xX Iluvu Adopts Xx

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10:44am Feb 15 2012 (last edited on 12:46pm Feb 18 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 634
Whilst frantically searching for those elusive iluvu eggs on Rieflem you glimpse a white flash dart beyond your vision. You swiftly turn to find there's nothing there but a set of faint little paw prints in the dust.

You decide to follow them and they lead you to a small cave entrants, you duck down to enter and yet again see that telltale flash of white up ahead. 

The cave widens into a snug space lit with little glowing crystals embedded in the rock. That all to frequent flash of white suddenly materialized into an Iluvu, but one that you had never seen the likes of before...

 Hello Human, i see you have stumbled across our home. I'm Niya and my fellow Iluvu's believe that you Humans have had a hard time finding our eggs. So we have set up as lil' business to collect and store Iluvu eggs here and Humans can barter for them. However, we also sell some very special Iluvu eggs that have never been discovered by Human folk.

Here you can get three different types of egg:

Normal Egg (free) these hatch into any Rescreatu Iluvu colours
(note: these eggs are not real Iluvu eggs, the Iluvu's hatched are adoptables, colour is generated via random number generator)
Patterned Egg (25K) These Hatch into a random Patterned Iluvu Adoptable. The coloration can be absolutely anything. 

Custom Egg (50k) These special eggs hatch into a custom designed Iluvu.

Both the Normal and Patterned Eggs can come with a range of added features that come purely by chance:

You can also buy some custom accessories at 25k each:

The black market has been very helpful in giving us a whole installment of Dye Kits and Trance Potions:

They only cost 10k extra (note, they only dye these adoptable iluvu's), happy buying ^^

Just fill out this form below, remember, to make this fair you can only purchase 2 eggs per day and We will only work on 7 slots so as not to deplete our stocks:

Type (s) of egg:

How many:


Accessories yes/no: 

Total amount:

If you want a custom egg:

Type (s) of egg: Custom

How many:


Features (e.g wings)

Colour of main body:

Colour of Hearts:

Colour of Eyes:


Accessories yes/no: 


Total amount:

This business is currently: Open

Please let us know if we have forgotten anything, Happy buying ^^

Also note that these adoptables will only be available for a set time period so get em' while you can :)


10:44am Feb 15 2012 (last edited on 1:36pm Feb 16 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 634
Adoption Pen:

If you no longer want your Iluvu you can leave them in the Adoption Pen.

To adopt an Iluvu is free but you must post on the thread which ones you want:





10:44am Feb 15 2012 (last edited on 10:48am Feb 21 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 634

1:  Quarantine. custom (1) - 50k

2: AngelDelight, normal (2) - 10k Prepaid

3:AngelDelight, normal (2) - 10k Prepaid

4: zozane008, normal, (2) - free

5: AngelDelight, normal (2) - free



AngelDelight: done 

Skypi, custom (1) - free - done

 ChristineNicole, Custom (1) - free - done

Clouding, Custom (1) - done -50k paid

 GreenKat,, custom (1) - done - 50k xxx

zozane008, patterned (2) - done - 50k Paid

IpetsLE22, normal (2) - done - free

FluzzMe, patterned (1) custom (1) - done - 75k paid

LeoLeaf, patterned (1) - done -75k paid

 FluzzMe, custom (1) - done - 50k xxx

 AngelDelight, normal (2) - free

 zozane008, patterned (2) - 50k Paid

Note, if i am a lil' busy and you order does not come within a few days and you order adoptables on those days, you are entitled to exchange say 3 days worth of orders for 2 free custom or patterned egg


10:45am Feb 15 2012 (last edited on 12:43am Feb 21 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 634

1: If I wanted a custom Iluvu with say, 15 bracelets on it, would i have to pay 25k for each individual bracelet?

Answer: No, you'd just have to pay 1 payment of 25k for all numbers of that accessory
2: I like ....'s iluvu, could i buy it from you?

