The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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8:50pm Aug 16 2022 (last edited on 8:50pm Aug 16 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 502
6 more explores with my fox lynne please! ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

2:17am Aug 17 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
I'm here! 
Sorry for the wait my wifi was disconnected due to money issues.
That being said I am back and I will catch up everything first thing tomorrow. Seems like I have a lot to do so I will put them in separate posts so I don't get confused and there is less chance of accidentally erasing the entire thing like I've done before.
(Would you care if I didn't do the story for some of the posts since there are so many?)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


3:44am Aug 17 2022 (last edited on 3:45am Aug 17 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 502
I do want the story for whatever happens with the 10 tracks, if it happens, but other than that not at all. And I'm glad to see you're back! Sorry to hear you're having issues though, I hope that gets better sooner than later.

And while I'm at it, can I get my 6 explores with my fox Lynne for today please? x3

Poke a hungry Mon?

11:59pm Aug 17 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Sounds good to me ^^
I'm hoping to have a better paying job soon so hopefully that solves that problem at least.

On to the usual posts first off... Age ups!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:26am Aug 18 2022 (last edited on 12:27am Aug 18 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 502
Hello pretty babies <3

I didn't know I needed a white winged fanged Lynne in my life lol

That's a mane too isn't it? aah, so pertty

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:39am Aug 18 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

(You have 7 days worth so I'll do 3 in one post and the rest in another)

Explore 1

Attempt 1:
Yellow Flower
(You now have 7)

Attempt 2:
Nothing Found

Attempt 3:
Nothing Found

Attempt 4:
Common Trylx Egg
(Auto aged)
Attempt 5:
Nothing Found

Attempt 6:
Nothing found
Explore 2

Attempt 1:
Pink Flower
(You now have 11)

Attempt 2:
Blue Flower
(You now have 10)

Attempt 3:
Uncommon Flynex Egg
(Auto Hatched)
Attempt 4:
(You now have 16)

Attempt 5:
Uncommon Lynne Wolf Egg
(Auto Hatched)
Attempt 6:
`Your Lynne barks at you and takes off running excitedly. It seems they've caught up with that scent once more. After a while you notice the tracks are circling the giant tree. Your Lynne comes to an abrupt stop and you notice that the two of you are standing in the center of a small clearing surrounded by blue flowers. The tracks and scent seem to vanish into thin air here. You make a note of you findings before heading home for the day.
(You now have 9)
Explore 3

Attempt 1:
Right away you return to the forest looking for those strange clearings and making notes of their locations on a map. After a while you notice they are all surrounding the giant tree all equal distance away. You head towards the tree your Lynne leading the way. There sitting at the bottom of the tree is the creature you've been chasing all over. She spreads her wings and for a moment seems to shimmer in and out of existence. Your eyes meet and even though she can't speak you know that see protects the forest. She stands up and vanishes one last time leaving behind a gift.
(Your Strange Tracks are set back to 0)
Note* If you'd like I can auto hatch this one as well since this post is late.

Attempt 2:
Common Flynex Egg
(Auto Hatched)
Attempt 3:
Spiky Leaf
(You now have 9)

Attempt 4:
(You now have 17)

Attempt 5:
Uncommon Flynex Egg
(Auto Hatched)
Attempt 6:
Dead Leaf
(You now have 11)

Congrats on finding the Guardian! ^^

There will be other colors available for this species as well and this is the first species with the 'Epic' rarity.
It currently does not have a type/ability so it doesn't have any exploring benefits yet.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:53am Aug 18 2022 (last edited on 4:53am Aug 18 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 502
Would it normally take longer to hatch than a normal egg? If so I can wait the full time, it's all good.

But that's really cool! I'm looking forward to seeing what hatches ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

5:05am Aug 18 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
To answer your question, yes the white Lynne does have a mane. :)

Explore 4

Attempt 1:
Common Trylx Egg
(Auto hatched)
Attempt 2:
Smooth Rock
(You now have 18)

Attempt 3:
Dead Leaf
(You now have 12)

Attempt 4:
Nothing found

Attempt 5:
(You now have 18)

Attempt 6:
Nothing found

Bonus Found!
(You now have 1)
Explore 5

Attempt 1:
You head down the path with the strange feeling of being watched looming over you. You catch a glimpse of the forest guardian just before she vanishes from sight. It seems she wants to play hide and seek once again.
(You now have 1)

Attempt 2:
(You now have 19)

Attempt 3:
Bronze Egg Token
(You now have 3)

Attempt 4:
Glass? Rock
(You now have 11)

Attempt 5:
Gold Egg Token
(You now have 1)

Attempt 6:
Uncommon Lynne Egg
(Auto Hatched)
Bonus Found!
(You now have 1)
Explore 6

Attempt 1:
Blue Flower
(You now have 11)

Attempt 2:
(You now have 20)

Attempt 3:
Nothing Found

Attempt 4:
Blue Flower
(You now have 22)

Attempt 5:
Common Lynne Egg
(Auto Hatched)
Attempt 6:
Nothing found
Explore 7

Attempt 1:
Nothing Found

Attempt 2:
Nothing Found

Attempt 3:
Evolved Trylx Egg (Common Color)

Attempt 4:
Nothing Found

Attempt 5:
(You now have 24)

Attempt 6:
(You now have 21)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


5:07am Aug 18 2022 (last edited on 5:10am Aug 18 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525
Yes, I had the Epic eggs set on a longer hatch time of 6 days. I just felt like it was fitting. Either way it will hatch tomorrow since the post was so late.
Well I better get to sleep lol, I'll be back later after the usual sleep and work lol (It's already morning here)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


5:45am Aug 18 2022 (last edited on 5:46am Aug 18 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 502
Yey more babies ^^

It is time to let my Lynne have a rest, and see if we can get 10 orb fruit with Cithaeron's help :3

6 explores with Cithaeron please! And I'd like to use my happiness bonus plz.

