10:02pm Mar 28 2011 (last edited on 10:28pm Mar 28 2011)
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THE PET RoCK ~ By Req ~ :'D Too busy with a fast-paced, action filled life for a pet requiring lots of work!? Well fear no more! Here, at The Mine, there are hundreds of kind-hearted, charming little pet Rocks that require only the occasional pat on the head! So what are you waiting for? Step right up, and view our vast selection!
10:07pm Mar 28 2011 (last edited on 10:29pm Mar 28 2011)
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Posts: 1,372
THE MiNE In the deep, dark parts of the world, a civilization was discovered and a seemingly limit less mine was carved from the stone. This stone seemed to be of many unusual colors and shapes. But, with simple prods, the rock leaped from the walls and floors and came to life! These little rock-liek creatues, because of their hard exterior and lack of needing such things as food or water in any measurable amount, became known as 'Pet Rocks,' and are wildly popular among many busy people who don't have time for a cat or dog or bird. And they are so very charming, and easy to obtain! But their types are limitless! Here are just a few of the thousands of species discovered~!
10:10pm Mar 28 2011 (last edited on 8:49am Mar 29 2011)
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Posts: 1,372
ORDeRING It is really very easy to obtain one of these delightful little creatues! Just fill out the following! Username: Color of Rock: Filled or just Outline: (be specific about filling and outline colors) Facial ex pression: (little smile, mouth open smile, frown, etc) Name of Rock: (Will be included on the picture) Position/Action: (Jumping, sitting, etc) Anything Else?: (Here is where you put if you want any accessories, if you want it to have certain markings, or tails, or ears, or hats, weapons, etc) Payment Pet Rocks, for buyer convenience, are 'Pay-what-you-will,' and there is no set price for them. Just please, be considerate of the maker, for I am trying to run a business xD CURRENT ORDERS: Blixii x x FINISHED: "Zippy" - HammerBro x PAID x x
10:24pm Mar 28 2011 (last edited on 6:58pm Mar 30 2011)
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Posts: 1,372
HOLDING PeN Here are the little rocks waiting for their owners to pick them up! <3 "Zippy" for HammerBro
10:37pm Mar 28 2011 (last edited on 10:39pm Mar 28 2011)
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10:40pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 678
I wanna rock! ROCK! YAY! Username: HammerBro. Color of Rock: Green! :D Filled or just Outline: Can the outline be blue, and can the rock be filled in with green? :3 Facial ex pression: Can it have... This face: :3 Name of Rock: Zippy Position/Action: Can it be the position of the little black rock? The first example one.
Anything Else?: Zippy should have ears... And a little tail :3 And if the rock is filled in green and the outline is blue... can the mouth be blue, and the ears and tail be green? :3 And Zippy should have a little lightning bolt on her side. Is that possibly? If not, then streak are cool :D I shall pay... I dunno. I will decide after meh rockeh is done... Because I don't know at the moment XD
Art by Zen
10:47pm Mar 28 2011
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Posts: 1,372
Omg yay :D I will start immediately~!
10:54pm Mar 28 2011
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Finished Order <3
12:34am Mar 29 2011
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2:42am Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 708
Username: Blixii Color of Rock: Purple Filled or just Outline: (be specific about filling and outline colors) Outline Facial ex pression: (little smile, mouth open smile, frown, etc) Nothing. Name of Rock: (Will be included on the picture) Frizzo Position/Action: (Jumping, sitting, etc) Just standing. Anything Else?: (Here is where you put if you want any accessories, if you want it to have certain markings, or tails, or ears, or hats, weapons, etc) A peace sign. 8D
7:34am Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 678
YAY! ZIPPY IS ADORABLE 8D I shall pay... 100k :D
Art by Zen
3:25pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 211
Color of Rock: Grey
Filled or just Outline: an Outline please. c:
Facial ex pression: This mouth ----> .... :D
Name of Rock: *No name please.* Position/Action: Rearing up, like the black one. Anything Else?: a Unicorn like-rock. With the tail, the ears, the mane, and the horn. :3
4:25pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 1,269
Username:Timberwolf97 Color of Rock: Black Filled or just Outline: (be specific about filling and outline colors) the outline is gray and filling is black Facial ex pression: (little smile, mouth open smile, frown, etc) just two big green eyes string at you and no mouth Name of Rock: (Will be included on the picture) Rock Position/Action: (Jumping, sitting, etc) just...sitting there being a rock Anything Else?: (Here is where you put if you want any accessories, if you want it to have certain markings, or tails, or ears, or hats, weapons, etc) id like a green flame surrounding the rock.. Payment: 50k..is that all right?
If you really cared about animals more than humans...kindly feed yourself to the next starving wolf.
8:10pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 263
Username: Nyoraku Color of Rock: light blue Filled or just Outline: Just the light blue outline Facial ex pression: A straight face Name of Rock: Bob Position/Action: Sitting on the floor Anything Else?: No legs please! A black top hat with a read stripe on the bottom on his head. Yay Rock! Ummmm... can I pay 50k if you make it simple? I don't have a lot of tu.
8:25pm Mar 29 2011
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Posts: 232
Username: Jylaz366 Color of Rock: violet outline, lavender filling Filled or just Outline: (be specific about filling and outline colors) Filled and outlined. ^^ Facial ex pression: (little smile, mouth open smile, frown, etc) Tiny smile Name of Rock: (Will be included on the picture) Laviolette Position/Action: (Jumping, sitting, etc.) Sitting Anything Else?: (Here is where you put if you want any accessories, if you want it to have certain markings, or tails, or ears, or hats, weapons, etc) I would like a pink (if so sparkly) tiara on Laviolette's head and a long blue cape. Sort of like a princess I don't know what to pay, I will pay something (Not like 1 TU NO) when it is finished. ^^
If you can't smile, nod AND smile. ^^
6:59pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 1,372
Finished all but Jylaz's :D But I started hers. When my computer froze xDD I'll finish it when I get back home, though <3
7:16pm Mar 30 2011 (last edited on 7:21pm Mar 30 2011)
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Posts: 263
Homg! I love bob! thank you so much! *sends tu* can you send me the link?
7:25pm Mar 30 2011
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Posts: 1,269
can i have the link for Rock?
If you really cared about animals more than humans...kindly feed yourself to the next starving wolf.