uhhh can I order two more. in a single picture. draco and leo turtles plz.
if you will I'll fill out a different form for them lol ;u;
Which animal: Turtles ! ;u; Colors: ...draco and leo colors. Other: give them draco and leo things ? :c idunno youllmakeitperfectanyway sigggggggggy No leapfrog
Which animal: JERAFF Colors: Yeah those ones are pretty cool. Other: Could you put like. o_o A dress on its neck. Pink and frilly. And pretty shoes on the front hooves.
Which animal: JERAFF AGIN Colors: DEH SAME Other: Could you put this one in a fancy suit and with a monocle? Suit on the neck and shoes on the feet in teh front PLZ.
Other: [extra details may cost more] Could you please add a mohawk to it, and a mane that goes to the shoulders? And could the mohane be green with yellow stripes? And a little white skull on the shoulder/thigh of the back viewed leg. ~I'll pay 50k. o3o
Er.. I don't know if I should post yet. I, uh, just posted. I'll edit if you like. c: