Wilson's Traditional Art

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9:13pm Jul 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 8

So I'm throwing up my own commision thread to compete with all the others.  Wh00t.  I'm not very good at pricing, but I do spend a lot of time on my art, especially since I have to digitally clean it up pretty heavily (I have a heavy hand, so my pencil marks tend to show up on scans even after thoroughly being erased). 

 Examples- My DeviantArt

There is only one creatu on there, but it has a pretty good range of my work from people to anthros to quads. I'll try my hand at anything but I'm not very good with human faces, to warn you.


Subject: (what do you want me to draw)

Price: (how much are you offering. Note that I reseve the right to haggle if I feel the price is too low for the amount of work)

Black&White or Colored?

Specifics: (if you need to make special note of accessories, clothes, colors, tattoos, markings, etc, put it here. Also a bit of personality if I'm drawing a specific character/creatu so that I can match it ^.^)

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