The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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12:27am Jun 14 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Otachie your pets have aged up!


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:36am Jun 14 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Fennimage666 your custom is finished and has been added to your collection.
Your eggs have hatched!
The sepia will have feather wings.

Your pet has aged up!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:13am Jun 14 2022 (last edited on 12:42pm Jun 14 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 436
Can I please explore 6 times with my Wraither?

Edit: I am not very sure if I need to specify with which pet i explore. Maybe that can make a difference? 


12:20pm Jun 14 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
May I as well please?

Poke a hungry Mon?

10:23am Jun 16 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
To answer you question:

Yes the pet you use can make a difference. Each pet type can find unique items and in the wraither's case mini pets. Mini Pets are purely collectible at this point in time but each are unique. I only have two species of mini pet drawn at the moment. That being said... 


I'm not going to be able to do any major updates for a little while. My art tablet broke and I have to wait for my new one to get here. In the mean time, I won't be able to make any new art which unfortunately includes custom coins (Other than Bronze) and the minipets. You can still find the coins and minipets but I will have to draw them up after my tablet arrives. Everything else will continue as normal so the shops and explores will remain open.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


11:20am Jun 16 2022 (last edited on 12:07pm Jun 16 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525

Otachie takes their Wraither out to explore.

Attempt 1:
You set out on your exploration early hoping to avoid the normal crowd of explorers. Thankfully, it seems to have worked not even ten steps into the forest and you find Smooth Leaf laying next to the path.
(You now have 2)

Attempt 2:
Further down the path your wraither decides to practice their pouncing. After many failed attempts at catching moving prey... they manage to catch a leaf. They are very proud of themselves and bring their catch to you as a gift.

Attempt 3:
Your Wraither seems to have found something in a nearby bush. You investigate and find an abandoned egg. Taking a closer look you notice that it's an evolved Trylx egg!
(Egg has been auto hatched since this post is late.)
Will have sabre teeth and chest fluff.

Attempt 4:
The two of you come across a small empty clearing just off the main path. There is a small seating arrangement here so you decide to sit to relax a bit. You don't find anything interesting here but you do however get to see a newly hatched Trylx attempt to walk for the first time.

Attempt 5:
You head out back to the path with your wraither following close by. They are still practicing moving around silently Their skill can definitely use some work. You stop at the river to let your wraither have a drink. Their you find a Smooth rock for your collection.
Attempt 6:
You start heading back towards the rangers station, You've been out a while and it seems to be time to go home. One the way you find another leaf. This one, just like the first seems very out of place here around all of the plain green leafed trees.
(You now have 2)


Fennimage666 takes their Wraither out to explore the forest.

Attempt 1:
The two of you head deep into the forest, starting your search on the darker side of the forest after checking to see if it is safe. Quickly you start seeing those blue flowers again. They seem to grow in small patches in random places. Some in sunny places and some in shady ones. You also notice that some are wilting away. The blue flowers in this area are strange.
(You now have 8)

Attempt 2:
You decide to sit down in a more secluded part of the path to wait and listen to see what may cross the area. You notice some normally nocturnal creatures roaming around and catch a glimpse of a strange creature you don't recognize. You sit there a lot longer than intended and you quickly set off once more to explore further in.

Attempt 3:
You come across a new sight in the forest a small pond, no bigger than a small swimming pool. It's surrounded by short soft grass. Stones line the edge of the pond you pick one up. It doesn't seem any different than the stones from the river. The water in the pond is a deep blue and you can't see the bottom. You wonder how deep it goes.
(You now have 11)

Attempt 4:
You leave the pond after some time and start heading back towards the bridge to go home. Strangely you find a stone in the center of the path that you are sure wasn't there before. You pick it up to take with you but are a little put off by it. Is someone else here too?
(You now have 12)

Attempt 5:
You cross the bridge and start following along the river heading back towards the entrance. About halfway there your wraither growls and a small critter bolts out of a nearby bush and down into a nearby burrow. It's one of those egg snatcher creatures. It seems to have dropped it's stolen egg so you take it with you. 

(Egg has been auto hatched because the post is late.)
Attempt 6:
You are almost back to the station when you come across a small stash of items hidden in a hollow tree. It's mostly junk but their is one of those glass-like rocks. It seems these things have been here a long time so you take the rock for your collection.
(You now have 9)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:12pm Jun 16 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Fennimage666 your pets have aged up!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


9:07pm Jun 16 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Very pretty! Ty horse ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

1:31am Jun 17 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
i love the new baby.
can i explore once again with my Wraither, please?


1:30pm Jun 18 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Otachie takes their wraither out to explore!

Attempt 1:
You start your search out by the river this time, wanting a change of scenery. There are many pebbles and stones washed up along the edges of the river. Among them you find a small token. After rinsing off the dirt you find that it is a Dye Token
Attempt 2:
Further down the path your wraither seems to have found something to play with. They bat it and through it into the air. Once they are done playing you take the item for your collection.
Attempt 3:
Your wraither seems to be stalking something they see hiding in a brush pile. You sit down in the shade to wait and after a long wile your Wraither brings you their catch. Looks like they've caught a mini pet!

(I'll make a note to add it as soon as my tablet gets here. for now it will show up as the placeholder image shown below)

Attempt 4:
Further down the path you notice something reflecting light in the distance. You go to investigate. When you get closer you find an unopened bottle of red fox dye shoved into a hollow spot in a tree.
Attempt 5:
You come to a fork in the path, one way is worn and heavily traveled and the other is a bit over grown. You head down the traveled path but unfortunately it seems anything collectable has already been taken by other explorers.

