The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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5:09am Jun 27 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Forgive me for being short this time... I just wasn't able to find the motivation to type out the usual 'story' type explores... It's been a rough day. I will hopefully be back to my normal self tomorrow after a good night's rest ^^

Fennimage takes Cithaeron out to explore.

Attempt 1:
Companion find: Orb Fruit
Attempt 2:
Companion find: Orb Fruit
(You now have 2)

Attempt 3:
(You now have 21)
Attempt 4:
Dead Leaf
(You now have 8)

Attempt 5:
Uncommon Trylx egg (Auto-Hatched)
Attempt 6:
Evolved Trylx egg (common color)
Will have blind eyes and sabre teeth.

Bonus Found!

Otachie takes their calico flynex out to explore.

Attempt 1:
Nothing this time

Attempt 2:
Red Fox Dye
(You now have 2)

Attempt 3:
Cloud piece
Attempt 4:
Arctic Fox Dye
Attempt 5:
Blue Butterfly Effect Potion
Attempt 6:

Fennumage takes Cithaeron out to explore.

Attempt 1:
Nothing found

Attempt 2:
(You now have 11)

Attempt 3:
Nothing found
(You now have 12)

Attempt 4:

Attempt 5:
Dead leaf
(You now have 9)

Attempt 6:
Smooth Rock
(You now have 13)

Otachie takes their Lynne out exploring.

Attempt 1:
Nothing Found

Attempt 2:
Nothing Found

Attempt 3:
Companion Find: Strange tracks
Attempt 4:
Smooth Leaf
(You now have 3)

Attempt 5:
Common Lynne egg
Attempt 6:
Uncommon Flynex egg
Fennimage666 takes their Walpup out to explore.

Attempt 1:
Glass-like stone
(You now have 10)

Attempt 2:
Nothing Found

Attempt 3:
Smooth Rock
(You now have 14)

Attempt 4:

Attempt 5:

Attempt 6:
Red Fox dye
(You now have 2)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


5:23am Jun 27 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Age ups!!

Your Mini pet will be added tomorrow as soon as I am able to get to it ^^

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


5:57am Jun 27 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Aw, I hope you have a better day tomorrow :<

But ty for getting through this for us! I'm excited to see what these orb fruits are about.

Poke a hungry Mon?

12:58pm Jun 27 2022 (last edited on 1:01pm Jun 27 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525
I have a plan for them ^^ they are one thing that I'm very much looking forward to drawing the art for as well. I'm sure today will be better. 
We had an emergency in the family yesterday but everything is okay now. He's not 100 percent out of the woods yet but he's stable and that's what count.
I should be the one thanking you for stick around even though I'm not always the most active... Life has a way of getting in the way a lot it seems lol.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


6:51pm Jun 27 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
Hey that's just life! It's the least I can do to support and artist I like ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:53am Jun 28 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
I'd like to purchase an uncommon Walpup egg please and also explore with my Wraither 6 times ^^


1:40pm Jun 29 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Age Ups!!

Your trylx kits have grown up!

Your eggs have hatched!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:20pm Jun 29 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
i would like to purchase another 6 explores and send the Walpup (if it hatched, i am not sure, because of the timezones) or if its not hatched, i will send my new white Lynne.


2:21pm Jun 29 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Otachie decides to pay the pet shop a visit to adopt a new friend!

Hatches on the 30th

After dropping their new egg off at home to incubate they take their wraither on a walk to explore the forest.

Attempt 1:
You head to the river this time deciding you wanted a change in scenery. You walk along the river's edge collecting pebbles along the way. Your Wraither stays at the very least an arm's length away from the river. It seems they do not like water.
(You now have 3)

Attempt 2:
You continue upstream a long way and find nothing but even more pebbles. You decide you might as well take them.
(You now have 4)

Attempt 3:
Your Wraither seems to be stalking something so you hide behind some brush so you don't accidentally spook their prey. After a brief struggle your Wraither brings you a new tiny friend.
Attempt 4:
You decide to rest in a small clearing taking the chance to bond with your new minipet. However you don't find anything of interest here before you decide to move on.

Attempt 5:
Further up river you notice a narrow bridge leading across the river. You decide not to cross it today, instead deciding to head back towards the path to walk home. Halfway back to the path you come accross a small creature attempting to eat an egg and failing at it. It hisses at you then runs away leaving the egg behind. It's an evolved Trylx egg!

Attempt 6:
You come across some blue flowers near the exit of the forest and pick one before leaving.

I have added the art for your 1st Minipet as well!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


3:24pm Jun 29 2022 (last edited on 3:26pm Jun 29 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 436
im getting excited. do we know what the mini pets are going to do?

also, can we see the red fox and the arctic colors or its like a mystery?


11:05pm Jun 29 2022

Normal User

Posts: 503
I'd like 6 explores with Cithaeron please ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

11:26pm Jun 29 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
Where can I see how does a Cithaeron looks like? 


1:46am Jun 30 2022 (last edited on 1:48am Jun 30 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 503
In the owner's list link, you'll see my username and that'll take you to a list of pet species. He's a Trylx

Poke a hungry Mon?

