4:45pm Oct 21 2019 (last edited on 11:27pm Dec 19 2019)
Posts: 2,165
Disclaimer: Flygers are an adoptable species, not creatu. You won't receive a pet flyger on rescreatu. When you buy a flyger, you are buying a unique design of my original species, and you will get the adoptable art, as well as the right to use your flyger as a character if you wish. If you display or use your flyger off-site, I ask that you please credit me as the designer of the species, as well as the artist who designed it if it was made by a guest. Thanks!
You’ve been hearing a lot about the restoration of a bamboo forest and hearing rumors that mention the return of the animals that once lived there, including the critically endangered wild cat species that calls the forest home. You decide to pay a visit to the researchers heading the investigation, seeing how they’re encouraging people to do exactly that. Such tours give the team the opportunity to educate a variety of audiences on the importance of forests, including this one, and the impact that losing them would have on the earth as a whole.
At the end of the tour, you and the rest of your group are surprised to meet a flyger, one of the endangered wild cats that were so close to extinction. You’re even more surprised to hear him speak.  “Greetings, welcomed guests. My name is Lapis. I am the leader of the last colony of flygers to live within this ailing forest. I reached out to the team that has been restoring our home some time ago, and we have been working together to make sure that it is successful. The regrowth of our territory has encouraged our prey to return, and our numbers can once again increase.”
The crowd is in awe at the beauty of the flyger that stands before you. You have seen them in photos, and in zoos and sanctuaries for those that have been unwillingly taken from their home and made to become pets, but you never imagined that you would see one in real life, let alone one that could speak. Lapis continues.
“My colony would like to extend our deepest gratitude, both to the research team, and those who take time out of their days to learn about the importance of preserving the world’s natural wonders. As I have said, we are the last to remain in this forest, but now that our prey is returning, those who have left have begun to return as well. With food more plentiful, it is safer for us to raise our cubs. Soon, I am certain that we shall thrive once more.
Previously, we have only experienced the cruelty and selfishness of humans-- farmers who would burn and clear-cut the bamboo in order to increase their own territory, careless individuals who left their garbage and waste lying on the ground, and of course, the worst of all, poachers who took our cubs to sell as pets and killed us for our wings and the soft fur around our necks. We have suffered greatly at the hands of humans.”
Your heart begins to ache for Lapis and his species as a whole. No one had any idea that flygers were sentient; that they could think, and feel, and even speak. Those in captivity must not have spoken out of fear or resentment towards all humans.
“However, the kindness shown to us by these researchers, and your willingness to learn about us and our home, has changed the way we view humans. We are fascinated by our experiencing such a stark duality in the way you treat your planet and its creatures, and would like to learn more about you. When our colonies grow too large, some members leave, to either join existing colonies or create new ones. Some of my fellow flygers have expressed a desire to know more about humans, and I would humbly ask that you would allow them to join your colony, provided you continue to help us.”
The lead conservationist who has been standing next to Lapis throughout his speech takes this opportunity to speak up. “Lapis and I have come to an agreement that I hope will interest you. We, of course, need funding to continue our restoration efforts-- we must pay the farmers who have been damaging the forest enough money for them to be able to move their families and livestock, pay the many people who we have given jobs cleaning up and replanting the forest so that they can support themselves and their families, and pay the guards posted around the reserve, who prevent poachers who threaten the flygers from hunting them. As his colony’s population increases, and new colonies emerge, some flygers have expressed interest in living with humans. Therefore, if our visitors make a donation of 30 million tu, they can bring a flyger home with them.”
Once more, the crowd around you is surprised. “Aren’t flygers being kept illegally as pets?” Someone asks, reasonably.
The researcher replies, “yes, they are, and we are working with the sanctuaries that rescue them and the zoos that have them in captivity to bring up their population and return them to their home. As a sentient, social species, flygers who have lived in the wild for all of their lives can teach those who were bred and raised in captivity how to survive. They hunt, care for and protect each other, similarly to the way a group of humans would. A flyger willingly choosing to join a human is very different than a flyger cub who is taken from their home.”
The visitor who questioned the researcher nods, seemingly satisfied with that answer.
“So, would any of you be interested in donating, and having a flyger go home with you?” The researcher offers, and the crowd begins to murmur amongst themselves.
You mull it over for a moment. Do you have room for a flyger in your home? They are sentient, after all, so it would be more similar to having a furry roommate than a pet. And what about their wings-- would they knock things over? Now it is time for you to decide, as you glance over at a poster titled “Flyger Facts”.
