The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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4:25am Jun 1 2022 (last edited on 4:25am Jun 1 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 502
Yeah I don't see it either. Do you want mine ota? I have one I bought a while ago and never used it.

Poke a hungry Mon?

11:07pm Jun 1 2022 (last edited on 11:10pm Jun 1 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525
The price was 100k but I've changed it to 50k. Sorry I didn't realize I'd forgotten to add it. Thanks for pointing it out for me. I've fixed the issue.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


11:21pm Jun 1 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Fennimage666 your pets have aged up.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:39am Jun 2 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
Pretty babies <3

Can I grab 6 explores with my Wraither please?

Poke a hungry Mon?

11:14pm Jun 2 2022 (last edited on 12:10am Jun 3 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525
Yes of course! ^^
Fennimage666 your pets have aged up!

Otachie your egg has hatched!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:08am Jun 3 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Fennimage666 takes their wraither out to explore the forest.

Attempt 1:
You start out slow, your wraither is still a bit spooked by the events that happened last time. Because of this you end up focusing on them instead of searching for items.

Attempt 2:
You decide it's best to explore the side of the woods opposite to the river. Your wraither seems to relax the further away you are. This path has been barely traveled so it is a bit overgrown. Somehow, you are still able to find a Silver egg token just barely sticking out of the dirt in the path.
(You now have 3)

Attempt 3:
Further down the path you find yet another coin. This one just slightly off the path in the grass. Looks like it's a bronze custom coin!
Attempt 4:
Your wraither starts pouncing at the leaves being blown around by the breeze. They bring you one that they've caught.
(You now have 5)

Attempt 5:
You realize you can see the beginning of the mountain through the trees. You must have walked further than you'd realized. You decide to search around the base of the mountain to see if there is anything interesting around. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything around.

Attempt 6:
You start heading back towards the rangers station, it's going to be a long walk back. You are halfway there when your wraither grabs your attention. It seems they've found an egg and wants to give it to you.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:19am Jun 3 2022 (last edited on 2:21am Jun 3 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525


The FlooFloo can now be found in uncommon and rare colors! Dyes can also now be applied to them as well! ^^

The preview pages have been updated!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:26am Jun 3 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
I'm so happy for that color!
It was the one I wanted the most. 


2:38am Jun 3 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
Oooh, pretty!

Poke a hungry Mon?

2:59am Jun 3 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Congrats Otachie lol glad you got the one you were hoping for ^^

Thank you Fennimage! I'm glad you think they are pretty :)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


8:38pm Jun 4 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
Can I get my 6 explores today? With my Wraither please.

Also, hope you both are doing well ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:30am Jun 5 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
Hey, can I please buy 7 explores and go with my calico Flynex?
Also I would love to purchase another rare Flynex egg and a Growth Potion for it. 


11:49am Jun 5 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Fennimage666 takes their wraither out exploring.

Attempt 1:
You head out into the forest heading deep into the forest away from the usual path. You stumble across the eerie clearing again only this time it seems that all of the blue flowers around it have wilted. Your wraither refuses to go near it and you trust their judgment about it. Unfortunately you don't find anything to bring home in the area either so you move on.

Attempt 2:
A little ways away you come upon a strange sight. A tree with nothing but dead worn leaves on it. Strangely enough the tree seems to be alive and it seems to be the only tree like it in the entire forest... Could it be cursed somehow? You pick a fallen leaf up from the ground deciding not to take one from the tree just in case.
(You now have 7)

Attempt 3:
Your wraither pulls you away from the tree, it seems they are a bit restless there. After a while you find yourself at the river. There's a bottle of Arctic dye washed up on the bank so you take it for your collection.
(You now have 3)

Attempt 4:
You follow the river upstream to the cave. While it is still sealed you pick up another glassy rock for your collection. Your wraither seems to notice something inside the cave but you can't see anything out of the ordinary.
(You now have 8)

Attempt 5:
You start heading back towards the ranger station, only stopping when you notice a bundle of sticks lying on the path. You take them for your collection.
(You now have 19)

Attempt 6:
Near the entrance of the forest you find a small batch of flowers. You pick one before you leave.
(You now have 6)



Otachie takes their Flynex out to explore the forest.
(Just wanted to let you know the 'normal' limit on explores is six. (Lucky bonus if you find it gives a free 7th) However I neglected to actually say this in my new explore page so I'm letting you have it since this was 100% my mistake. I've since updated the explore page.)

