The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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3:14am Sep 13 2024 (last edited on 3:17am Sep 13 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 525
I forgot one!
You've hatched a tan Flynex!

Also I'm planning on adding another way to get rid of duplicate/unwanted pets so the adoption center doesn't end up flooded. Maybe kind of like the shrines where you trade them in and get points and things... I'm open to suggestions.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


7:43am Sep 13 2024

Normal User

Posts: 502
You've already mentioned the scientists a few times, maybe (at least for the time being) they could have something where they need pets from the areas you've been exploring for a research project, and will offer you points in exchange for items?

Kinda like K1r I guess, options wouldn't be bad if a shrine sounds like a good idea too. It'd be a neat way to offer less 'natural' items if you have any ideas you wanna play around with for that.

As for the paint palettes, don't even worry about it lol focus on what you feel like you have the inspiration/focus for. Work is being tough as is, unless you feel up to it I don't mind having some atm unusable items.

I'll get to you about a custom once I have some better ideas for a color palette I'd like, ty again :)

And sending payment for today's explores. Did I see that Cithareon wants to come out for a bit? I'll take him with me today, lol

Poke a hungry Mon?

12:52pm Sep 14 2024

Normal User

Posts: 502
Hello again! Could I get my daily explores with my custom Flynex please? I should maybe give them a name, huh.

Poke a hungry Mon?

2:50am Sep 15 2024 (last edited on 2:53am Sep 15 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 525
A name would help identify them but it's your choice ^^ Naming is free at least lol
Thanks for the suggestions, and I'm working towards at least one update a month, or two smaller updates until I get caught up a bit more.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


5:10am Sep 15 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525


Your companion Cithareon notices you leaving your home and really wants to go. He bolts through the door as you open it ready to go.

Attempt 1

The two of you walk down the path a long ways without either of you seeing anything worth bringing home. Not wanting to follow the rather large group of people you notice walking ahead, you decide to leave the path. You come across a thick patch of brush with signs of a fight. Amongst the small tufts of fur and feathers you find an egg.
(Hatches on the 15th)

Attempt 1

Cithaeron, sniffs around the area and manages to find a second egg a short ways away. This one looks a bit strange...
(Hatches on the 15th)

Attempt 1

The two of you leave the area, choosing to walk the opposite way of the fight. After a while of wondering you accidentally end up running into the path where the group of people are still gathering items. You change directions again but still don't see anything.

Attempt 1

Cithaeron seems to notice something in the distance and you let him lead the way. Soon you find what had caught his attention was only another Trylx one that ran away once they noticed you. Cithaeron seems a bit upset at his friend's departure. You stop for a moment to cheer him back up.

Attempt 1

Once Cithaeron feels better the two of you continue on the path. The forest seems to be busy today, you run into more people not far away. It seems you are lucky you've managed to find what you have.

Attempt 1

With the streak of bad luck seeming to continue for so long you decide to head home. As you are leaving you notice some flowers someone has dropped. Knowing it's doubtful they'd be back you take them.
(You now have 18)

Inventory Updated!


You've hatched a Ginger Lynne!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


5:46am Sep 15 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525

You leave for the forest once more, your flynex tagging along ready for some fresh air.

Attempt 1:
The entrance of the forest seems to have been traveled recently, neither of you are able to find anything here. You decide quickly to leave the safety of the path. You don't find anything here but you do catch sight of some nocturnal creatures asleep in their nest.

Attempt 2:
Your flynex wants to take the lead so you follow them for a little while. They come to a stop in a small clearing where they find a leaf. This leaf doesn't seem to match any of the trees in the area.
(You now have 16)

Attempt 3:
Eventually the two of you end up at the cave, still closed like it always has been. You don't stay long, choosing to collect a rock before you leave.
(You now have 20)

Attempt 4:
You take the lead this time, heading towards the mountains at the south end of the forest. You come across one of those strange clearings with blue flowers encircling them. You turn to leave the clearing still giving off that eerie feeling. However, just as you take a step away there is a bright light and a single egg appears in the center of the clearing. You both are confused but retrieve the egg before you finally leave.
(Hatches on the 16th)

Attempt 5:
Somewhat shaken by the strange experience the two of you decide to take a break. You sit down in what seems to be a safe place. Your flynex sits next to you, using your lap as a pillow. You don't search for anything still trying to make sense of what just happened.

