The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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11:53am Jul 27 2020

Normal User

Posts: 502
I would like to take my red fox flynex on 6 trips through the forest please!

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:56pm Jul 28 2020

Normal User

Posts: 350
I'll have Gargoyl go on 6 trips through the forest today. :)


10:36am Jul 29 2020 (last edited on 10:52am Jul 29 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 350
I'll take Fleur on 6 trips through the forest today.

Edit: Also, I just noticed that Salt's made over image never got corrected onto my owner's list.


6:54pm Jul 30 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
Just realized that back when all my problems were happening I missed one of BoredDragon's explores...
This one to be exact..... back on July 14th...
>I'm gonna take Fleur on 6 trips through the forest, with the lucky bonus<

So I will do that now as well as catch up with what I've fallen behind on.
Salt's image has been fixed as well.

BoredDragon's finds during the exploration on July 14th:
(I'm just putting them all here to keep this post from getting too long. I'm also giving you a no fail bonus, letting you keep the lucky bonus without losing the effect and growing all eggs to adults for this one since I missed it.)

2- Trilx Adult - Roan by DarkHansol5- Trilx Adult - Tan by DarkHansolForest Item - Sticks by DarkHansolForest Item - Rock glass by DarkHansolItem - Forest Flower Pink by DarkHansol
Lucky Bonus find:
Effects - Butterfly orange potion by DarkHansol
Now that's done.... back to the usual.

BoredDragon decides to name some more of their pets and take them each for two small walks through the woods.
BoredDragon - Lucky by DarkHansolBoredDragon - Scratte by DarkHansolBoredDragon - Shadow by DarkHansol


1st Attempt: Even though they are blind they manage to sniff out some flowers for you.
Item - Forest Flower Yellow by DarkHansol
2nd Attempt: You walk along the path with Lucky close by your side. A leaf falls in front of them and it scares the poor Lynne who didn't expect it.
Item - Forest Leaf Smooth by DarkHansol

1st Attempt: The two of you don't find anything this time but Scratte seems to be watching something in the distance.

2nd Attempt: Scratte leads you off the path a short time later and brings you to a set of tracks. There are more around this time, perhaps you are getting closer to finding this mystery creature.
Item - Strange Prints (Tracking) by DarkHansol


1st Attempt: You come across an abandoned egg and you decide to take it in.
5 - Trilx Egg ver2 - Uncommon by DarkHansol
2nd Attempt: On your way out of the forest you find a stone laying in the center of the path.
Forest Item - Rock Smooth by DarkHansol
Your eggs have hatched!
2 - Black pup by DarkHansol3- Trilx Kit - White by DarkHansol

BoredDragon takes Monark on an adventure through the forest.

1st Attempt: Monark takes off flying as soon as they get the chance and returns shortly with what looks like a mini cloud but it isn't it reminds you of cotton candy just a bit.
Item - Forest Cloud Piece (flying) by DarkHansol
2nd Attempt: You find a bundle of sticks laying in the path. You take them for your collection.
Forest Item - Sticks by DarkHansol
3rd Attempt: You aren't able to find anything worth taking home this time.

4th Attempt: You pay a visit to the flower field near the center of the forest to pick a flower for your collection.
Item - Forest Flower Blue by DarkHansol
5th Attempt: You find nothing interesting this time. The forest is strangely quiet.

6th Attempt: You pay a visit to the small river to grab some pebbles for your collection and to relax for a bit before heading home.
Forest Item - Rock Pebbles by DarkHansol
Your eggs have hatched!
6- Trilx kit - Ginger by DarkHansol

Fennimage666 takes their red fox Flynex on an adventure through the forest.

1st Attempt: You find a cave that has been barred off. It seems dangerous so you just take one of the glass-like rocks from the entrance.
Forest Item - Rock glass by DarkHansol
2nd Attempt: You come across a nest that seems to have been attacked quite recently. There's a surviving egg so you take it home to raise it.
Lynne Wolf Egg - Common by DarkHansol
3rd Attempt: You find a bundle of sticks laying in the path. You pick them up for your collection.
Forest Item - Sticks by DarkHansol
4th Attempt: You find yourself at the river and you decide to take some more pebbles after watching the shimmering fish play in the currents for a while.
Forest Item - Rock Pebbles by DarkHansol
5th Attempt: You notice another bundle of sticks this time laying on top of some branches.
Forest Item - Sticks by DarkHansol
6th Attempt: You can't seem to find anything interesting this time.

-Continued in next post-

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


8:05pm Jul 30 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525

BoredDragon takes Gargoyl on an adventure through the forest.

1st Attempt: There is nothing interesting to be found this time.

2nd Attempt: Gargoyl helps you find a patch of blue flowers growing in a more secluded part of the forest.
Item - Forest Flower Blue by DarkHansol
3rd Attempt: Nothing here it seems.

4th Attempt: You come across a butterfly effect potion bottle laying in a less traveled path.
Effects - Butterfly orange potion by DarkHansol
5th Attempt: Today it seems like the forest is emptier than usual. Once again you aren't able to find anything.

6th Attempt: You find a small poachers camp and manage to free some captured creatures as well as rescue an egg before you hear the poachers returning and you have to leave.
Lynne Wolf Egg - Common by DarkHansol

Your egg has hatched!
2- Trilx Kit - Gold by DarkHansol
(Will have horns and feather wings)


BoredDragon takes fleur on an adventure through the forest!

