The Contest of Broken Memories - A large contest with equally huge prizes.- And its contents...

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3:32pm Jan 25 2012 (last edited on 11:15am Jan 29 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 334
Please read this, it is very important.

Nothing is the same...

Annaise Marie McCarthy Lubov.
One of the surviving victims of a grizzly bear attack in Yellowstone National Park and spent a month, unresponsive, in a coma. She was thought to be dead to the world by everyone; except for the beeping of the machines that helped keep her alive. Paramedics have succeeded in saving her body from day one. And now, they have just saved her life. After four and a half weeks of being the legit, living-dead, she moves. A small flicker of emotion across her face and the slight tightening of her body was exactly what her twin sister, Charlie has been waiting for, having been by her side since the beginning. Two weeks later, she comes back almost completely, able to respond to sounds and lights in her eyes. And two months later, she opens her eyes on her own to find that the mental scars she had to go through past the point of no return, would be nothing compared to her intense physical ones. 

But the worst is yet to come...

Upon returning to school, she finds herself becoming more withdrawn, her name covered in a web of lies that stuck her in an introverted state, way past the help of her friends. People who once loved her, aren't sure of who she is anymore and they avoid her, afraid of the stories that were made in her long absence through the first month and a half of school, and her friends know exactly who started it all...

Her life will never be the same...especially when Kieren Desoridae moves into town...

--The Contest--
Even though the story is about humans, luckily for you guys, it isn't the focal point of this contest and instead of having you draw a bunch of humans, you can choose to draw from humans to buildings. So good luck there, since there is going to be a huge first prize for each category. 
I know what you want to ask.
Why make so much work for myself?
Well, because this isn't some fursona or persona contest, this is for my novel and I have an obsession with details. Which means that basically every part of the whole story must be planned out. And what better way to do that then to get art of some of the most important parts?

--The Rules--
Never, ever steal or take credit for someone else's artwork. Doing this will result in disqualification from the contest and a detailed rmail to the staff members about your art theft. 
This is very important to me, this contest and its contents, so please do not join unless you plan to put 110% into your art work, in return, I promise to judge fairly and give everyone a shot at the prizes.
Respect myself, others and yourself. The worst critique of your art is you because while everyone else sees beauty, you may see disaster. If YOU don't think its good, then don't enter it. I will allow you to do three entries so if you don't think its perfection, try again. 
There is a deadline, as with all contests and that deadline is: March 16, 2012. This is my half-birthday, so make sure to get all art in before the crowning on March 23, 2012.
You may enter three times. Either three times in the same category, or in three different ones, or any other version of this. You can even have all three entries be of one subject in different poses. I really don't care but only one of your entries can win. 
I don't care if its water color, pastel, traditional or digital. I prefer colored, but line-art is welcomed as well. But if you want to know what I prefer, it would have to be colored digital. This isn't because its my favorite, but to my eye and overly-obsessive, detailed mind, digital art gives me more to look at which means more to judge. This in NO way means that the winners will be digital artists, just that this is something that I find my eye going to first. 
I will allow you to leave the contest if you do join, but if you want to quit in March, I will require you to send in whatever art you have done to that point, regardless of its completion. It will sadly not be judged nor will you be able to win a prize for it. So for your own good, do not quit in March. Before that, you can just get away without having to take the slight embarrassment that the first sentence implies.
All entries on Rescreatu must be within the rules of art. There will be no sexual connotations, expressions, or content. There will also be no intense violence, gore or horror parts. But, and there is a but, if you send entries to my dA account, Anna-Lubov, there will probably be no limitations EXCEPT that you can not post any of it on Rescreatu, nor can I. It will instead go in my section of entries for the contest, in a folder for it. 
If your art will be above the rating of PG-13, then use the code word 'Lubov' in your entry and post the form in a note to my account with the rating and why it is rated that way.
Last of all, do your best and have fun with this!

--The Crowning--
There are three categories in which winners will be chosen, and in some there are subcategories.

-The Overall Winner-
25,000,000 TU
There are no subcategories and because of this there are two first place prizes.
-Overall Winner-
10,000,000 TU
-First Place - Female-
5,000,000 TU
-First Place - Male-
5,000,000 TU
-Overall Winner-
8,000,000 TU
-Best Familiar-
4,000,000 TU
-Best Spirit-
4,000,000 TU
-Overall Winner-
5,000,000 TU
-Best Landscape-
2,500,000 TU
-Best Building-
2,500,000 TU
-Best ob[injection]ject-
2,500,000 TU

In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

12:21am Jan 27 2012 (last edited on 11:14am Jan 29 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 334
--The Subjects of Question--
There are three subjects in which you can choose to draw, which are:
Landscapes/Buildings/Inanimate ob[injection]jects

Why are there so many subjects?
I need a lot of things to be drawn, especially the animals and the landscape categories. Those will be judged first over anything else. 

