The Planet of Landaria [Adoptables!]

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8:10pm May 8 2020

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Posts: 525
BoredDragon buys a common Trylx from the pet shop. The small egg seemed to draw them in even though there didn't seem to be anything special about it.
Trilx Egg - Common by DarkHansol
Hatches on the 10th!

BoredDragon then decides to take their Flynex on an adventure through the forest.

1st attempt: You find a cave deep in the woods there's signs outside saying do not enter. Your guides warn that it wouldn't be a good idea to enter but you can take one of the glass-like rocks near the entrance. 
Forest Item - Rock glass by DarkHansol
2nd attempt: You don't find anything interesting this time just a small bundle of sticks. I wonder who tied them up like this.
Forest Item - Sticks by DarkHansol
3rd attempt: Your Flynex smells a sweet scent and leads you to a field of wildflowers. You pick one for your collection.
Item - Forest Flower Yellow by DarkHansol
4th attempt: You notice a suspicious character skulking around. Figuring they were up to no good you decide to confront them. They take of running dropping the bag they were carrying. Inside you find a Common Lynne egg as well as a few endangered species eggs that you turn over to the authorities.
Lynne Wolf Egg - Common by DarkHansol
5th attempt: You come across a ransacked nest probably victim of a poacher or another creature. You find one egg still intact and you take it back to the rangers station to have them incubate it for you till you go home.
Trilx Egg - Common by DarkHansol

6th attempt: Unfortunately you find nothing this time but you leave in good spirits with all of your earlier finds.



More art has been added!
You can now preview effects and accessories for the Flynex!


Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


8:20pm May 8 2020

Normal User

Posts: 350
Cool, thanks. Can't wait to see what a bundle of sticks is useful for. XD


8:31pm May 8 2020 (last edited on 8:31pm May 8 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 525
I just now noticed your post Fennimage666
Your free custom coin can still be redeemed even though customs are closed. I'll add a note on the customs area for future reference lol.
A silver coin gets you two line edits from the shop for free to add to your custom as well.
I am doing well, thanks :)
I'm still working which is good despite the risks.

And you are very welcome BoredDragon :)

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


9:32pm May 8 2020

Normal User

Posts: 503
I hope you don't catch the virus... but could I redeem my silver coin to get a custom trylx? They are my favorite <3 Though swimmy mons do sound cool too...

Poke a hungry Mon?

10:38pm May 8 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
The custom coins are only good for existing species lol. Don't worry though I plan to add a swimming type species soon as well as one for the other types that currently have no creatures available.

So a Custom Trylx it is!
I just need to know these things:

Main color:
Second color (Belly/Leg stripes color):
Third color (Tail/ear color):
Eye color:
Extra Markings and color if wanted:
What line edits do you want from the shop with the Silver coin you can choose two.
Name for your new pet (optional):

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


4:40am May 9 2020 (last edited on 4:41am May 9 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 525

Trilx line edit previews have been added to the preview page!

Accessories will soon follow!

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


6:30pm May 9 2020 (last edited on 6:30pm May 9 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 503
Main color: #643B69
Second color (Belly/Leg stripes color): #A39DA4
Third color (Tail/ear color): #B52AC5
Eye color: #45C9E3
Extra Markings and color if wanted: Snowflake/Star-like markings along the sides #D0CDB1
What line edits do you want from the shop with the Silver coin you can choose two. 
Could I please get the mane, chest fluff, and blind eyes? (I will send the extra tu to get a third line edit if I may)
Name for your new pet (optional): N/a

And may I go on six trips through the forest with my Flynnex? With the happy please :3

Poke a hungry Mon?

1:15am May 11 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
Fennimage666 - It's ok to pay for an extra line edit :)
I'll get to work on your custom right away!

 Eggs have hatched!

