The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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3:26pm Aug 27 2022 (last edited on 3:28pm Aug 27 2022)

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Posts: 26
Accidentally posted my last question twice.... oops XD

~I am a Neko named Kiko! Nice to meet you~

11:12pm Aug 27 2022

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Posts: 525
NekoKiko feel free to make suggestions of any kind ^^ I'm not afraid to add new things lol

Important Note: I may not be online as often as I want because we are experiencing technical issues with our wifi. I'm using a hotspot to update today.

Now for our usual updates!

Age Ups!

NekoKiko takes their pets to the salon for some accessories.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


11:55pm Aug 27 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

NekoKiko takes Spectral out on an adventure through the forest.

Attempt 1:
You follow the path for a while until you come across a fork in the path. You decide to stick to the usual path this time since you aren't too familiar with the forest yet. A little ways down this path you find some flowers growing in a small patch of sun between some trees.
Attempt 2:
You continue for a long while but it seems that the people ahead of you must have already found anything that may have been around.

Attempt 3:
The path leads you to the edge of a river. Your Lynne takes this as an opportunity to grab a drink of the crystal clear water. You walk along the water's edge for a little while until you find a small pile of pebbles. You take them for your collection.
Attempt 4:
As you leave the river to return to the path you notice something shining in the tall grass nearby. It seems someone has lost an orange butterfly effect potion. It's doubtful that the original owner will come back for it it seems to have been here a long while. You take it with you.
Attempt 5:
There's some noise coming from a bush nearby. It catches Spectral attention and they stop to check it out. A short time later your Lynne brings you a common flynex egg.

Attempt 6:
You decide that it's time to head back. Spectral is happy to lead the way it seems they are happy to have taken a long walk with you. Unfortunately there isn't anything else for you to take home but at least you got to spend some quality time with your Lynne.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:51am Aug 28 2022

Normal User

Posts: 26
Awesome! So now I'd like to use my growth potion on the new egg child.

Suggestions for possible accessories: Hats, different mane styles, and maybe some other braclet styles?

~I am a Neko named Kiko! Nice to meet you~

12:56am Aug 28 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
NekoKiko used a growth potion!

Thanks for the suggestions, I do agree that we need more customization options I will keeps those in mind when it comes time to add some more.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:24pm Aug 28 2022 (last edited on 2:33pm Aug 28 2022)

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Posts: 502
6 explores through the woods with Cithaeron please!

And if I may, some species-exclusive edits, dyes, or colors might be neat. Like a third tail for the Lynne, but obviously that couldn't work as well with most of the other creatures, or alternate feather... patterns? Types? For the Flynex, like a peacock pattern on the tail or something. Exclusive colors/dye could be for the higher rarity creatures, like more complex ones that come in the higher level eggs, but like you've already established, most of the creatures you can find in the forest don't come in rarities higher than Rare. Maybe rarer creatures don't have access to the lower levels, giving the more common ones their own exclusive colors.

Poke a hungry Mon?

12:41am Sep 4 2022 (last edited on 12:41am Sep 4 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525
Ooh great Ideas ^^

Good news! My Wifi has been fixed :) we had to order a new router. Sorry for the delay.
I did have a chance to work on some updates though and am almost ready to release the usage for the 'dead leaf' item.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:35am Sep 4 2022

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Posts: 13
Hello sorry I haven't been on in awhile been busy with a lot at home

1:35am Sep 4 2022

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Posts: 13
But I would like to make a request just need some time to think of some ideas

1:48am Sep 4 2022

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Posts: 525
Age Ups!!



Fennimage decides to take Cithaeron out to explore again.

Attempt 1:
You set of down the path heading towards the river. It's colder out today and it seems like it may rain. There aren't many people or creatures around today. Once at the river you see some Walpups splashing about in the currents there's a small egg pushed away from a nearby nest and the mother seems to be ignoring it. You decide to take it under your care.

(Auto hatched grows on the 6th)
Will have Goat Horns and Wings.

