The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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12:08am Oct 19 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525

Hatches and Age Ups!

Will have chest fluff, blind eyes, and a mane

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:17am Oct 19 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525


You place all ten feathers on a flat surface... Suddenly a strong breeze scoops them up and carries them up and out of sight. You watch them until you can not see them any more. You look down at the spot where the feathers were and find that in their place is now an egg.
(This is a legendary egg it will hatch in 7 days!)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:51am Oct 19 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525



Evergreen Forest

To celebrate finding 10 feathers you bring your flynex out into the forest. Despite it being fall the weather is nice. You take along both bonuses.

Attempt 1:
At the start of the forest you take the right path which follows along the river. You don't find any items or eggs but you do get the chance to see a young walpup swimming along with it's mother.

Attempt 2:
A bit further down the river your Flynex decides he needs a drink so you pause to give him some time. While waiting you notice a stone half-buried near the water's edge.
(You now have 27)

Attempt 3:
Your flynex takes the lead now, taking you away from the river and deeper into the forest. You approach an area of thick brush where you find an egg that looks like another animal has attempted to eat it but failed.

Attempt 4:
A bit further from there your flynex notices something above you and takes off into the air. He returns with a cloud... You still aren't sure if these really are clouds.
(You now have all 10! You are able to use them now if you'd like.)

Attempt 5:
After a small celebration for finding the cloud the two of you take a rest. Here you find some pebbles lying near by. You collect them.
(You now have 34)

Attempt 6:
As you begin to head back to the start of the trail your flynex meets one of his friends and wants to play for a while. You take a seat to allow him some fun. You watch them play for a while but it's getting late so you have to call him back. He's sad to leave his friend but he follows anyways.

Lucky Bonus Item:
(You now have 1)

Happy Bonus:
No floofloos this time...

Hallowed Trail
(I assume you wanted to explore here too. It wasn't posted but it's free so...)
I'm not adding a story to this part since you didn't actually include it in your post.

Attempt 1:
common Ghoulin
Attempt 2:
common vampi
Attempt 3:
uncommon ghoulin


Evergreen Forest

You leave your home with your companion Spectral wanting to explore after not being able to for so long.

Attempt 1:

Attempt 2:
pink flower
(You now have 3)

Hallowed Trail

You return home briefly to switch companions and drop off your flower from the forest. Saturn seems restless and more than ready to stretch their legs.
Attempt 1:
There's plenty of fog in the air as the two of you enter the festival. You browse the markets for a moment then you notice a group of people sharing scary stories and smores around a campfire. They invite the two of you to join and you accept.

Attempt 2:
You spent a little too much time around the campfire so you say your goodbyes and decide to try your luck in the maze... However you end up a bit lost and Saturn leads you back to the entrance.

Attempt 3:
As you are leaving you hear your lottery numbers being called. It looks like you've won! You collect your prize then head home.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:09am Oct 19 2024

Normal User

Posts: 502
You are totally right, I forgot to lol. And yes, please! Cloud time :D

Also, sending the tu for today's explores, I think I'll bring out Cithaeron, before sunrise since Trylx are nocturnal, and I want more Orbi Raptors. I'll take my custom flynex to the trail instead.

Also also, when that Achro Ghoulin grows up, could you give him the name "Gomez"?

Poke a hungry Mon?

11:59pm Oct 19 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


12:22am Oct 20 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525

You gather together all ten of your clouds. It takes a moment but soon they begin to shift and form together. Once the movement stops it seems they have formed an egg!
You've gotten a Forain egg a legendary find!
(Will take 7 days to hatch)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:38am Oct 20 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525


Evergreen Forest:
You set out before dawn with Cithaeron. He seems a lot happier being out at night.
Attempt 1:
At the start of the path you take a moment to let your eyes adjust to the dark. You still can't see well but you trust Cithaeron to lead you through safely. They take the lead careful to be sure you are following them. The two of you go down the left path. Although there aren't many people out at this time you can't seem to find anything.

Attempt 2:
Your eyes are fully adjusted now, and with help from your flashlight you can see eyes reflected back at you from some brush. They catch you off guard however you quickly realize that its a wild trylx.

Attempt 3:
While you are trying to look around Cithaeron brings you something they've found. They seem very happy by their find.
(You now have 1)

Attempt 4:
Cithaeron begins to climb a tree, knowing you can't follow you watch them instead. It turns out that Cithaeron noticed a leerin having a snack in the tree. The leerin is not amused and hisses at them until they are a safe distance away.

Attempt 5:
Once Cithaeron rejoins you the two of you set off once again. The forest looks a lot different at night. There is a low fog hanging in the air and it looks a bit eerie. As you are taking in the scenery you manage to find a dead leaf.
(You now have 23)

Attempt 6:
Cithaeron hops from tree to tree as you travel down the path heading back towards the entrance. You call them back to your side as you reach the gate and when they jump down they notice a stone for your collection.
(You now have 32)
Hallowed Trail:
You decide to bring your flynex to the hallowed trail after you returned Cithaeron to your home.
Attempt 1:
When the two of you enter the festival, there is a lady giving out free samples of her candy apples and other treats. She insists that you try one so you do and after she attempts to get you to buy some.

Attempt 2:
Today the locals have set up a haunted house. You decide to venture through it although your flynex will have to wait outside. No pets aloud inside, they don't want an over protective pet to injure on of the scare actors as a perceived threat.

Attempt 3:
After the haunted house the two of you follow the trail up past the graveyard. Near the spooky mansion you'd found the day before you find yourself an egg.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


8:10pm Oct 31 2024

Normal User

Posts: 502
Happy Halloween! I fell off again lol. Can I get my 6 explores with Cithaeron and go out one last time with my acrho Zettu? Ty Horse ^^

Poke a hungry Mon?

1:37pm Nov 17 2024

Normal User

Posts: 525
I'll post it soon, I disappeared cause I had some crazy stuff going on with my family. I'm also going to be working on the custom wraither soon.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly

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