Humans are closed for now, EXCEPT for 
Annaise (Anna) Marie McCarthy Lubov
She has a Irish last name and red hair from her dad who is Irish, but her mom is Greek, which is where she gets her light grey eyes from, as well as her accent. The Russian last name comes from her wonderful step-father Dimitri Lubov. 
She is female, straight and born on May 21, 1994 along with her twin sister, Charlotte, who goes by Charlie. She is now 16 years old, which makes it 2012. 
At the beginning of the story, as seen above, she is attacked by a large mama grizzly in Yellowstone while on a mandatory trip with her dad and sister, along with his younger girlfriend, an agreement made in court. She is left with severe scars on her face, back and thigh from the bear, as well as a phobia of guns when they go off about 10 feet away. After the attack, she is knocked unconscious from blood loss and two days later, she falls into a coma, completely unresponsive. For over a month, she is unresponsive except for her brain activity and normal bodily functions. Right as their about to pull the plug, Charlie begs her to come back and as if she knows, starts pouring into their telepathic bond as much of her sisterly love as possible, knowing that this is what Anna had done for her when she had to undergo surgery to get rid of the tumor in her left breast, fairly close to her heart. This is when Annaise starts to cry a little and makes noise, alerting all those around that she was once again back.
Anna is able to communicate with certain animals in an inhuman way. She can't read their minds or feel what they are feeling. She can literally understand what their facial, body and voice ex[injection]pressions mean without knowing how. But it is like another language and she's been learning her whole life. She can understand cats best of all, and she can communicate back to them, without ears or tail, using deeper facial ex[injection]pressions and body poses, which most cats quickly learn to understand. Next she can communicate very well with wolves, but not a lot of domestic dogs since they are actually quite different. Anna has been 'speaking' with cats since she was about one years old while only 'speaking' to wolves since she was about ten. The only other animal she can communicate with is her ferret.
She has red hair and LIGHT grey eyes. 
Her scars are bigger on her face guys. She was mauled by a Grizzly Bear not a mountain lion. I'm going to get this fixed but PLEASE make her scars bigger. They need to look like something happened to her that was horrible not something that was bad. If that makes any sense. This is a REALLY im[injection]portant element of the story and if you don't do this, you probably won't win. Harsh, but this is how I want it.
Colored version will be coming soon.
She is always optimistic, very much always sunny side up and smiling. Anna loves to be outdoors, doing sports and exploring the Ivvavik National Park near where she lives. She has a Greek accent at times, especially when she is angry, nervous or really happy. She spent three years in Greece the day she turned five before they moved to Canada. She LOVES Canada but ADORES everything Greek. She is also Wiccan, as is everyone in her family except her step-father and her half brother Jesse. Jillian is also Wiccan. Jesse is slightly Christian-Wiccan and the step-father, Dimitri, is Christian-Wiccan. Jesse is gay, Jillian is straight.  
You can draw her right now with:
Her bow and arrow.
Her bone and deer-skin dagger.
Her and one of or all of her familiars: Nike, Athena and Zeus. 
Her and her Ferret.

Options coming:
Her and Charlie together.
Her and Kieren together.

-Anna's Familiars-
Nike, or sometimes called Noire, in the drawings.
She is the youngest familiar that Anna owns, but the closest one to her. They share more then just a familiar bond and see each other as family in the most literal sense. Noire is very much like Anna, very athletic and sport-like. She loves to play games and go hunting for mice or other small critters. 
Athena is a silver bengal she-cat who tends to raise an eyebrow at Nike/Noire's antics, but will occasionally join in as another playmate. As of yet, there is no official art for her, so here is a real picture of how I WANT her to look, not how she SHOULD look.
Zeus is a little more laid back then the others but mostly because he's a huge, red pelted maine coon with a very unique design. He isn't afraid of anything and won't take crap from anyone. But he has a very...flirtatious side to him that can sometimes be equivalent to the adultery committed by the Olympian God he was named after.

-Anna's Spirit Animal(s)-
Note about Spirits; Spirits are like a type of special shape-shifter but they can only change shape with each owner. Anna's spirit was mixed up when she died for about fifteen to twenty minutes, causing her old spirit animal; a leopard, to become a ferret. But the spirit is the same, so nothing changed except for the fact that now she could have a physical spirit instead of a metaphysical spirit. When you have a physical spirit, the spirit lives for as long as the person does, which explains why her spirit only changed and did not die. She was not dead, just in a different realm. While there were no physical signs of her being alive, a part of her stayed in the body while the rest was in Mount Olympus, meeting her Gods and Goddesses for the first time. Anyway...MOVING ON.
Artemis is the name of Anna's spirit animal, because when she died, Artemis became enraptured by her strength that surpassed those of which she had looked over before and despite the fact that gods/goddesses never become involved with human affairs in the modern era, she was given permission by Gaia (Gaia is basically above Zeus but they both agreed, Zeus reluctantly.) because Artemis was told by Hecate of the challenges that lay ahead. So Artemis became Anna's ferret, whom she buys a few days after getting out of the hospital, a welcome home gift put together by all her friends. 

-Other Animals-
The grizzly bear that attacks Anna
The Alpha wolves of the Northeastern and Southwestern Packs in Ivvavik National Park/surrounding area
Other im[injection]portant Wolves
Southwestern Omega and eventual Alpha female
Northeastern Omega and eventual Alpha female
Te or Amphitrite

-Landscapes, Buildings and Items-
Mount Olympus or Mount Pelion?
Help me choose by drawing features of one of these mountains like surrounding villages or just beautiful scenery. Now, there is a difference between Mount Olympus and Mount Pelion. Guess what that is?
It starts with huge and ends with summit, on Mount Olympus...
Old Crow, Yukon Territory

In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

12:51am Jan 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 634
i may have a go at one of the familiars, it may take me a lil' while though since i'm quite busy at the mo... can it be a traditional drawing? :)


1:03am Jan 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 334
Yes it can. Please fill out a form, hun. 

In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

10:34am Jan 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 634
ah ok :)

Name; xXAlbiXx

Category; Animal

Subject; Athena

Rating; ...not quite sure what to put here :3

 Why; or here :3


10:38am Jan 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 334
You have entered! 

We can't wait to see your art in March

Have fun drawing, Albi

In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

5:46pm Jan 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6
I wonder how your novel will come out..

Infinite Popcorn Sack for sale.
Endless supply of food!

5:01pm Jan 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 334
I'm not sure. I have to write it first! -giggles.- Just waiting for more contestants. 

In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.
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