The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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12:56am Sep 14 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
Yaay, good job! Can I get 6 explores with Cithaeron please?

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:57am Sep 15 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Explores! (Short today due to lack of time)


Attempt 1:
Common Walpup Egg
Attempt 2:
Nothing this time

Attempt 3:
Uncommon Lynne Egg
Attempt 4:
Blue Butterfly Potion
(You now have 2)

Attempt 5:
Nothing found

Attempt 6:
Nothing Found

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:28am Sep 17 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Age Ups!


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


5:44am Sep 17 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
Bbs <3

Can I get 6 explores with Cithaeron plz.

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:06am Sep 18 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Fennimage666 takes Cithaeron out to explore.

Attempt 1:
It seems eerily quiet today and there's a strange fog that seems to be lingering around. Cithaeron sticks close to your side as the two of you travel along the path. You hear footsteps behind you and turn to see who it is only for there to be no one there. You turn back to continue on your way and notice an egg has appeared in the path a few feet from you.
Attempt 2:
The two of you continue along the path a bit more cautiously now. You keep a close eye out for the person or creature who could have made the footsteps earlier. Everything stays quiet though and before long you find yourself at the river where you come across another egg laying randomly in the path. Maybe it's the feral boy?
Attempt 3:
You leave the bank of the river and decide to head deeper into the forest where you find yourself at one of the clearings surrounded by blue flowers. You pick one for your collection and are about to leave when you witness something strange. In the center of the clearing the air seems to shimmer and spin then all at once it stops.
(You now have 15)

Attempt 4:
The fog seems to be clearing up now and you can hear the sounds of creatures coming out of hiding. Whatever was happening seems to be over for the moment. You decide to head north towards the mountains and stumble upon yet another abandoned egg laying alone in the grass.
Attempt 5:
It seems there are a lot of abandoned eggs today, you find another one a short distance away. It makes you wonder if the fog somehow had something to do with it.
Attempt 6:
Now that the fog has cleared Cithaeron seems more comfortable. They start leading the way and leads you through a thick patch of trees and brush. Once in the center you see a thin but tall tree with a single fruit hanging from it's branches. Cithaeron climbs up and retrieves it for you.
(You now have 6)
Once home you place the orb fruit with the others and the liquid inside them seems to react to the presence of the new fruit, swirling and glowing just barely enough to notice. Maybe if you collect more something will happen.

Bonus Found!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


7:21am Sep 18 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
Ooooh, glowy fruit :3

I'd like 6 explores with Cithaeron with the Lucky bonus please.

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:14am Sep 19 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
I will have to make the post tomorrow evening had a very long day and I need sleep. It will be done though I promise :)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


6:51am Sep 19 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
Alright sweet, ty. Can I can 6 more explores with Cithaeron to go with yesterday's please? :3

Poke a hungry Mon?

2:34pm Sep 19 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Yes of course I'll type it out now ^^

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:28pm Sep 19 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Fennimage takes Cithaeron out to explore once again.

Attempt 1:
You set out into the forest choosing to stay off the path today in favor of the thicker part of the forest. For a long while there seems to be nothing interesting but the two of you continue on anyway.

Attempt 2:
Deeper in the forest you come across a Flynex nesting ground. There are nests everywhere with both eggs and kits in them. You quietly walk through the clearing trying your best not to disturb any of them. About mid-way through you come across an egg laying on the ground by itself and not in a nest. You decide to take it home with you after finding that the egg is cold to the touch.
Attempt 3:
Cithaeron takes the lead and leads you through the trees until you come up on a small cave at the base of the mountain. They lead you into the cave and on the other side you notice that the cave has no roof instead you can see the sky above you and trees are growing here as well. It looks like a grove of orb fruit trees, you walk through them and notice that none of them seem to have fruits on them. However when Cithaeron walks up to one of the trees it seems to magically grow a single fruit. Cithaeron climbs up the tree retrieves the fruit for you.
(You now have 7)

Attempt 4:
You spend some time attempting to get the trees to produce more fruit but nothing seems to work so the two of you decide to leave and try again another time. You search around the entrance of the cave as well but there's nothing around here either.

Attempt 5:
Going back towards the forest and away from the mountain you find another blue flower ring. You pick one of the blue flowers and place it in your bag. You turn to leave but a sound stops you and you turn back around just in time to see a mother Lynne and her pup appear out of thin air in the center of the clearing then run off into the forest as if nothing happened.
(You now have 16)

Attempt 6:
Cithaeron seems thirsty so the two of you decide to walk to the river for a quick rest before heading home. While Cithaeron is drinking you collect some pebbles for your collection.
(You now have 22)

Lucky Bonus:
Red Fox dye
(You now have 3)

Bonus Found!

Fennimage takes Cithaeron into the forest for an adventure.

Attempt 1:
Uncommon Flynex
Attempt 2:
Common Walpup
Attempt 3:
Attempt 4:

Attempt 5:
Smooth Leaf
Attempt 6:

Bonus Found!
(You now have 2)

Note* I cut the last one short because my wifi is being extremely spotty and I'm afraid it might go out completely before I get the chance to post it.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:47pm Sep 19 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525

Small Update!

The Walpup is now able to use forest found dyes!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


10:25am Sep 20 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
Ooh, very pretty! They look so cute ^^

Oh! And I got an idea for the Minipets. What if they acted as a permanent lucky boost, but with a cool down? So you can choose to take one with you and it'll give you an extra explore, but only once in a certain period. Maybe different Minipets also have higher chances of finding certain things, like a squeak is more likely to give you a leaf or something. And you could balance that by having each Minipet have their own cooldown, or having a cooldown until you can bring any Minipet out again.

Poke a hungry Mon?

1:40am Sep 22 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
I like that idea. I'll give it some thought and see what I come up with ^^

Age Ups!

One of them will have Sabre teeth.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


11:20am Sep 22 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
All the precious babies <3

6 explores with Cithaeron please!

Poke a hungry Mon?

9:54am Sep 23 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
6 more explores with Cithaeron today please!

Poke a hungry Mon?

2:30am Sep 24 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
For some reason yesterday's didn't post... so here it is.
(Shortened cause I had a pretty bad day at work and motivation is gone -_-)

Attempt 1:
Evolved Flynex Egg (Rare color)
Attempt 2:
Pink Flower
(You now have 13)

Attempt 3:
Rare Walpup Egg
Attempt 4:
Yellow Flower
(You now have 11)

Attempt 5:

Attempt 6:
Evolved Flynex Egg (Common color)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:36am Sep 24 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
This one will be short as well... I apologize.

Attempt 1:
Pink flower
(You now have 14)

Attempt 2:
Uncommon Walpup Egg

Attempt 3:
(You now have 23)

Attempt 4:

Attempt 5:
Common Walpup

Attempt 6:
Spiky Leaf
(You now have 10)

Bonus Found!
(You now have 3)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:38am Sep 24 2022

Normal User

Posts: 525
Age Ups!


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:02pm Sep 24 2022

Normal User

Posts: 502
It's all good, I'm sorry you had a bad day at work, hopefully today is better for you. Can I get 6 more explores with Cithaeron please?

Poke a hungry Mon?

5:08am Sep 25 2022 (last edited on 5:09am Sep 25 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 525
Post will be a bit late but I will post the first chance I get. Ended up spending time with a friend since she just came home from a funeral and she needed some moral support. It's too late to type out the explore story now but I will post it once I wake up.

Edit: Thank you. I'm looking for a new job. I really dislike mine, it zaps all the energy out of everyone who works there.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly

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