3:06am Jun 30 2022 (last edited on 3:07am Jun 30 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525
The Minipets currently don't have any function other than being collectables... I do want to add some sort of activity or function to them later on but I'm not sure what yet. 

To answer your other question, you can preview the Dyes and other things found in the forest under the explore locations link. Just go to the Explore Locations then click on the forest and at the top corner there will be a folder called forest previews. There you can view all Items that can be found there as well as preview how they look and what they are used for. I will say not all items have uses yet... It's a work in progress.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:51am Jun 30 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
Thank you so much for the help, both of you. 
I was thinking that Cithaeron is a different species and I was not able to find it xD


5:00am Jun 30 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
Can I buy 6 more explores for today and explore with my Trylx please? 


1:46pm Jun 30 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
You are very welcome ^^ glad I could help!
Explores for today!

Fennimage666 takes Cithaeron out to explore again.

Attempt 1:
Your companion seems very happy to be outdoors today. They are running, pouncing, and chattering happily. It makes you wonder what they are saying. They bolt back and forth scurrying up and down the trees when they suddenly lose grip and fall. You run to them. Cithaeron is unharmed thankfully but seems a bit less willing to climb. They did however fall into a small patch of flowers. You decide to take one.
(You now have 9)

Attempt 2:
You follow the worn path with no real plan where to go today. Nothing interesting seems to be around but the wild critters seem to be very active. The forest seems full of energy today, it's nice to see.

Attempt 3:
You turn down a path that you know leads to the bridge that crosses the river, it's quieter here but still the energy in the air remains the same. A calm and content buzz seems to have filled the whole forest. You pause to rest and look for any collectables or trinkets but are unable to find anything worth bringing home.

Attempt 4:
You decide to cross the bridge into the darker side of the forest. The ghostly lynnes don't seem to be around and the forest, even though it's still dark, seems a bit brighter today. You and your companion walk further down the path and eventually you come across an egg laying abandoned in the grass.
Attempt 5:
You manage to find that small dark blue pond again. It's extremely silent here... but even so it's not off putting or eerie. Just a calm relaxing silence. You decide to rest here for a bit. While you rest your companion paws at something on the ground. They bring it to you after a moment.
(You now have 4)

Attempt 6:
You decide that it's time to head back. You trylx doesn't seem to want to leave but follows you anyway. A leaf floats down, landing in front of you on the bath just before you cross the bridge. You look up just in time to see a Flynex flying by carrying a mouthful of sticks and leaves, most likely to make a nest. You place the fallen leaf in your bag and continue on your way home.


Otachie takes their Trylx out exploring.

Attempt 1:
Your Trylx seems happy, the energy of the forest seems very bright today. It seems like today is going to be a good day. The two of you walk to the river where you collect some more pebbles for your collection and your trylx plays with a wild baby walpup.
(You now have 5)

Attempt 2:
You walk a bit upstream leaving the little Walpup behind with it's mother who'd been watching you very closely. Here the water is more shallow and you catches glimpses of crystals and glass shining through the water, it crates a sot of rainbow here where the sun hits it. It's beautiful so you take a closer look. There's nothing here to bring home but it is very pretty.

Attempt 3:
You leave the water's edge, heading further into the forest but not returning to the path. You want to explore new places today so you avoid the path as much as possible. You come up on a clearing with a small pile of trinkets. You decide to take one.
(You now have 4)

Attempt 4:
You return to the path, coming up on the bridge you'd found just the other day. You debate crossing it for a moment and in the end you decide to cross. Your companion follows behind you closely acting a bit nervous, you assume that is because this place is new to them. Once across you give them time to sniff around and relax a bit. It seems your companion found something in the brush nearby. They nudge it over to you with their nose.

Attempt 5:
You notice the path on this side of the forest hasn't been traveled as often as the rest and you find yourself wondering why that is. This part doesn't seem much different from the other side. Only here the trees are thicker and the sun isn't able to shine through as often. You travel down the path just as you would any other and eventually you come across a small bottle laying next to the path and you take it. It's a pink butterfly effect potion!
Attempt 6:
Your companion takes the lead and you follow them down a winding path deeper into the forest. It's going to take you a while to return home. You try to call to your trylx but they are too focused on their destination to hear you. This makes you wonder what it is that your companion senses up ahead. You arrive into a dark clearing full of already hatched eggs... this place is strange. The eggs belong to multiple species and none seem to be in nests. There are a few eggs unhatched but seem normal and undamaged. You take one of them and decide it's best to return home.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:48pm Jun 30 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
By the way Otachie I don't think I've stated this anywhere other than chat yet so that being said... Naming your pets/companions is free so if you'd like to name them you are able to at any time ^^

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:54pm Jun 30 2022

Normal User

Posts: 436
Thank you for letting me know, horse. I'm not having names for them yet, but for now I'm most attached to my Wraither. I really love its design 


1:56pm Jun 30 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Age ups!
(Explores posted above)

Your eggs have hatched!
This Trylx kit will have a mane as an adult since it hatched from an evolved egg.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly

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