4:51pm Oct 21 2019 (last edited on 3:39pm Mar 17 2020)
Posts: 2,165
Flyger Facts:
- Flygers are an intelligent, sentient species of wild cat, previously on the brink of extinction - All flygers are able to speak in languages humans can understand; those in captivity against their will simply do not - Once their population has stabilized, we will work to remove flygers from captivity and return them to their colonies, including zoos-- it has been determined that because they are sentient, their presence there does more harm than good - However, should a flyger wish to remain in a zoo or sanctuary and personally help to educate people on their species and habitat, they are welcome to do so - Because flygers are social and used to living among many others, they would be happy living with a family of humans, provided they join them by choice; this also means that having more than one flyger join you is ideal, but we ask that you wait until the next group that would like to join humans arrives for you to donate again - Every flyger has stripes, but their pattern and colouring is always unique - A flyger's mane and tail are covered in a soft, puffy substance that behaves similarly to clouds; occasionally, little bits of this fluff will detach and float away, destined to melt like snow when they hit the ground - Flygers have names of their own, but would not necessarily be opposed to being renamed, if the human they join wishes to do so-- however, we will charge a fee of 5 million tu for a renaming certificate, which will of course go towards the conservation of their species and home - Flygers are a biologically androgynous species, but have sometimes been found to prefer gendered pronouns - Flygers do not seek mates solely for reproduction like most animals-- they are more like humans, in that physical, intellectual, and romantic attraction are dominant reasons for their choices in partners, and are also usually monogamous - We will keep a record of every flyger in the hands of a human, and should you no longer wish to house one for any reason, we ask that you return them to us, and we will refund half of your donation - Flygers are not pets; we don’t want to see you selling them to someone else - The minimum donation of 30 mil is to fund the conservation effort; we aren’t “selling” flygers, flygers are choosing to join the humans who are kind enough to donate towards saving them and their home
Lyka, Amber and Lumine are waiting for new homes!
Flygers already have names, but should you desire to rename them, we will update our records using a Renaming Certificate. The cost for one of these documents is 5 mil.
Guest Designs (OOC):
Occasionally I will announce that guest designers are being accepted. If you are interested in participating, you need to have a digital art program that you can use to edit a firealpaca or photoshop file (I use firealpaca but the program can save as PSDs as well). Guest designers can make up to three flygers with whatever designs and colour palettes they would like, so long as it fits the species restrictions, and they will be put up for sale! Guest designers will receive 15 mil for each flyger they design.
Guest designs are currently open! Feel free to rmail if you are interested!
Advertisement: [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/art/the-flyger-restoration-project/]
8:08pm Oct 21 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 350
9:23pm Oct 21 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 2,122
I'd love to claim this bab <3
9:28pm Oct 21 2019 (last edited on 12:48am Oct 22 2019)
Posts: 2,165
Kina; as a researcher accepts your donation, a somewhat shy, but curious flyger approaches. They seem excited to join you!
Dazzle is appropriately named for their glittery violet markings. Contrary to their flashy appearance, they are quite shy, and were originally very wary of the researchers who would visit the colony's encampment. Over time, they developed a fascination with humans, and were actually the first flyger to request that they be allowed to leave the colony and learn more about them.
12:45am Oct 22 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 493
Subbing for when i have tu *u* x
~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~
12:53am Oct 22 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 22
Tip, tap. A hand stretched out to the brilliant rainbow-coloured flyger.
"Would you be willing to join me?" A voice meekly spoke, having handed over the amount of TU required, all collected in one big sack, to the researcher. "I promise I'll keep you comfortable, if you're willing to come over and try living in my home." The feminine voice added, looking up with a small smile. "Ciel, was it?"
12:46pm Oct 22 2019 (last edited on 12:47pm Oct 22 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,092
May I offer a donation for this little guy? Leon's just too cute not to :3
2:16pm Oct 22 2019
Posts: 2,165
AmuletAnders; Ciel cautiously approaches as your donation is accepted, curiously sniffing your hand before confidently walking to your side. You've got yourself a flyger!
While one might think that Ciel's bright, colourful markings may not make him a good hunter, this is far from the truth. Flygers hunt in groups, like lions and wolves, and those with the brightest fur and feathers serve their colony well as leaders of their hunting parties, as they are easy to follow from a great distance, whether chasing prey through the air or the forest. Now that their numbers have started to increase, more cubs with these bright markings are being trained as hunters when they become old enough to do so, and a lot of weight is off of Ciel's shoulders. Now, he can leave the colony, and join one of the donors.
Alcarie; as your donation is accepted by the researcher, Leon peeks out from behind them. They seem a little nervous as they approach, but relax after giving you a tentative sniff.
Leon was trained to defend their colony as a warrior, but their timid nature made it difficult for them to feel confident patroling their borders and fending off both larger predators and poachers. After a very unfortunate clash with a group of poachers in which the colony lost one of their own, Leon became existential and afraid of dying, even to protect their colony. Weary and self-conscious of their anxiety, they were at a loss for what to do, until Lapis announced that members of the colony were free to offer their companionship to humans who donate to the revival of their forest. Leon decided after much debate that they would volunteer to take part in this exchange.
