Windaloodle's doodles.

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3:12pm Feb 12 2010

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Posts: 431
bumpz =]


4:27pm Feb 12 2010

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Posts: 677


10:22pm Feb 12 2010

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Posts: 431
to ze top


6:09am Feb 13 2010

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Posts: 677
; 3;
No one lieks Wind Aurt?


3:01pm Feb 13 2010

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Posts: 431
wind art is too sexy for every1 xD


3:32pm Feb 13 2010

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Posts: 1,282
Awww! Austria likes Wind's art! Austria just can't afford anymore at the moment. :'3


10:23pm Feb 13 2010

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Posts: 677
Aww, well thanks you two.c:
Wind might sketch up some new examples soon to post.;O


6:03pm Feb 14 2010

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Posts: 677


7:52pm Feb 14 2010

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Posts: 557

I'd love a drawing or two.. o:

Do you have enough slots for two? x3


7:58pm Feb 14 2010

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Posts: 677
All 5 slots are open.^^
So yup.c:


8:18pm Feb 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 557

Awesome. I see your range is upwards of 5mil.. if you did nicely detailed pictures for both I'd be more than happy to pay this and more for the two. :3

Okay so as for the pictures.. first one of my character, so a humanoid/anthro. I have a reference gallery filled with pictures of her. Any pose, she does adore blood as she's a vampire bat, so if it doesn't squick you maybe add some bloody details? x3 She's super happy and yet a serial killer.

Ref Gallery:


Second picture I'd like of my friend's rabbit/gryphon character. Another anthro. He sent me a detailed deion of his character as well as one reference. Hopefully this would be enough. Again use your own creativity with poses and such.

Written Ref:

Rabbit, male, white, grey trimming. Large 'shaggy' wings, pale yellow.
Tall, erect, long, triangular, shaggy ears.
Gryphon-like talon arms and hands, more human hands than talon.
Large digigrade hindpaws. Really big.
Cute fluffy, large rabbit tail.
Tall, tall, tall, lithe, lean and defined-but-lightly muscled.
One eye blue-green, one fire red.
Optional: necklace, pendant shaped like a single wing, both silver.
Clothing: prone to topless. Not one much for clothes. Preferred baggy pants.

Picture Ref:


Thanks so much. c:


9:44am Feb 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 677
Ah, I was hoping you'd ask me to draw her actually.xD
And yeah, I've already got some of the line art done, I can send it to you if you like to see if it's alright, or i could just go a head and colour it.xD
Might be faster since then I wouldn't have to wait for a reply.=P

Oh, and Fir Tree I have been working on your dragon, I just need to get some more details from you after school if you're on today.c:


9:51am Feb 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 557

^__^ I collect artwork of her and would love to have your style added into my gallery, hehe.

I only ask to see lineart of my bat first, if possible. Sometimes people aren't too sure on the anatomy of her winged-arms/hands, so I like to take a peek when I can.

But for the bunnygryph, you can do ahead and do what you like with that one. xD


2:42pm Feb 15 2010

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Posts: 677
Oh, did you want a full body pic specificaly?)8
I started it last night so I just went with what was in my head.
I can finish the line art,touch it up and colour if you like it, but if not I'll redraw.


5:45pm Feb 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 557

That actually looks pretty hardcore, I'd leave it as is. Make the knife bloody if possible. *w*

But for the bunny/gryph could his be fullbody? xD (I have so much art already and the poor bun only has the one picture~)

Thanks a ton. =D


7:20pm Feb 15 2010

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Posts: 677
Oh, you don't have to worry about a lack of blood.83
And sure thing!I might have to start him tomorrow since I have homework I need to do right now.xD


10:03pm Feb 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 557

There's no rush, ever, with me.

I've been waiting a few months for some from artists on here. xD

as long as the end product comes out lovely I can wait forever~


6:25am Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 6:26am Feb 16 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,282
Nyu~ Wind? 'Ara wants another commission, but, again, she is short on tu, so would you take an Ebilia egg if it was a chibi humanoid? :'3


5:16pm Feb 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 677
Sure, just fill out a form.xD


5:44pm Feb 16 2010 (last edited on 6:41pm Feb 16 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,282

Order form:

Username: Hiara
Type of art wanted: Chibi Humanoid~
Type of colouring: Flat coloring
Deion: Russia-kun with a sepia meiko plushie and his metal pipe. Saying: "Become one with Russia, da~?". He pose can be anything all cutesy like. :3 ->
Other: Could you put silver meiko ears, wings, and a tail on him? If not, that's cool. :3
Pay: Ebbie egg

Thankies, Wind... *hugs* You're so kind. :'3

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