oh my bugeebus!! So cute!!
Name: Ash
Case colour: blue (any shade is fine ^^)
Icing/frosting colour: frosting plz love ^^ Red frosting
Face: the kitty ish face like this -> >3<
Decorations: I would like this if you can. Means love
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8CZMam0XzDw/SHn8a4W4Z6I/AAAAAAAAANU/6JNmRbjASFk/s400/Wall%2BGaara.jpg that's hte URL
Other: Can you add bear ears and a fox tail?
Name: Ash
Case colour: green (any shade)
Icing/frosting colour: frosting pweez? dark blue (almost blackish) if you can
Face: round eyes with the kityish mouth
Decorations: i'd like round eyes with the kityidh mouth
Other: red headband?