Temporary cupcake shop! >w<

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3:45pm Feb 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
Name: Fizzeh
Case colour: Light purple with swirlish markings in darker purple. (Check my profile fursona for Ref.)
Icing/frosting colour: Frosting, white with purple streaks.
Face:  o 3o Kissy face. xD
Decorations: Put some antlers on the frosting? x3
Other: Nope. ;3 Will be paying 100k for this if done well.

4:57pm Feb 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 174
Sorry for the delay could I have the codes please.oh and could you r-mail them?

Click it you must or else I will release my fat cat (seriously I have a cat thats very fat)

6:30pm Feb 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 143
Name: Jay
Case colour: Neon orange
Icing/frosting colour:  frosting yes, tall, an.... erm... make it a some what dark blue :3
Face: Um...  can u make its face kinda look like '  o W o  '
Decorations: um... little wings  x3 and orange sprinkles.
Other: A small cherry on top :3


6:39pm Feb 4 2010 (last edited on 6:40pm Feb 4 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 491

 think I'll order 3 more o3o

Name: Angel
Case colour: black
Icing/frosting colour:  frosting, very dark grey with green sprinkles :3
Face: :<
Decorations: Iluvu ears(black) and green headphones if possible
Other: nada.
Name: Angel
Case colour: pink with white hearts
Icing/frosting colour:  frosting. white
Face: :D
Decorations: Iluvu ears(pink) and white angel wings
Other: nada.
Name: Angel
Case colour: light brown with pink dots
Icing/frosting colour:  frosting, white, with pink heart-shaped sprinkles :3
Face: :P
Decorations: Iluvu ears (light brown)
Other: nada.


6:47pm Feb 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 143
Name: Jau
Case colour: black
Icing/frosting colour:  frosting, tall, white with zebra print stripes.
Face: *.*
Decorations: fox ears, white
Other: a black and white fox tail :3


10:17pm Feb 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 385

Many, many cupcakes. *o*

If anyone wants the codes,  rightclick on your cupcake and press "Copy Link Location". Then type <img src=" PASTE THE CODE HERE "> and you'll have the code for yoru siganture. If you want it in a post, copy the image location, press the little tree button, and paste the url into the first box. :)

I've had to go on a unplanned hiatus and will not be able to get on much, if at all. I apologise for any inconvenience this causes you! If you really need to contact me, I may respond to rmails.

11:01pm Feb 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,093

You've been busy, Tiny.
I love the checkered one. <3 Awesome work!

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:06pm Feb 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 385

Thankyouuu. <3

I really enjoy making these cupcakes.  I must admit that I prefer making ones that I have all the parts for, though. >w<

I've had to go on a unplanned hiatus and will not be able to get on much, if at all. I apologise for any inconvenience this causes you! If you really need to contact me, I may respond to rmails.

11:13pm Feb 4 2010 (last edited on 11:14pm Feb 4 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 63

could you use the colors from the creatu edit you did in my signature, with cute wolfish eyes, two tails and a star on top?

Name: Dianie
Case colour: any of the colors mentioned
Icing/frosting colour:  Tall; any of colors mentioned 
Face: cute and cuddily ^ wolfie eyes
Decorations: royal blue Star on top

Other: two fluffeh tails if possible or wings ( or both) your choice

i will pay you double :) 

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

11:59pm Feb 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
can i have code for both of mine?


12:05am Feb 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 282
These are really cute :)
Name: Micheila
Case colour:Silver otachie color
Icing/frosting colour:Fosting, silver
Face: Otachie face
Decorations: Silver wings, two tails and ears
Other: Blue eyes


12:21am Feb 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943
*Late glomp for Freya* Can you send me the code? My com is a spaz, and I can't retrieve them the way you said, dahlink.

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


12:24am Feb 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 385

Ferro: http://i50.tinypic.com/15mhi88.jpg

Ruru: ._.; I just explained how to get the codes in my last post.

 Dianie&Micheila: On it. :)

I've had to go on a unplanned hiatus and will not be able to get on much, if at all. I apologise for any inconvenience this causes you! If you really need to contact me, I may respond to rmails.

12:47am Feb 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 385

I've had to go on a unplanned hiatus and will not be able to get on much, if at all. I apologise for any inconvenience this causes you! If you really need to contact me, I may respond to rmails.

12:58am Feb 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 340

Omg. I just had a great idea for cupcakes. :D

Name: Zu
Case colour: Light Cream
Icing/frosting colour: White Frosting
Face: Slightly curved closed happy eyes with a big red round nose, no mouth.
Decorations: Purple bat wings, white cat ears and a red round pom pom on the end of an antenna coming from the top of the frosting.
Other: Moogle cupcake! 8D
Name: Zu
Case colour: Yellow
Icing/frosting colour: Yellow frosting
Face: Blue eyes orange bird beak.
Decorations: Yellow bird wings and two yellow feathers coming out of the top of the frosting.
Other: Chocobo cupcake! 8D



1:21am Feb 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
Moogle and chocobo cupcakes? O____o I cannot wait to see them. -applauds Zuleika for the idea- x3

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

1:32am Feb 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,943
No, Freya, Ferro meant the html thingee. *Whiffles hand in general direction*

"Never bring that horrid drink here again."

"It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."


1:56am Feb 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,701
Name: Ferne
Case colour: Lime green
Icing/frosting colour:  Cream
Face: Lime zaphao face (:
Decorations: Those little spines that zaphaos have and little electricity things.
Other: Just make it lime zaphaoey :P


2:05am Feb 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 282

I need more of these ^^

Name: Micheila
Case colour: Amber otachie color
Icing/frosting colour:Fosting, amber
Face: Otachie face
Decorations: Creamy wings, two tails and ears
Other: Yellow eyes
Name: Micheila
Case colour: Blonde otachie color
Icing/frosting colour: Fosting, blonde
Face: Otachie face
Decorations: Blonde wings, two tails and ears
Other: Blue eyes
Name: Micheila
Case colour: Sepia otachie color
Icing/frosting colour:Fosting, Sepia
Face: Otachie face
Decorations: Green wings, two tails and ears
Other: Green eyes



4:25am Feb 5 2010 (last edited on 4:36am Feb 5 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 168

Meoowr. Ordering a cuppehcaiks. :D 


Case colour: Red
Icing/frosting colour:  Frosting(white)
Face: A sort of ta:image/jpg;base64,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" alt="" /> face
Decorations: A bit like the picture above.
Other: Remember the horn! >O


(゚、 。 7
.l、 ~ヽ
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