Username: Headache. Call me Zoe.
Do you want your rose on big paper(copy paper) or small(sticky note)?: BIGNESS please.
Petal Color(s)(if more than one, explain where each color should be, please): I want the main colour black, but make it look as if a artist has come along and dropped bottles of paint on it. (In case you didn't know, that means paint drips too)
Text or no?(if so, put what text you want here, wont be much if on sticky note): Make it say: Zoe. Life is a splatter)
Background color: Like more black and white roses, grass, trees far off in the background, the sun. All in black and white.
Tip?(not expected but greatly appreciated): If it looks remotely similiar to what I have in my mind, then 100k or more. If not 100k or more.
Scanned into scanner or taken a picture of?: Scanned please <3
Other?: Nope.