of it so here:

Silverstorm redesign by smoltair

this is the kind of quality I'd do for a commission, maybe with shading added in c: if I like the subject matter of the request enough I may very well spend just as much time working on making it nice like this too but I just wanted to post another recent example ;v;


9:40pm Nov 1 2017 (last edited on 9:40pm Nov 1 2017)


Posts: 2,161
this accidentally came out smaller than I intended because the canvas was 500x500 instead of 1000x1000 which is what I usually use but here's the first request done ;w;
Liyuremark by smoltair
(yes I said requests probably won't be really high quality but I kinda just went with this one because it was really fun to do and I liked the angled style I tried out for the lines ahah |D)

rmailing the un-watermarked version to you now Kina <3


8:44am Nov 3 2017 (last edited on 8:45am Nov 3 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 404
Username - Oddessia
Details -  no specific pose c:
Anything else I should know- not really c: he just has a really long tail and its a character of mine if thats ok!

Dating Darkgrimm since Jan21/16 | Engaged to DarkGrimm since June 4th/23

8:46am Nov 3 2017 (last edited on 8:47am Nov 3 2017)


Posts: 585
Username - Tea
Requesting - Cuppa my Sepia Wyrae 
Details - Can he be drawn in a tea cup please?
Anything else I should know - (are you planning to use the finished product as an adoptable base or anything; The art will be placed on my profile to replace the current one there. I forgot who drew it, so can’t credit it no more :c 

Thank you!

Edit: Got ninja’d by 2 minutes, so don’t worry about this! x33


5:59pm Nov 3 2017 (last edited on 6:14pm Nov 7 2017)


Posts: 2,161
Hey look who remembered to use the right canvas size 8'D

I tried out the binary brush in sai to see how it looked with this one :0 I'll rmail you with the image as well, Billark. I hope you like it! It was super fun to draw this grumpy blob <3

also: I'm just gonna sign art from now on like I did with Silverstorm because saving two different files is a bit of a pain |D


7:16pm Nov 3 2017

Normal User

Posts: 260
username - Mantine
details -  it trying to chew it's own tail .3. 
anything else I should know- very happy and playful, yet clumsy


7:25pm Nov 3 2017


Posts: 2,161
pssst I'm not taking any more requests just yet but tea and mantine I'd like to draw both of those so I'll do yours too ;w;

also: I may decide to actually do paid commissions after mantine's request is finished and because these requests are accidentally becoming close to commission quality how much do you guys think my art is worth :U I know I do not have a consistent style and have a lot of difficulty trying to develop one but |D is it good quality at least??


8:24pm Nov 5 2017 (last edited on 6:14pm Nov 7 2017)


Posts: 2,161
finished yours omnoms ;w;

I love both of your characters and I might do some art of the noodle boi as well but here's a space kitter! I'll rmail it to you too <3 I hope you like it!


4:15pm Nov 7 2017

Normal User

Posts: 400
Username- Reaper
Requesting -  could you try and draw Crucifixi for me?
Trance Stardust Zaphao, female :)
Details - sleeping could be cute
Anything else I should know - this will be going into her pet page

Let me know the charge :)

6:13pm Nov 7 2017 (last edited on 6:13pm Nov 7 2017)


Posts: 2,161

Finished Oddessia's! Hollow is so cute and was super fun to draw ;w; I think I might use this style more than once because I really do like it.


8:05pm Nov 7 2017 (last edited on 8:06pm Nov 7 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 910
Username - sagitaurus
Keith smooching lance.
Details - if any catch it fancy♡
Anything else I should know - Wanna put it on toyhouse in my hoard.

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