Fennimage666 has hatched a Ginger Flynex!
6 - Flyenx Pup Ginger by DarkHansol

BoredDragon has hatched a White Trylx, a Brown Lynne, and a Black Trylx!
3- Trilx Kit - White by DarkHansol4 - Brown pup by DarkHansol2- Trilx kit - Black by DarkHansol
All babies will grow on the 17th!

Fennimage666 decides to take their Flynex back to the forest today with happiness in their hearts. Maybe you will find something special...
Forest Item - Happiness bonus by DarkHansol
1st Attempt: You notice a blue plastic coin laying on the path. You pick it up and realize that it's a Free Dye Token. Someone must have dropped it. You look around for the owner but after a few minutes of looking you decide to keep it.
Forest Item - Dye Token by DarkHansol
2nd Attempt: You come across a strange scruffy looking boy who seems too young to be out in the woods alone. You are worried and call out to the boy. He approaches cautiously on all fours which you find a bit strange. He sniffs around for a moment then jumps up a tree and brings you an egg? The boy runs off and you loose sight of him you decide to tell the rangers later. You've received a Rare Trylx Egg!
Trilx Egg - Rare by DarkHansol

3rd Attempt: You are still shaken by your earlier encounter that you are somewhat unfocused and catch yourself looking for the kid. Unfortunately you find nothing this attempt.

4th Attempt: You remember the flower field near your location and you decide to visit it and grab a Blue Flower for your collection.
Item - Forest Flower Blue by DarkHansol
5th Attempt: You check out the river again to see if that glimmer is still there. It's not but you decide to take a few more pebbles home.
Forest Item - Rock Pebbles by DarkHansol
6th Attempt: You explore a little deeper into the forest than you normally go and you hear a loud growl. Scared, you and your Flynex run back to the entrance hearing heavy paw prints behind you. Unfortunately because of your panic you find nothing.

This adventure has used your Happy Bonus unfortunately you didn't come across the special surprise. It's rare after all.
Lucky for you though the odds are in your favor through it all you've managed to find happiness once again!
Forest Item - Happiness bonus by DarkHansol

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


3:55am May 11 2020

Normal User

Posts: 503
I'd say running into a rando into the middle of the woods and being gifted an egg would be pretty surprising xD

Poke a hungry Mon?

2:06am May 13 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
Yeah it would lol
If you are wondering who he is.. I have plans for him in the future.
But before that I have other things that need done.

Also your egg has hatched today!
You've hatched an Achromatic Trilx!

5- Trilx Kit - Achromatic by DarkHansol
I'll try to have you custom done by tomorrow but I work today so I can't promise I'll have it done in time.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


11:45am May 14 2020

Normal User

Posts: 350
Hey, can I take either of my adult wolves to the forest 6 times?


8:02pm May 16 2020

Normal User

Posts: 26
I would like to explore the forest 6 times with Spectral. It takes me so long to save money lol

~I am a Neko named Kiko! Nice to meet you~

12:37am May 17 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
Fennimage666 the pet shop calls you to let you know your custom ordered Trilx has arrived at the shop and is ready to go home.
Fennimage666 - Purple Sky by DarkHansol

BoredDragon decides to take their wolves on an adventure through the forest.

You take your Natural colored Lynne first.

1st Attempt: Unfortunately you don't find much interesting this time just a bundle of sticks.
Forest Item - Sticks by DarkHansol
2nd Attempt: You're Lynne leads you off the path and shows you the way to a ransacked nest with a single surviving egg. There are claw marks everywhere. It's too dangerous to linger. You take the egg and run away.
Trilx Egg - Common by DarkHansol
3rd Attempt: You don't find anything this time. Hearing growls coming from inside the woods making you to nervous to really search for anything.

You return to the rangers station to wait for what ever it was growling to move on. When you think it's safe you switch pets and take your achromatic Lynne. This time going a different direction just in case.