1st Attempt: You find another shimmering leaf for your collection. Hopefully you'll have some use for them soon.
Item - Forest Leaf Smooth by DarkHansol
2nd Attempt: You venture back to the clearing of half burried items and take one more for your collection. You notice that there seems to be more things here each time.
Effects - Butterfly Potion blue by DarkHansol
3rd Attempt: Something flies past your head you notice almost imedietely that it is a stone. You look around for the culprit but find no one.
Forest Item - Rock Smooth by DarkHansol
4th Attempt: You find yourself at the river where you find an egg token that seems to have washed up on the bank.
Forest Item - Egg Token Uncommon by DarkHansol
5th Attempt: You run into the feral boy again. It's been a while since you last saw him you try to speak to him and he attempts to imitate your words. He hands you an egg as a thank you for spending time with him.
1 - Flyenx egg - Common by DarkHansol
6th Attempt: You check the cave to see if it is open yet. It's not so you take another rock.
Forest Item - Rock glass by DarkHansol
Bonus: Lucky bonus found!
Lucky bonus by DarkHansol

Fennimage666's egg has hatched!
1 - Natural pup by DarkHansol

BoredDragon's egg has hatched!
2 - Black pup by DarkHansol
New Update coming very soon!!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


8:27pm Jul 30 2020

Normal User

Posts: 502
Ooh, new update :D

Poke a hungry Mon?

9:33am Jul 31 2020

Normal User

Posts: 350
XD I didn't even notice one got missed.
Holy snickers I have 3 lucky bonuses now. XD
And oooo new update. :o

Today, I'll take Todd on 6 trips through the forest with a lucky bonus.


11:28pm Aug 5 2020 (last edited on 11:32pm Aug 5 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 525
BoredDragon takes Todd on an adventure through the forest with their lucky bonus.
Lucky bonus by DarkHansol
1st Attempt: You find a bundle of sticks hanging from a small branch.
Forest Item - Sticks by DarkHansol
2nd Attempt: This leaf has the color of fire. You take it home with you.
Item - Forest Leaf Spiky by DarkHansol
3rd Attempt: Nothing here this time.

4th Attempt: Todd catches the scent of something and gives chase. He is unable to catch the creature but the paw prints left behind might give a clue to where to find it.
Item - Strange Prints (Tracking) by DarkHansol
5th Attempt: You go to the river to collect some pebbles for your collection.
Forest Item - Rock Pebbles by DarkHansol
6th Attempt: (Lucky Bonus) You notice something shiny in the river close enough to the bank for you to pick up. You've found a Gold egg token!
Forest Item - Egg Token Rare by DarkHansol

Bonus: You've left the forest with a bonus of happiness
Forest Item - Happiness bonus by DarkHansol
Babies have grown!!

1 - Natural Adult by DarkHansol
2 - Black Adult by DarkHansol3- Trilx Adult - White by DarkHansol6- Trilx Adult - Ginger by DarkHansolBoredDragon - gold by DarkHansol
Your egg has hatched as well!
3 - Flyenx Pup white by DarkHansol

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:02am Oct 6 2020 (last edited on 1:02am Oct 6 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 525

So, just got back from an extended break from the internet. Family issues and other things. Since it isn't all settled yet I will temporarily be closing the Forest though normal adopts will still be open.

The Forest will open again shortly once I know for a fact that I won't have to randomly disappear for a bit.

I am still working on future updates and have almost finished a few that I can't wait to add to this little adopts world that I am creating.
As always suggestions and questions are always welcome and thank you all for becoming part of this little world.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


7:20pm Oct 6 2020

Normal User

Posts: 502
Welcome back, and good luck with the family stuff!

Poke a hungry Mon?

12:33am Oct 8 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
Thanks :)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:46pm Jun 19 2021

Normal User

Posts: 22
They are adorable I love them very much! 
Keep up Great work❤

7:14pm Jun 20 2021

Normal User

Posts: 502
Yeah, hope you're doing well!

Poke a hungry Mon?

6:26pm Jul 14 2021 (last edited on 6:27pm Jul 14 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 525


For those of you who are still following this...
Updates are not done quite yet, however the forest will be re-opening sometime within a week or so.

Things in my personal life are a bit more calm now so I am resuming work on updates and the first real update should be finished soon and will give a use to the "bundle of sticks" item.

I'm also thinking about reworking the owners list... making things a bit easier and less cluttered. Though, I may use an outside website such as '' that way each person can have their own folder and have their adopts organized by species.

As always ideas and suggestions are welcome.
(Please PM all suggestions/idea with the topic "Landaria")


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


7:40pm Jul 14 2021

Normal User

Posts: 502
Glad to hear that your life is calming down and that you're okay, keep up the good work ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

7:54pm Jul 14 2021

Normal User

Posts: 525
Thanks! :)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


10:12pm Jul 28 2021

Normal User

Posts: 502
Heya, just wanted to poke in and see if you're still well?

Poke a hungry Mon?

12:06pm Jul 31 2021

Normal User

Posts: 525
Yeah I am, thanks for asking!
Things have gotten a lot better ^^

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:19pm Aug 1 2021

Normal User

Posts: 502
That's good to hear, glad you're still well ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

11:35pm Oct 20 2021 (last edited on 11:56pm Oct 20 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 525


I am glad to say that updates are underway!

We now have a toyhouse account that will host our images, previews, owner's list, and more.
This will give me more freedom to organize things and make them easier to find.
Things are far from done but feel free to check things out for yourself! The link is listed below.

Other than a new place to host the images/owners list everything else will continue as normal. All adopting and exploring as well as payments will be done here on Rescreatu.

If you have any questions/concerns/ideas feel free to PM me.


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly

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