Wishe's Amazing Mini-Banners
>.< Ug. I have no idea why this thing is skipping lines like mad
So a mini-banner is a banner 1/4 the size of a normal sized one. Up above, at the banner example, that is 3 mini-banners put together. You can customize and interchange them to make a cool mini-banner 'train' that expresses yourself. A mini banner train is what you get when you put mini-banners together. Like the one above.
Mini-Banners can come in 3 sizes:
-62 X 191
-90 X 210
-120 X 275
The banner at the top is 62 X 191. I will post examples of the other sizes so you can see what they look like.
Why my idea is unique and not to be copied:
Have you ever been made a banner, but a week or so later wanted to change some parts of it? Well Mini-Banners allows you to do that. You can redesign your banner, made up of an amount of mini- banners, when ever you want. And best of all, I keep a log with all your mini-banners in it so you can just come here to the first post whenever you want to look at what mini-banners you can.
25k per mini-banner
Mini-Banner Theme:
Size: (use the pixel size dimensions above)
Items or Creatu:
Background image: (you can say none)
Anything that should be in the background:
Price: 25k
Pre-Made Mini-Banners:
These you can gain use to for only 15k per
Life's a Journey
Merry Christmas~~
Bought Mini-Banner Log:
http://oi43.tinypic.com/289xvlg.jpg ~Kat
http://oi41.tinypic.com/1q4pe1.jpg ~Dragon
~TU *in progress*