4th Attempt: Nothing around but dead leaves. The forest feels eerily quiet.
 Item - Forest Leaf Dead by DarkHansol
5th Attempt: You arrive at a small fog covered field of blue flowers. You think you catch a glimpse of a rare species of creature. You try to get closer but it's gone. You pick a flower instead.
Item - Forest Flower Blue by DarkHansol
6th Attempt: You are heading back when you notice a some pink flowers you pick one to take home as well.
Item - Forest Flower Pink by DarkHansol
Since I'm late I'll go ahead and hatch the egg for you.
You've hatched a Tan Trilx!
5- Trilx Kit - Tan by DarkHansol

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:35am May 17 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
NekoKiko decides to take their Lynne Spectral on an adventure through the forest.
1st Attempt: You don't make it far into the forest when you notice something blue on the ground. It's a free dye token someone must have dropped it.
Forest Item - Dye Token by DarkHansol
2nd Attempt: You come across a field of flowers and decide to pick one.
Item - Forest Flower Pink by DarkHansol

3rd Attempt: Unfortunately some threatening growls stop you from finding anything. You return to the entrance for your and your pet's safety.

4th Attempt: Spectral suddenly veers of the path catching you off guard. You run over to find them staring at some strange foot prints. You take a picture of them and make a note about their location. Maybe it'll be good to look into these.
Item - Strange Prints (Tracking) by DarkHansol
5th Attempt: Energized from your find you quickly find yourself deeper in the forest than before. You notice a strange boy, he seems to be living out here. He growls animal like when you get too close and you back off. He throws a rock at you and without thinking you pick it up and run.
Forest Item - Rock Smooth by DarkHansol
6th Attempt: Unfortunately you find nothing this time. You head back to the ranger's station to report the boy you saw and they tell you that he's been out there for a while but they felt it was better to leave him be instead of taking him away from everything he knows.

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


3:04pm May 17 2020

Normal User

Posts: 503
Pretty! Ty!

Poke a hungry Mon?

11:53pm May 17 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
You're welcome ^^

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


2:17pm May 21 2020

Normal User

Posts: 350
Hey, I'd like to take my Flynex through the forest 6 times.


3:04am May 24 2020

Normal User

Posts: 525
First off sorry for the disappearance had some family matters to attend to.
Thanks for being patient ^^

So, in the meantime...
All the babies have grown!!

6 - Flyenx Adult Ginger by DarkHansol5- Trilx Adult - Achromatic by DarkHansol
3- Trilx Adult - White by DarkHansol4 - Brown Adult by DarkHansol2- Trilx Adult - Black by DarkHansol5- Trilx Adult - Tan by DarkHansol

Also BoredDragon took their Flynex into the forest for an adventure!

1st attempt: You find a smooth looking leaf that changes color in the light. You put it in your bag to take home.
Item - Forest Leaf Smooth by DarkHansol
2nd attempt: Your Flynex notices something floating through the sky and flies up to grab it for you. They found you a very soft feather you wonder where it came from.
(Image to be added)

3rd attempt: You visit the field of flowers again now that you know it's location well to pick another flower.
Item - Forest Flower Blue by DarkHansol
4th attempt: You notice a small bottle laying in the brush. You pick it up and notice it's an orange butterfly effect potion.
Effects - Butterfly orange potion by DarkHansol
5th attempt: Unfortunately you don't find anything this time but you aren't discouraged and enter the forest one last time.

6th attempt: You notice a yellow flower growing along the path and you pick it to take home as well.
Item - Forest Flower Yellow by DarkHansol
You both leave the forest with happiness in your hearts. You've received a happiness bonus to use on your next explore. This give you a chance to find something special.
Forest Item - Happiness bonus by DarkHansol

Rest in peace Kim Jonghyun you will be missed greatly


11:20am May 24 2020

Normal User

Posts: 350
Whooo! Babies!

Uh, I'll take another 6 trips through the forest. 2 each with each of my new Trylx, if I can use the happiness bonus. If I need to use my Flynex to get the bonus, then I'll do all 6 trips with them. :)



9:14pm May 25 2020

Normal User

Posts: 183
Hii can I still have a free adopt from the adoption center <3

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