The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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8:25pm May 23 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Aah, sorry if I wasn't clear about that, I mean the ones you had already generated, since they had already been found by players. Similar to the custom pets section under each category.

Poke a hungry Mon?

8:28pm May 23 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Oh ok lol, I can do that :)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


8:29pm May 23 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Very cool, glad you like the idea ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

11:38pm May 23 2022 (last edited on 11:57pm May 23 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525
Fennimage666 Your custom is finished!

A section to see all currently owned Evolved Pets can now be found in the previews page.
The shops have also been updated with previews as well

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:29pm May 24 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Can I get my daily explores please horse? I'd like to use my lucky bonus and go out with the new Walpup today ^^

And on another note, did you get through the updating that you wanted to? Can I start advertising for other people to come check out the forum, or do you still have some stuff you wanna get done?

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:17pm May 26 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
I would like to grab my six explores with my wraither please!

Poke a hungry Mon?

7:57pm May 29 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
I would like to claim another six explores with my wraither please xD

Hope you're doing well!

Poke a hungry Mon?

2:22am May 30 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
To answer your question, yes we can start trying to bring more people in ^^
I am still working on updates but I plan to continue adding to this over time.
I will post your explores later. With the holiday weekend I'll be busy.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


11:54am May 30 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Alright, enjoy your weekend ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

6:24am May 31 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
Hello, if i have understood this right, i can buy a creature.
Can i choose to buy a rare Flynex (i hope this is the right name, because i also saw it called Flyenx) for 6mil, please?


11:19pm May 31 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Fennimage666 takes their Walpup out to explore taking along their lucky bonus.
Attempt 1:
Your walpup is a bit slower on land than your other companions but you just match your pace to theirs as you hunt for items. You find a bundle of sticks not to far into the forest. Someone probably dropped them on their way out.
(You now have 15)

Attempt 2:
Since this is your companion's first time exploring you decide to take them to the clearing of flowers to see their reaction. Your walpup attempts to smell the followers only to go into a sneezing fit. After that they don't attempt smelling them again. You pick a flower for your collection before you leave.
(You now have 8)

Attempt 3:
You take your walpup to the river knowing they'd love the water. They excitedly dive in and swim quickly along the currents. After a long while they come back out with something they'd found in the bottom of the river. Looks like they've found you a Diamond Custom token!
Attempt 4:
It takes a lot of convincing to get your pet to leave the water but eventually you find yourselves on the path again. After a long while you come across two small creatures fighting over an egg. It seems they are wanting to eat it. Your walpup barks at them and they skitter away leaving the egg behind.
(Egg has been auto-hatched since the post is late)
Attempt 5:
Your walpup seems to be getting tired so you decide it's best to start heading back. On the way you notice some blue flowers growing under a nearby tree. You stop to pick some.
(You now have 7)

Attempt 6:
You look around towards the entrance to the forest hoping to find one last item to bring home with you. Unfortunately you come up empty.

Lucky Bonus:
Arctic fox dye (Rare item)
(You now have 2)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


11:25pm May 31 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Heyy, custom time! Ty rng and walpup <3

Poke a hungry Mon?

11:44pm May 31 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Fennimage666 Your eggs have hatched!
The coal kit will have sabre teeth.
Will have sabre teeth, goat horns, and chest fluff.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:17am Jun 1 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Fennimage666 your pets have aged up.

Fennimage666 takes their wraither out to explore.

Attempt 1:
You set out along the path as usual, trying to think about where to go first. You decide after a while to head towards the cave again and maybe explore the darker side of the forest. Once at the cave you pick up another smooth rock for your collection. The cave is still sealed so you leave to head to your next destination.
(You now have 10)

Attempt 2:
You walk along the river heading towards the bridge to the darker side. Along the way you pick up some pebbles for your collection.
(You now have 9)

Attempt 3:
You find the bridge and cross it carefully keeping a close eye out for the ghostly lynnes that seem to inhabit this side. They are nowhere to be found so you and your companion start searching for items to take home. After a while you come across some sticks for your collection.
(You now have 16)

Attempt 4:
You explore the forest cautiously and eventually you come upon a brilliant orange tree that seems to be glowing. You admire the tree for a moment then gently pick one of the leaves for your collection.
(You now have 4)

Attempt 5:
Some noises catch your attention and you and your wraither decide to investigate. You come across a surprising sight. It seems you've found the den belonging to the ghostly looking lynnes. From what you can tell they are not ghosts but are actually living, breathing creatures. They are all asleep at the moment so you quietly leave the area.

Attempt 6:
On your way back out of the forest you find another bundle of sticks stick inside the hollow of a tree. You take it for your collection as well.
(You now have 17)

Bonus Found!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:48am Jun 1 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Fennimage666 your pets have aged up!

Fennimage666 takes their Wraither out to explore once again.

Attempt 1:
You head out towards the bridge again with your wraither following close behind. Halfway there your wraither gets distracted and walks off the path without you. You follow them and find them batting at a bundle of sticks that someone has hung from a branch.
(You now have 18)

Attempt 2:
Once your wraither is done playing you both head back towards the darker side of the forest. It's quieter than usual but you cross the bridge anyway. There doesn't seem to be anything living or dead around this time.

Attempt 3:
You venture further into the forest taking a risky move and leaving the familiar path for an unknown area. You swear that you hear something whispering around you and it puts you and your companion on edge. The noises are very distracting and you aren't really able to focus on finding anything.

Attempt 4:
Your wraither growls and walks faster so they are now in front of you. Your wraither seems tense, there seems to be danger close by. You decide to head back to the bridge as quickly as possible without drawing to much attention. The bridge come into sight just as a loud growl echoes through the trees and a shadow Lynne jumps at you fangs first. Your wraither knocks them back and the two of you run across the bridge leaving the danger behind. Your wraither seems a bit ruffled but they are otherwise okay.

Attempt 5:
You decide to take the walk back a bit slowly to give your nerves time to calm down. At one point your wraither stops to get a drink and you take the chance to sit in the shade and rest. You notice something laying in the grass next to you. It's an egg token.
(You now have 2)
Attempt 6:
You walk the river back almost all the way to the forest entrance. You find another glassy looking stone for your collection near the exit. Someone must have lost it, these normally can't be found anywhere but the cave.
(You now have 7)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:54am Jun 1 2022 (last edited on 1:28am Jun 1 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525
Otachie pays a visit to the pet shop to purchase an egg.
You have been added to the owner's list.

As for the spelling... the correct one is actually Flynex. Honestly either is fine (I misspell it a lot). The spelling for Trylx was also different at one time.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:06am Jun 1 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Oh dear, we're bothering the old things in the woods-

The evolved pets are very pretty though, thank you Horse ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

1:07am Jun 1 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
You're welcome ^^ and thank you!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:26am Jun 1 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Small update...

So.. First off I changed all the spelling for the Flynex to the original correct spelling. At some point I had started spelling it different. (Not sure when)

Second. I forgot to add the cost of exploring to the new exploration page...
I have added it in. 
However it now only costs 200k per attempt instead of 500k. ^^

~Thank you~

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:20am Jun 1 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
Hey, can I ask how much does the Growth potion costs? I didn't find its price in its information. 

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