The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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12:51pm Feb 21 2020

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Posts: 525
Thank you all for being patient! I appreciate it I will update everything when I get home from work tonight since it seems like it might take a while. :)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:27am Feb 22 2020 (last edited on 4:32am Feb 22 2020)

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Posts: 525
River took their Flynex to the groomers for a new look!
River - Flyenx lavender by DarkHansol

Fennimage starts the day by visiting the pet shop and buys a rare Trylx egg along with a growth potion and a name tag for later use.
Trilx Egg - Rare by DarkHansolPotion - growth by DarkHansol
Name Tag x1 - (img to be added)

After dropping off their new egg and items at home they take a trip to the forest taking their flynex along to help search higher places.
Together they make six attempts.

1st attempt: Hidden in some brush you find a common Lynne egg!
Lynne Wolf Egg - Common by DarkHansol
2nd attempt: Nothing interesting here just some sticks. You take them anyway. They might be useful later.
(no image yet....)

3rd attempt: Unfortunately you come up empty handed this time.. your Flynex notices and flies up above the trees and returns with what looks like a small cloud?
(No image.. I'll get to it soon.)

4th attempt: You find a pretty looking smooth rock and decide to take it home.
(No image)

5th attempt: An unusual looking smooth leaf falls in front of you. You notice it doesn't match any of the trees around. Thinking its strange you decide to take it home.
(I'll make these all eventually lol)

6th attempt: You notice something under some brush and decide to check it out. You find an orange Butterfly effect potion!
Effects - Butterfly orange potion by DarkHansol
NorthPaw Steps into the petshop and after looking around for a moment decides to buy a common Lynne egg and a growth potion.
Lynne Wolf Egg - Common by DarkHansolPotion - growth by DarkHansol

Owner's list and inventories will be updated shortly!!

Also images coming soon!
I'm off work for the next two days so I'm hoping to get some done :)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


5:22am Feb 22 2020 (last edited on 5:22am Feb 22 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 525


I have added something new to the preview page!

There is now an Item bank of sorts where you can see items and their uses.
Forest items are included so feel free to check that out though I will admit that not every item is on there.
I want to keep some a surprise!

Also I have added types to each of the species!
Lynne - Tracking type
Flynex - Flying type
Trylx - Climbing type

These types will come into effect if you take them to the forest with you.
Each type has different items that they may find!

Once I finish updating all the artwork I plan to add a few more creatures of the following types.


Which one will you be looking forward too??


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


8:21pm Mar 31 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
Hello Everyone!
I just wanted to let you know that the adopts are still open!
Things have been crazy everywhere around here and I just want to say,
stay safe and healthy ^^

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:11am Apr 1 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
I forgot to hatch North Paw's egg... Sorry..
You've hatched a black Lynne.. I grew them up since it's already been so long...
2 - Black Adult by DarkHansol
Once again my apologies..

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


7:36am Apr 1 2020

Normal User

Posts: 1,937
swimming mon sounds exciting 0v0;; love the different types so far!


7:57am Apr 1 2020

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Posts: 1,937
aaactually you know what 👀 id love to purchase some thingsies, if you're not too busy!

for this midnight pal, a wings line edit in same colour as the blues,
some blind eyes in all-white, and name tag with 'starry night' please?

total: 2,2M i believe?

for this gnarly pal, is the chest fluff/mane possible, in black
idk if it can fit with the armor, if it gets icky that's fine; 
then just a name tag with 'a beast' please!

total: 1,2M or 200K depending!

5 - Tan Adult by DarkHansol

also id like to give out these three of my lynne, if possible? for people who dont have lynne/landaria adopts yet, or perhaps just 1? unless that gets too difficult 0v0;;


2:54pm Apr 2 2020 (last edited on 12:50pm Apr 6 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 525
[Edit File] by DarkHansol
This is what the two look like together.
When I create them I try my best for everything to work good together. ^^

The three you want to give away it's no problem ^^ I'll add them to the adoption center.

Edit** I just noticed you said Mane as well so here's what they look like together and with just the mane.
[Edit File] 3 by DarkHansol[Edit File] 2 by DarkHansol

For the blind eyes on the midnight Lynne are you wanting the entire eye white or just the pupil?
Cause the entire eye I might make into a new trait.. same price of course. The original blind eye trait is just the pupil.

Let me know what you decide so I can make the changes needed. ^^

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:32pm Apr 2 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
So... found some more eggs that I forgot to hatch...
Sorry... I'll do better. ^^

Fennimage666 here are your hatches... already grown up as well.
3- Trilx Adult - Calico by DarkHansol6 - Ginger Adult by DarkHansol

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


6:52pm Apr 5 2020

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Posts: 525

More images have been added!
I have finished the artwork for both the flowers and the leaves!
I've finally accomplished something ^^

Item - Forest Leaf Smooth by DarkHansolItem - Forest Leaf Spiky by DarkHansolItem - Forest Leaf Dead by DarkHansol
Item - Forest Flower Blue by DarkHansolItem - Forest Flower Yellow by DarkHansolItem - Forest Flower Pink by DarkHansol
Next on my to do list:

Art for rocks/sticks and other forest items.

Finish up the current species since the newer ones are still missing art for the line edits, accessories and effects.