Attempt 2:
The two of you don't linger at the river long, knowing that the river could be dangerous once the rain starts. You continue down the path a ways and before long you come across a random egg just laying in the center of the path. There's no sign of how it could have gotten there. You decide to take it.
Uncommon Flynex Egg
(Auto hatched grows on the 6th)

Attempt 3:
Continuing along you eventually come across the clearing of flowers. It's been a while since you've payed this place a visit. You take a Pink Flower for your collection.
(You now have 12)

Attempt 4:
It starts sprinkling so you decide to cut your exploration shorter than usual, heading down the shorter path that loops around back to the entrance. There's a small patch of flowers growing in between the trees so you take one.
(You now have 10)

Attempt 5:
You are a little over halfway back when the rain turns into a down pour and you and Cithaeron take shelter under a large tree. It doesn't keep you completely dry but helps keep the two of you from being soaked. Unfortunately you aren't able to look around for anything.

Attempt 6:
Finally the rain dies down just enough that you can make a run for the exit. The last bit of the path is thankfully not too muddy but is slightly slippery so you aren't able to keep very dry by the time you get to the exit. You make it to your home safely then notice a leaf had gotten stuck in Cithaeron's fur. Seems like they need a bath.
(You now have 13)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:49am Sep 4 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Take your time Lyric, nice to see you back!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:30pm Sep 4 2022 (last edited on 1:34pm Sep 4 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 502
Ooh, a use for the dead leaves sounds cool! And an Achro mutant walpup baby, amazing xD

May I get 6 more explores with Cithaeron please?

And I'm glad to hear your router got fixed, or rather replaced, I'm sure that takes care of a number of issues for you ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:21am Sep 6 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
 Yes it does ^^
I'll make the explore/age up posts tomorrow I injured my arm so I have to type one handed It should be good by tomorrow. If not well I'll have more time to type it out at least XD

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


3:43am Sep 7 2022

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Posts: 525

Age Ups!


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:01am Sep 7 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
Pretty Winged Goat Horned babies <3

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:04am Sep 7 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525


Fennimage666 takes Cithaeron out into the forest once again.

Attempt 1:
Cithaeron takes off into the forest in a hurry and you almost loose sight of them. You manage to catch up with them only to find them playing with an orb fruit that seems to have come from no where. You take it after they are don't playing and look around for signs of the plant it came from but you have no luck.
(You now have 5)

Attempt 2:
You find yourselves at the river and Cithaeron decides to stop for a drink so you search the edge of the water for anything interesting. You manage to find a stone for your collection.
(You now have 19)

Attempt 3:
The two of you continue on after a moment but Cithaeron gets distracted by a wild Trylx that they seem to really like. You are unsuccessful in separating them so for a while you are stuck waiting until your companion returns to you. (Nothing found)

Attempt 4:
Now that your companion isn't distracted anymore you continue on the path. You quickly notice the quietness around you is... well, quieter than normal. It puts you on edge so you quickly leave the area focused on watching for potential threats rather than looking for items. (Nothing Found)

Attempt 5:
Next thing you know you find yourself back at the river. You aren't sure how you ended up back here. Even so you decide to walk along it a while longer, eventually coming upon a washed out nest with a single surviving egg.
(Auto hatched it would have hatched today anyway)
Attempt 6:
You decide that it's time to head home so you leave the water in favor of the path. For a while nothing interesting seems to catch your eye. You expect to come up empty once again but luckily for you you catch a glimpse of something sparkling to your right. You pick it up.
(You now have 2)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:41am Sep 13 2022 (last edited on 1:45am Sep 13 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525

September Update!!

Good news!
I have finally managed to finish one of the many updates I've been wanting to get done!
(I'll be catching up on age ups shortly as well.)

The smooth leaf (x10) can now be exchanged to give your companions the elemental air effect! Currently, only the previews for the Lynne and the Flynex are available but the previews for the Trylx and Walpup will also be added sometime soon I just ran out of time.
All effects are unavailable for the Guardian species but can be used on any other fully released species.

That being said from now on I will be getting online at least once a day to check for posts and age ups. I apologies for any inconveniences and thank you all for your patience and support!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:51am Sep 13 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
ooh, very nice! Good job Horse ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

2:24am Sep 13 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Thank you so much ^^
I've also updated the previews for the Guardians all common colors can be previewed now under the 'Forest previews' group in the 'Companion Finds' Tab. Just click on the tracks and the previews are there if you want to look at them. 

I also noticed the Walpup still has no effect previews... I'll be fixing that soon as well. For now though its bed time for me.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:54am Sep 14 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Age Ups!
As it turns out I'm right on time with the age up this time around ^^


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly

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