Attempt 6:
On your way back you happen across a clearing with a bunch of things lying around. It's a collection of mostly worthless stones, bowls, and empty bottles. On closer inspection you find a spikey leaf inside one of the bowls.
(You now have 3)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:39pm Jun 18 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
i am very proud of my Wraither.
now i will give a chance to my Trylx.
let's explore 6 times with it ^~^


2:28pm Jun 18 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Can I grab 6 explores with Cithaeron please?

Poke a hungry Mon?

2:00pm Jun 21 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Otachie takes their Trylx out to explore the forest.

Attempt 1:
You get to the entrance of the forest and quickly notice that it is very crowded with people. Most seem to be staying near the entrance with young children hoping to find trinkets to take home with them. You search around a little further in but come up empty handed. You decide to take a chance and explore deeper into the forest today.

Attempt 2:
You leave the usual path and venture into the deeper, thicker, part of the forest. A few steps in and you notice a bronze egg token laying in the grass next to your feet. Maybe this area isn't as un-traveled as you thought.
Attempt 3:
You go further still making a mental not of which direction you'd need to walk to go home. Your companion paws at you to get your attention. It seems they've found something you've over looked.
(You now have 2)

Attempt 4:
You find yourself at the river but further upstream than last time. You stop to look around for a moment but don't really see anything. You are turnning around to leave when a small creature jumps out holding an egg that definitely doesn't belong to it. It sees you and panics, running off with out it's prize. You pick it up and notice it's an Evolved Lynne egg with common colors. It seems unharmed so you take it home.

(auto hatched due to lateness)
Will have  a mane, sabre teeth, and blind eyes.

Attempt 5:
Your companion leads the way as you leave the river. You find yourselves on a old over grown path. The path goes on for a while and you don't seem to find anything of use here.

Attempt 6:
You find yourselves at a cave entrance. The cave is boarded up and signs say "No Entrance, Cave ins possible." and "No Trespassing" You are curious but don't attempt to go inside. Instead you pick up one of the crystal looking glass like rocks that seem to be everywhere outside the cave.

Fennimage666 takes Cithaeron on an exploration through the forest.

Attempt 1:
You notice that the forest is busy today so you go straight to the deeper part to explore. Here you and Cithaeron come across a leaf laying in the path. You pick it up and remember the tree you'd found on the darker side of the bridge. This leaf seems to have come from there.
(You now have 6)

Attempt 2:
You take finding the leaf as a sign and head to the darker side of the forest. A little while down the path you come across a Leerin laying curled up in the gross under a tree. You find it very strange so you approach them carefully. Thankfully the Leerin doesn't seem to mind you. Once you are close enough you notice the poor thing has gotten his paws caught in an abandoned poacher's trap. You carefully free the creature and it climbs up your arm to make themselves comfortable on your shoulders to take a nap.

Attempt 3:
You follow along the path with Cithareon taking the lead this time. The forest is almost too quiet. While you walk you pick up some pebbles for your collection.
(You now have 10)

Attempt 4:
A commotion to your left catches your attention and causes both your companions to go tense. Carefully you investigate to find a couple of egg snatcher creatures fighting over an egg they both seem to think belongs to them. Cithareon breaks them up by yipping and chasing them away. After checking that the egg is unharmed you take it with you.
(auto hatched due to lateness)
Attempt 5:
You return to the old path again and it leads you to the clearing with the bright orange tree. You pick up one of the leaves laying on the ground, it's not glowing like the ones on the tree and you assume that may be why it fell off.
(You now have 7)

Attempt 6:
You decide to head back to the river so you can make your way home. Halfway back to the bridge you notice a nest that has fallen from a tree. It's a flynex nest, this could be where those snatchers took the egg from. Cithareon investigates and finds another egg that is unharmmed and brings it to you. It's an evolved flynex egg with uncommon colors.
(auto hatched due to lateness)
Will have a mane and sabre teeth.

Chance Encounter!
It seems like the leerin you've encountered wants to come home with you.
It's a smoke colored Leerin! A nocturnal flying type species.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:30pm Jun 21 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Uwa! Precious babies! I might need to start investing in an aviary lol

Tysm Horse ^^

Can I go out for another 6 explores with Cithaeron please?

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:45am Jun 22 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
I'd love to purchase another 6 explores with my calico Flynex, please. 
Also, Fenn, congrats in this new fella. Such a cutie. 


8:32pm Jun 24 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
I'd like to buy six more daily explores with Cithaeron please!

Poke a hungry Mon?

1:10pm Jun 26 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Small Update!

My art tablet is here ^^
So I will be once again work on updates as well as the Minipets.

I will make the exploration/aging posts tonight once I get home from work since I don't have enough time at the moment. But you can expect them done tonight sometime after 10 pm Rescreatu time. Thank you both for your patience with me ^^ I appreciate it.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


5:00pm Jun 26 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Yaaay, the new tablet is here! I'm glad to hear it ^^

And good luck with work Horse!

Poke a hungry Mon?

1:38am Jun 27 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
Can't wait for them. 
Also can I get 6 more explores, please? xD
This time with my Lynne


2:00am Jun 27 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Six more explores for the post! With my custom Walpup this time please :3

Poke a hungry Mon?
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