Make new art for the forest... it's a very old drawing I'm not too proud of.

Release functions for the forest items.

Also I want to ask you all a few questions.

First off do you have any suggestions for future additions?

What creature is your favorite so far?

What type of creature would you want to see in the shop next?

Before I leave.
I want to update you all that things are going better for me now and I will be online more regularly so no more long waits for me to get back to you.
Thank you all for being patient with me. ^^

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


10:11am Apr 7 2020 (last edited on 10:13am Apr 7 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 1,937
ooohh i think this one looks the best! 
[Edit File] 3 by DarkHansol

and per the blind eyes, i was thinking full-eye colouration, but if its trouble to make a new almost-similar mutation, the regular existing one works too :0

love the new item arts!! the vibrant leaf is 10/10 omg

edit // sent you a tip! love ur stuff, and seeing a detailed adopt thread like yours is rad!


2:03am Apr 9 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
Thank you so much! ^^
I'll have them updated soon!

And I can do the full eye coloration no problem :)
After all the more available traits the better I think. Give people a chance to make their pets unique.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:31pm Apr 10 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
Omnoms walked her two Lynnes too the groomers and gave them a new look.
They wag their tails in happiness at the extra attention.
Omnoms - Starry Night by DarkHansolOmnoms - Coal by DarkHansol

Also with these a new trait will be added to the shop.
A variation of the blind eyes.
I shall call it 'Full Blind eyes' since the normal is only the pupil this trait covers the entire eye.


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:39pm Apr 10 2020 (last edited on 1:48pm Apr 10 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 525

More images have been added!
Forest Item - Sticks by DarkHansolForest Item - Rock Smooth by DarkHansolForest Item - Rock Pebbles by DarkHansolForest Item - Rock glass by DarkHansol
Forest Item - Egg Token Common by DarkHansolForest Item - Egg Token Uncommon by DarkHansolForest Item - Egg Token Rare by DarkHansol
Forest Item - Custom Token Bronze by DarkHansolForest Item - Custom Token Silver by DarkHansolForest Item - Custom Token Gold by DarkHansolForest Item - Custom Token by DarkHansol
Forest Item - Dye Token by DarkHansolForest Item - Credit Token by DarkHansol
Next on my to do list:

Finish up the current species since the newer ones are still missing art for the line edits, accessories and effects.

Make new art for the forest... it's a very old drawing I'm not too proud of.

Release functions for the forest items.


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


1:03am May 6 2020

Normal User

Posts: 502
Haaaaiiiiii! *waves*

If this thread is still alive, may I take six explorations in the woods with my silver Lynne Wolf, my Flyenx, and my Trylx?

And I'd like to name my Trylx Cocoa please :3

Poke a hungry Mon?

1:04pm May 7 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
Yes we are still alive :)
Did you want 2 explorations with each pet? You can only take one at a time.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


3:59pm May 7 2020

Normal User

Posts: 502
Yes please

Poke a hungry Mon?

3:28pm May 8 2020

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Posts: 525
Fennimage666 named their Trylx Cocoa. 
Cocoa seems to love their new name.
Fennimage666 - Cocoa by DarkHansol
Fennimage666 decides to take their pets exploring in the forest with them.
They take their Silver Lynne first.

1st Attempt: Unfortunately you find nothing interesting on this attempt.

2nd Attempt: You're about to give up looking when you catch a glimpse of something shiny. You've found a Silver Custom Token!
Forest Item - Custom Token Silver by DarkHansol
(Includes two available line edits.)

Excited about your find you go back to the entrance to switch pets and pay for two more attempts.
You take your Flynex this time.

1st Attempt: You find yourself near a river you notice something glimmer under the water. Unfortunately the water is too deep for you and you companion so you take some pebbles instead.
Forest Item - Rock Pebbles by DarkHansol 
2nd Attempt: You come across a field of flowers. You pick a few blue ones to take home.
Item - Forest Flower Blue by DarkHansol

You go back to the entrance once more to switch pets again.
This time taking Cocoa.

1st Attempt: You find yourself at the same field of flowers as before and this time you decide to take a yellow flower home.
Item - Forest Flower Yellow by DarkHansol
2nd Attempt: You and Cocoa stumble apon a ransacked Flynex nest. Two of the eggs are broken to bits but you notice one is still intact. You rush it home to the incubator not knowing who or what attacked the nest or if it might come back.
1 - Flyenx egg - Common by DarkHansol

All of you pets seemed to enjoy themselves and they all return home happier than before. You've received a happy bonus to use on your next exploration. Every time you take a pet on an adventure through the forest you have a small chance of receiving this bonus.
Forest Item - Happiness bonus by DarkHansol
This will give you a chance to find a special surprise in the forest!
Good for one use only!

The owners list has been updated!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


3:38pm May 8 2020 (last edited on 3:44pm May 8 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 502
Ok, thank you! One sec while I check how customs work

Ah they're closed atm.

Well I hope you're doing alright durring this quarantine :>

Poke a hungry Mon?

4:54pm May 8 2020

Normal User

Posts: 350
Hey. Can I get a common Trylx egg?
Also, I'd like to take my Flynex on a 6 trip long forest adventure.

Should be 5 mil I believe, sending shortly. :)

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