And sleep well!

Poke a hungry Mon?

12:50am Aug 20 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Age Ups!

Fennimage666 it seems your eggs have hatched!

Will have wings and a mane.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:05am Aug 20 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
:0 so colorful! Hello!

Poke a hungry Mon?

1:19am Aug 20 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

You decide it's time to take Cithaeron out to explore. 
You also use a happy bonus.

Attempt 1:
You set off into the forest this time deciding to take your time exploring. You walk along the well worn path for a while until you come to a shady clearing. Here Cithaeron meets a wild Trylx and the two start playing. While they play you search the area and come across a patch of blue flowers.
(You now have 13)

Attempt 2:
Once Cithaeron is finished playing you decide to take them to the river for a drink. The weather is hot and the river water is cool. The two of you take some time to cool off then sit in the shade for a bit. Before you continue on you notice a small yellow flower growing nearby.
(You now have 8)

Attempt 3:
A while down the path you hear a rustling in the brush behind you. You turn around not knowing what to expect only to see a playful ball of fluff come running happily towards you. It's a baby floofloo and they seem to want to come home with you.
Attempt 4:
The baby floofloo is hyper and keeps running circles around you and Cithaeron. You wonder how it's not affected by the heat. Suddenly the pup gives chase to a small creature barking and growling at what they think is a threat. Turns out it's only a harmless egg snatcher who seems to have left behind it's lunch.

Attempt 5:
You place the egg in your bag carefully then continue on with both your companions following you. It seems the heat is getting to Cithaeron again and they decide to rest in some shade and you take some water from your bag for your companion and yourself. As a thank you Cithaeron brings you a flower from a nearby flower patch.
(You now have 14)

Attempt 6:
Unfortunately the heat is beginning to be too much and you decide to call it a day. You aren't able to find anything else on your way back.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:21am Aug 20 2022 (last edited on 5:46pm Aug 21 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525
Yes the Guardians are very colorful.
I wanted them to stand out a bit so I used more gradients in their colors and gave them a 4th color.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


3:34pm Aug 22 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
6 explores with Cithaeron please ^^

And hello baby Floo Floo x3

Poke a hungry Mon?

11:29pm Aug 22 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Of course ^^
I also forgot to do some age ups so I'll do those first.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:05am Aug 23 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Fennimage666 takes their trylx Cithaeron out to explore.

Attempt 1:
You head out into the path explaining to Cithaeron hoping to come across some orb fruit. You decide the best option would be to leave the path and search along the edge of the mountain base where Cithaeron came across the first one. There is nothing interesting found along the way but you make it there quicker than expected.

Attempt 2:
You first walk to the right of the mountain all the way to the waterfall where the river starts. There are no fruits but you do find a walpup egg laying in a leaf pile near by.

Attempt 3:
Since there weren't any fruits you decide to head back and travel the opposite direction still not leaving the roots of the mountain. You pass by a cave leading into the mountain and you decide to stop an investigate it. It's too small for yourself or Cithaeron to enter but perhaps it's still something to be noted down for a later date. Before leaving Cithaeron pokes their head into the cave and sees something that has them reaching their paws through the entrance. Eventually they succeed in bringing you their find.
(You now have 4)

Attempt 4:
You continue on hoping to find a tree that orb fruit grows on but you have no luck. However you do manage to find some yellow flowers.
(You now have 9)

Attempt 5:
The trees start to thin out and you realize you've made it to the edge of the forest so you turn back around. The original path comes into view and you decide to head back to it a few steps away from it you find yourself almost stepping on an egg.

Attempt 6:
You decide it's time to head out so after patting Cithaeron on the head you lead the way back down the path. Almost to the forest entrance you hear a commotion behind you only to turn and witness two egg snatchers fighting over an egg. They get so caught up in their fight they end up leaving the egg behind so you take it with you.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


11:34pm Aug 25 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Age Ups!

Will have chest fluff, wings, and goat horns.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


3:17pm Aug 27 2022

Normal User

Posts: 26
Could I take Spectral on an exploration! 6 times please. I need one of those guardians XD Also I'd like to add a couple accessories, Leg warmers of pastel pink and white on Fira, and I'd like to get gold ear rings and tail rings on Saturn please ^^

~I am a Neko named Kiko! Nice to meet you~

3:25pm Aug 27 2022

Normal User

Posts: 26
Also I was wondering if you plan on adding any more accessories? If so, could I make some suggestions?

~I am a Neko named Kiko! Nice to meet you~
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