Attempt 6:
Before you realize time has passed and the sun starts to set. Knowing that the forest is more dangerous at night you choose to leave. On your way back your flynex brings you a small gift as thanks for being so kind to them.
(You now have 12)

Inventory updated!



You've hatched a Smoke Flynex!
(Ages on the 21st)

You've hatched a Coal Wraither!
(Ages on the 21st)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


5:50am Sep 15 2024 (last edited on 5:51am Sep 15 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 525
Also if you'd like to, you can add details to influence the story part of the explores it won't effect the items you will find cause those are chosen by random. Like adding time of day, or staying on the path or not, investigating things you've found before. Make it more interactive ^^ I'd like to try this and see how it goes. Of course this is completely optional. 

Also I'm thinking about adding an option to add genders to the creatures also for the story aspect. I'll just add the chosen gender to the desc. under the pet image in the 'owners list'

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


11:05am Sep 15 2024

Normal User

Posts: 502
That'd be cute! And it would be nice to decide more of what I explore, I def wanna see more of what's across that bridge. Unless that's the unlockable area, then oops xD

I would like to take my Flynex out in the morning today please, where exactly doesn't much matter for today.

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:05am Sep 16 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525
Across the bridge is still part of the forest I have debated on making it an unlockable area but I've decided to keep it as part of the forest because I have another idea for it.

I hope you don't mind but I'm going to wait to post the explores and aging tomorrow. Work was killer today lol, thank goodness I have a day off tomorrow.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


8:27pm Sep 16 2024

Normal User

Posts: 502
You're all good, dw! Sending the payment for today, continuing on that Flynex train ^^

Once again in the morning please :)

Poke a hungry Mon?

12:20am Sep 17 2024

Normal User

Posts: 502
And again for today lol. Hope you're doing well! Once again I'd like to take my Flynex, and I'd like to explore around the foot of the mountain in the evening please.

Poke a hungry Mon?

2:06am Sep 17 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525
I'm doing fine was out with the family all day. I'll be posting everything shortly ^^

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:27am Sep 17 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525

You've hatched a gold wraither!
You've hatches an Achromatic mutant wraither!
(This is my favorite mutant so far)


You leave your home in early morning hoping to beat the crowds. You take your flynex along with you.

Attempt: 1
The forest is still damp with morning dew as the two of you enter. Although there is a slight chill in the air you are both still determined to search for clouds and feathers. However the sight of a beautiful sunrise draws your attention away from looking for the moment.

Attempt: 2
After taking in the sunrise the two of you set off along the path for a little ways before you leave it in favor of the woods. Your Flynex flies above you circling and searching for things to bring home it seems the morning air has made them happier. They soon return to you gently carrying an egg they've found.
(Hatches on the 17th)

Attempt: 3
Your flynex walks next to you for a while resting their wings after flying for so long. Soon enough you find yourselves in a clearing full of wildflowers. You pick one at random.
(You now have 19)

Attempt: 4
You decide to walk through the flower field after realizing you've never explored the far side. You soon find out that the taller trees on the other side is a trylx nesting area. You observe a family with small kits sleeping nearby in the shade. You pass quietly to not wake the nocturnal creatures. A short ways past you find an abandoned egg.
(Hatches on the 17th)

Attempt: 5
Due to the rather large amount of Trylx sleeping in the area the two of you move on. You find yourselves outside of a camp of sorts that you soon figure out is a research post for the scientists. You leave the area so as not to cause trouble.

Attempt: 6
You notice that your Trylx is showing signs of being hungry so the two of you begin to head off towards home. You choose to stay off the path and it pays off. You find yet another egg.
(Hatches on the 17th)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:47am Sep 17 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525


You've hatched a white Trylx!


You leave your home in early morning once again, this time watching the sunrise from your home and having breakfast before departing.

Attempt: 1
As you reach the entrance to the forest you notice its a bit colder today than usual... October is approaching fast and for a moment a blur of a movement to your left looks to be a Zettu coming out of hiding. However when you go to get a closer look nothing is there.