Attempt 1:
You set off into the forest to try your luck at finding some things. It seems luck is in your favor. You find a common colored evolved trylx egg laying in some brush just off the path. It seems in good health still so you take it.
(Hatches on the 7th)

Attempt 2:
You find a very shiny smooth leaf laying in the path. Strangely it doesn't match any of the trees in the area around you. There doesn't seems to be any wind today either so maybe someone dropped it earlier. You decide to keep it.

Attempt 3:
Your flynex distracts you from searching for items by giving chase to a wild flynex kit that they seem to have befriended. You try to call them back but they seem content to ignore you until their fun is done. You sit in the shade while you wait.

Attempt 4:
Eventually your flynex returns to you. They are a bit out of breath and the heat seems to be getting to them. You decide to try to find the river shown on your map so they can have a drink. You find it fairly easily and while your companion enjoys a cold drink you pick up some of the pebbles along the water's edge.
Attempt 5:
You return to the path and a little ways away you notice a small patch of flowers growing next to a nearby tree. You leave the path to collect one.
Attempt 6:
You come to a fork in the path, you take the one that seems to be more traveled. Unfortunately since it's traveled more it seems there is nothing left around to be found.

Attempt 7:
You decide to head back home. On the way you come across a bag of pebbles that someone must have dropped. You decide to take them after attempting to find the original owner.
(You now have 2)

Chance encounter!
It seems a young wraither has chosen to come home with you!
(This is an unreleased species and currently can not be customized)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


11:51am Jun 5 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Otachie stops by the pet store and buys a rare flynex egg using a growth potion on it as soon as they get it home. You've hatched an Albino!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:05pm Jun 5 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
Oooh, another wriather! Congrats ota ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:46pm Jun 5 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
I am so happy with both the new Flynex, which is albino and its so cool and the baby Wraither.
I think I really like it, because it's cute. 


7:29pm Jun 7 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
What is the max number of attempts now? According to the forum it's still 6, but whatever it is, I would like to grab the max with my Wraither please. (Sending enough for the usual 6, please correct me and I'll send the rest once I'm informed.)

Poke a hungry Mon?

2:33am Jun 8 2022 (last edited on 2:44am Jun 8 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525
The max attempts is still 6. Unless you have the lucky bonus which technically gives you a free extra attempt. I gave Otachie the extra since they'd paid for it and I realized that I didn't actually state the limit on the new explores page.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:42am Jun 8 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Fennimage666 Your egg has hatched!
(This one was apparently missed last time I updated. It will age up again soon.)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


3:16am Jun 8 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Otachie your egg has hatched!
(This kit will have Sabre teeth, Goat horns, and Feather wings)


Fennimage666 takes their wraither out to explore.

Attempt 1:
You and your companion set off on your adventure. This time you decide to follow the path for a little while. After some time you finally get to where it seems like no one has traveled recently. You start searching for items and quickly come across some sticks for your collection.
(You now have 20)

Attempt 2:
You continue along the path. Nothing eventful happens for a while and things are quiet. You decide to relax under a tree for a little bit. When you are about to leave again you notice a token in the grass next to you.
Attempt 3:
You hear the sound of something following you. You stop walking to investigate and the wild boy jumps down from a nearby tree. He places an egg near you before retreating back up the tree. It seems he wants you to have it. It's an evolved Lynne wolf egg with uncommon coloring!
Attempt 4:
Your wraither takes the lead this time. Bringing you to a clearing where it seems something has been collecting shiny objects and laying them around. In the pile you fine one bottle of dye that is still usable so you take it.
(You now have 4)

Attempt 5:
You continue on, the both of you ending up leaving the path and venturing deeper into the forest. A short time later you come across a destroyed nest. Thankfully, it seems this was done by a rival predator and not poachers. There is still an egg unharmed in the nest so you take it.
Attempt 6:

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly

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