2:25pm Oct 22 2019 (last edited on 11:08pm Oct 28 2019)
Posts: 2,165
"Greetings! I have come to announce that from now on, a group of flygers who have expressed interest in joining humans will arrive at the research centre once a week. If there is a period in which we will be unable to let go of members of our colony for any reason, I will let you know."
10:14pm Oct 28 2019 (last edited on 10:14pm Oct 28 2019)
Posts: 2,165
Good evening, valued guests! Three more flygers have made the trek to the research centre to offer their companionship to future donors!
Ember, Melody, and Frost would like to accompany anyone who donates to the conservation efforts! Remember, the minimum donation for a flyger is 30 mil.
10:16pm Oct 28 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 2,122
Can I adopt this bab pls?!
10:28pm Oct 28 2019 (last edited on 10:28pm Oct 28 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 22
"To the crimson-coated flyger, won't you join me?" Another hand, from a visitor whose face had become somewhat familiar to the conservationists tending to the group before them. "I'll make sure you're well cared for and with your company and Ciel's, we would have plenty of fun adventures!"
10:37pm Oct 28 2019
Posts: 2,165
Kina; a gray-brown flyger with fiery orange feathers lifts her head, puffing her chest out as she is chosen. Once your donation has been accepted, she excitedly bounds to your side.
Ember is a fierce and confident warrior, and well-respected by the colony, but is also plagued with wanderlust. She loves her colony and will defend them with her life, but has always longed to see what lies beyond their borders. The agreement between her leader and the research team has given her the opportunity to do just that, and she is eager to head to new horizons.
AmuletAnders; the vibrant red flyger tilts her head at the mention of Ciel, who happened to be a member of her old hunting party. As your donation is accepted by the researcher on stand-by, she eagerly trots to your side.
Melody was one of the colony's best hunters, as her bright colouring made it easy for her party to spot her through the sea of green bamboo. She has gotten a little old now, and has trained many successors. She chose to become part of this program so that she could teach humans about their hunting strategies, and perhaps also learn a bit about humans, too.
11:01pm Oct 28 2019 (last edited on 9:17pm Nov 11 2019)
Posts: 2,165
Important Update:
"Hello again, kind visitors. I have come to inform you that my duties as leader of my colony have become more pressing as of late, and I am no longer able to journey here myself. There are no problems, I assure you, but with our numbers growing and the possibility of more flygers who had previously left our forest returning as the land is healed, I am needed elsewhere. Thus, the colony has come together to elect Opal as our emissary. They will remain at the research centre, and lead the way for flygers who wish to take part in the donation program. I will return to the centre from time to time, but for now, I must remain in our encampment. Opal is eager to work with you from this moment on."
Opal is the flyger colony's emissary to humankind. As Lapis is the leader of his colony, he cannot remain with the researchers for long. Thus, one flyger from the colony was chosen to remain at the research centre, and make trips back and forth to provide updates to both parties. They are outgoing and kind, always willing to lend their time to helping someone else. With this disposition, Opal was naturally drawn to the researchers, and the people who donate to the conservation efforts, as they have displayed kindness towards the colony that the flygers had previously thought humans incapable of. They are eager to spend time among the kind souls who have brought their species back from near-extinction.
1:05am Oct 29 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 350
I would love to open my doors to Frost?
1:08pm Oct 29 2019 (last edited on 1:14pm Oct 29 2019)
Posts: 2,165
BoredDragon; the rather quiet white flyger slowly approaches you once your donation is accepted, ears pricked and sniffing curiously.
Frost is somewhat of a rare case among the typically very social and extroverted flygers. While rather quiet and content to spend time alone, he does feel lonely from time to time, and would love to join a human who is willing to accept him the way he is, and doesn't mind that he enjoys occasional solitude.
2:09pm Oct 29 2019
Normal User 
Posts: 350
That's wonderful. I also enjoy my solitude. We're going to have a great time.
1:43pm Nov 6 2019 (last edited on 10:02pm Nov 6 2019)
Posts: 2,165
Greetings! It has taken them a little longer to arrive at the research centre due to a bad storm that made it unsafe for them to fly, but three more flygers have arrived and are eager to be part of this project!
Honey, Pastel, and Vino are ready to accompany some donors! Reminder that the donation required to take home a flyger is 30 mil.
Notice: we would request at this time that anyone who has accepted the company of one or more flygers hold back on donating for now, to allow others who may be interested the chance to experience the company of a flyger.
1:44pm Nov 6 2019 (last edited on 1:45pm Nov 6 2019)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,122
I'd love to take in Pastel! <3 If she'll have me of course! :P