Attempt: 2
After you are sure nothing is there you debate on a direction for a while, eventually you decide to allow your flynex to choose. They take the path that heads towards the mountains and you even find a bundle of sticks on the way.
(You now have 39)

Attempt: 3
Finally the two of you find yourselves at the roots of the mountains where the trees are tall as if they were trying to reach the rays of sun through the shadows of the mountain. Here your Flynex notices something and excitedly flies up above you and almost out of sight. When they return they bring you a gift.
(You now have 7)

Attempt: 4
Excited about the find  but tired from all the walking you decide that you've both earned a small break. You find a good place to sit and eat some snacks you brought along.

Attempt: 5
Since the scientists seem to have moved on from the area you decide to wonder around here for a while. Maybe there will be a clue here somewhere as to what they are up to... You find what looks to be the area where their tents were set up and you find a glassy rock... weird, these are usually only found at the cave...
(You now have 21)

Attempt: 6
You notice more and more people on the paths now and realize that you've been in the forest a long while. You are feeling a bit tired from walking and your Flynex seems to want a nap. The two of you head home but before you leave you find a flower growing next to the path.
(You now have 20)

(I'll post the 17th things once I get home from work I need sleep XD)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:03pm Sep 17 2024

Normal User

Posts: 502
Have good sleep Horse :)

Exited to be seeing some even creatures in the wild, that's wonderful ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

12:44am Sep 18 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525
(It's after midnight so it's already the 18th...)


This pet has aged up!

You've hatched a ginger Flynex!
(This one will have the mane edit)
You've hatched a Coal Flynex!
You've hatched a Ginger Trylx!
(This one will have the mane and horns edits)


You set out once again in the early morning, your loyal flynex by your side.

Attempt: 1
The morning is quiet, you seem to be the first one here today. The park ranger in charge greets you as he sips on his coffee. He offers you a warning not to go near the cave today because of a non-native dangerous creature that has been spotted in the area and also reminds you that the park is not at fault for any injuries that may be sustained while you explore. You accept his warning but continue anyways. Shortly after entering you notice a paint kit on the ground.
(You now have 3)

Attempt: 2
You notice some rather large tracks that you don't recognize crossing the path... they seem to make your flynex nervous. Despite this you continue on just keeping your companion close ready for anything that may happen. You come across a ransacked nest nearby, two eggs are cracked open but the last one has survived. With no nest left to keep it safe anymore, you take it.
(Hatches on the 19th)

Attempt: 3
As the two of you continue you start to hear something following you along the trail. This makes you more nervous especially when you notice your Flynex turn alert and their fur behind their neck stands up. Knowing that the two of you could be in danger you search for a safe place to hide.

Attempt: 4
After a while you notice a small cave in a rock formation nearby, the two of you squeeze inside hoping that whatever is hunting you would be too big to get inside. A short time later you hear the sound of a low growl and through the cave entrance you catch sight of a large reptilian creature near by sniffing around. It looks it your direction and you have enough time to take in his glowing red eyes right before ducking out of sight. The both of you stay here until you are sure the creature has left the area.

Attempt: 5
With that thing on the loose and on your trail you decide it best to leave. Carefully keeping an eye on your surroundings the two of you leave. Sticking to the path and listening and watching for any potential threats. While looking you trip over something... but it's only a bottle of dye.
(You now have 2)
Attempt: 6
You are almost out of the forest when you find yet another abandoned egg, there are some clawmarks on the outershell but thankfully it seems to be intact. You pick it up and leave the forest, reporting your sighting to the ranger who calls it in to the crews searching for the creature.
(hatches on the 19th)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:04pm Sep 23 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525
I do still exist, I unfortunately came down with an illness. I'll be updating everything within the next day or so. Sorry for the wait. ❤❤

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


6:10pm Sep 23 2024

Normal User

Posts: 502
I hope you get better soon! And don't worry I fell off too. Since I'm here, might I get my explores for today? Don't feel pressured to get to the right away, rest up

Poke a hungry Mon?

1:54pm Sep 26 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525
Alright! I'm back! Thanks for understanding, I'll get everything posted tonight when I get home from work ^^ I'm feeling a lot better now.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


8:15pm Sep 26 2024

Normal User

Posts: 502
Glad to hear it! Celebratory explores with the Flynex ^^

I don't remember if I've asked this recently, but would it be alright with you if I adv'd the thread? I miss seeing other people exploring with me lol

Poke a hungry Mon?
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