3:55pm May 19 2009
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Posts: 834
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
12:10pm May 20 2009
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Thanks for the Bump. Commissions are moving along slowly right now, what with revising and stuff to do. I want to thank you all for your patience here. Just getting started on yours Yummi :3
3:56pm May 20 2009
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Posts: 834
Yay!....*runs in circles like a 5 yr. old*
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
3:25pm May 22 2009
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Posts: 3,642
Niaaaaaaaaas. Can ye draw Razlo as an albino Meiko for me, since I'm too lazy to do it myself and your art pwns? :D
8:59am May 23 2009
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Posts: 1,210
Any free slots left?x3 If so,i would luff a commission,maybe even an art trade?o3o;*dadadadam*
9:13am May 23 2009 (last edited on 9:17am May 23 2009)
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Posts: 2,020
Shore Yoshilisk x3 You wan him to has the half a skull maks and crazy hair? 8D rite. Slow working on commissions lately :o Getting them done purdy soon ;D Flasheh lulz no free slots o3o but if I get to work quick I cans get them free xD
11:02am May 23 2009
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Posts: 3,642
Liek. Cha. Crazy hair and skull mask and.. odd thingy that covers his ear. :D Either that, or without the mask an' jus' showing off his crazy eye-line thingies. 8D ... Hur hur. Methinks I've just figured out where the lines come from. Livio and Razlo wear eyeliner~ x3
12:32pm May 23 2009
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Posts: 2,020
He's gonna has crazy hair with a skull mask o3o and now eyelinder too~
1:38pm May 23 2009
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Posts: 3,642
Butchoo can't see the eyeliner when he has the skull mask on. o3o Can't even see his eye. ... xD I think maybe I'm spamming your thread.
4:08am May 24 2009
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Posts: 2,020
You're not spamming mai thread. You're keeping it bumped ;o rite he shall have teh skull mask hokai, and crazy hair. But I cans get eyeliner in >:o YummiLand, I have line art done. I'm not sure if you'll like it or not but I can't colour it untill I know her skin colour. Moving on to CrackerJack's order now c:
4:21pm May 24 2009
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Posts: 1,210
Hmm,hokeis.Then just put me on the wait or soemthing ;o Halso,mind considering the art trade thing?x3 If you say yes now,i could already get started 8D liek,while im waiting fer a free slot and all...
3:46am May 25 2009 (last edited on 3:49am May 25 2009)
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Posts: 3,642
I see. xD Then bumpity bump away~ And the odd circle-y thing that covers his left ear of course. ;o! ... And maybe Nico-nii being all, 'o3o' in the background. But that may be getting a bit to much. ;3
8:06am May 25 2009
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Posts: 2,020
Yes fer the art trade o3o I never did get that picture of Shade I commissioned from you all that teim ago~ Yoshilisk, calm yee self down mmk? x3 Imma remember all that whens I get to eet. And Imma add Nico-nii x3
3:57pm May 25 2009
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Posts: 834
Her skin colour is kinda tanish :3
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
6:09am May 26 2009
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tanish~ mmkay I'll be colouring that hten c:
7:01am May 26 2009
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Posts: 1,210
Hokey,what do you want in the pic?I can do a lame background and all.Also,a ref of Shade would be nice,my memory doesnt remember the poor squeaker that good o3o;
8:16am May 28 2009
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2:44am May 29 2009
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i cant see the picture d; oh well,i think its coming back to me...What should i draw for her outfit?
9:14am May 29 2009
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Posts: 2,020
hurms, ah well. Fer her outfit, shade wears a purple t-shirt actualy it's kinda hard to explain. Wonder if this works x3 http://i518.Photobucket.Com/albums/u350/eliotminor/shadeandpechan0001.Jpg and if not then imma draw a referance sheet >:o nao, i'm scanning up yummiland's commission x3
9:21am May 29 2009
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Posts: 1,210
i think photobucket is just being stupid today d;