BoredDragon takes Fleur on an adventure through the forest.
1st Attempt: You find a Trilx nest that fell out of a tree. You take the egg into your care.
2nd Attempt: Fleur yelps and suddenly turns around. There's a baby FlooFloof with some of Fleur's fur in it's mouth. The pup barks happily and wags it's tails when you pick it up.
3rd Attempt: You find a butterfly effect potion sitting in the path. Maybe someone dropped it.
4th Attempt: You find a bundle of sticks inside a hollow tree. You take them for your collection.
5th Attempt: You find another fiery looking leaf for your collection.
6th Attempt: You find another fallen nest. There must have been some strong winds recently. You take the egg into your care.
Bonus Found!
You've found a lucky bonus!
BoredDragon takes Monark on an adventure through the forest.
1st Attempt: You find some yellow flowers growing near the entrance to the forest.
2nd Attempt: You decide to check if the cave is open yet. It's not so you take another stone.
3rd Attempt: Unfortunately you don't find anything interesting this time.
4th Attempt: You find a pink butterfly effect potion sitting on a stump of a fallen tree it seems like someone left it here.
5th Attempt: Nothing seems to catch you eye this time..
6th Attempt: You find an egg laying in some brush. You look around for it's nest but you aren't able to find it so you take the egg home.

BoredDragon takes Fleur on an adventure through the forest.
1st Attempt: Nothing but dead leaves this time. You take one for your collection.
2nd Attempt: Unfortunately you don't find anything this time.
3rd Attempt: Seems the cave still isn't open. You take another stone.
4th Attempt: You find another bundle of sticks along the path. You take them for your collection.
5th Attempt: Fleur sniffs at a bush only to back away as a small furball pounces at them. Fleur seems a bit overwhelmed with the hyper pup.
6th Attempt: You find an egg among what is left of a trilx nest. There are claw marks and tuffs of fur everywhere. You don't stay long.

BoredDragon takes Wiley on an adventure through the forest.
1st Attempt: Nothing seems to be around this time.
2nd Attempt: You find a small clearing full of half buried items. You take one.
3rd Attempt: You find yourselves at the flower field again. You pick some pink flowers.
4th Attempt: You find another potion bottle laying on the path. Seems like someone dropped this one.
5th Attempt: A little further up the path you find another potion. You start thinking these were left on purpose.
6th Attempt: Unfortunately you are unable to find anything to take home. You do notice some Wraither paw prints though. You notice some baby cub prints as well. Seems the Wraither has a small family now.
BoredDragon takes Buster on an adventure through the forest.
1st Attempt: You don't find anything this time Buster seems really nervous after what happened last time. You scratch behind his ears to calm him down.
2nd Attempt: You pick some pink flowers after noticing some growing a short ways off the path.
3rd Attempt: You find another bundle of sticks. This time they are hanging on a tree branch.
4th Attempt: You find a smooth rock inside a hollow tree. Wonder how that got there?
5th Attempt: You walk to the flower field to pick some flowers and to let Buster enjoy the field. He seems a lot more relaxed when you re-enter the forest.
6th Attempt: Buster finds an abandoned Lynne egg. He curls up around it to help keep it warm and whines when you pick it up to take home. Seems he's quite attached to this egg. You notice that the the egg looks a bit unusual, hopefully the pup inside is healthy. You decide to let him care for it once you take it home maybe it's from his family or his future mate..
Bonus: You've left the forest with happy hearts today!
You've received a happiness bonus!
You found a lot of Trilx eggs and rare butterfly effects XD I'm beginning to question my randomizer lol
So here's a little update.. the uses for the leaves are taking a bit longer than I'd anticipated so instead I bring you a different update. Now unusual marked eggs can be found in the forest. They are a very rare find.
Pets that hatch from these eggs are born with up to three line edits.
(I'd actually added these in a few weeks ago but the first one was found today ^^)
That's all for the night...