@Rainy right?? I think there used to be a lot more artists on Res, and contests were really hype. oh well ; v ; i'm very happy i've gotten as many as I have so far and there's still a month left. fingers crossed ~
cries I'm defiantly not going to have enough time to finish it, but I thought I would post it here anyway ^^"" I understand if you don't include it in the contest as it's not finished
http://sta.sh/0n3fsoi5euc http://orig10.deviantart.net/c09d/f/2015/255/f/c/contest_by_lakeore-d99clli.png You said the link wasn't working, here are two alternate versions that might be better! :D
Alright folks, this contest is over!! I'll post the results hopefully in a day or two!
Thank you all SO MUCH for entering, it really means a lot to me. <3 I'm showing my girlfriend all the art right at this moment actually, since it's officially our anniversary!!
You're all swell. thank uuuuu *v* everything looks gorgeousss
12:52pm Nov 4 2015 (last edited on 12:52pm Nov 4 2015)
Normal User
Posts: 4,093
Thank you all so much for entering! My girlfriend flipped when she saw all the art lmao. I wish I could post her response but there's a fair bit of happy swearing.
This contest was really successful and i hope to host another one in the near future! keep yer eyes peeled 8)