Answer: you can't buy the art from me but you can from the person who it was hatched for, if you really want the art then you could just order a custom adoptable with those features and then that would be fine 

3: Can i put my iluvu on my profile?

Answer, yep, you can do anything with the iluvu that was hatched for you, you don't need to say that i drew it but i wouldn't mind if it was mentioned :3

Just ask us if unsure of anything :)


10:45am Feb 15 2012 (last edited on 12:44am Feb 21 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 634


10:55am Feb 15 2012 (last edited on 11:06am Feb 15 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 634
Happy buying ^^

The first 3 orders are free of charge


11:08am Feb 15 2012 (last edited on 11:08am Feb 15 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 938
Type (s) of egg: Custom

How many:1


Features (e.g wings) Red eyes, no wings, fully black

Markings:red iluvu hearts

Accessories yes/no:yes red rings 

Other:a referance--------> Photobucket

Total amount:75k


12:27pm Feb 15 2012 (last edited on 12:53pm Feb 15 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 634

Your new Iluvu leaps into your arms and snuggles his new owner, a deep purring emanates from the furry bundle.

What would you like to name him? :)


1:09pm Feb 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 938
Kuuro and OMG! hes soo cute thanx :D


3:18pm Feb 15 2012


Posts: 3,217
Type (s) of egg: Custom

How many:1 (free?)

Gender(s): male 

Features (e.g wings)- really long ears :P

Colour of main body: tle="" target="">ja
 urm something along this color scheme if possible :)

Colour of Hearts: light blue

Colour of Eyes: light blue

Markings: same markings as the ref above :P

Accessories yes/no: two silver ear rings in one ear and two silver bracelets on the opposite leg 

Other: thank you, these look really cute 


4:26pm Feb 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,071

Type (s) of egg: Custom

How many: 1

Gender(s): Female

Features (e.g wings): Wings(white/pink) and an elephant trunk

Colour of main body: black

Colour of Hearts: pink

Colour of Eyes: doesn't matter

Markings: white belly

Accessories yes/no: maybe a few pink roses around the feet?

Other: link in my siggy leads to examples

Total amount: will pay around 500k


5:18pm Feb 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,651

Type (s) of egg: Custom

How many: 1

Gender(s): Female

Features (e.g wings): Wings like the ones here please:

Colour of main body: Colours like here please:

Colour of Hearts: The colour of the purple wing please. :)

Colour of Eyes: Bright orange.

Markings: N/A

Accessories yes/no: N/A

Other: Make it look like the picture, please. xD But Iluvu like. :D

Total amount:
50k? :D

I am online..

6:25pm Feb 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,163
Type (s) of egg:
How many:1
 Features (e.g wings):None
 Colour of main body:green
 Colour of Hearts:pink
 Colour of Eyes:blue
 Accessories yes/no:

Just  use this ref:


The cat is how I want the iluvu to be.


8:24pm Feb 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 17,364

Type (s) of egg: Patterned Eggs.

How many: 2

Gender(s): Any.

Accessories yes/no: None.

Total amount: 50k


3:58am Feb 16 2012 (last edited on 4:22am Feb 16 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 634
@ AngelDelight, your named Iluvu is now in the Pick Up pen :) enjoy

@Skypi & Christine, your order's are free, we'll get hunting right away

@Clouding, GreenKat, zozane008, your orders have been sent to our team of egg searchers :)

@GreenKat, our egg hunters would like to specify, did you want your iluvu to have a cat's tail like in the reference or a normal furry one? *ready's fur cutter's just in case*


5:51am Feb 16 2012 (last edited on 5:52am Feb 16 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 634

Your egg has hatched! Out pounces a male Iluvu dappled with dark brown streaks in it's fur. It regards everything inquisitively behind it's long bushy tale.

What would you like to name him? :)


5:55am Feb 16 2012


Posts: 3,217
:D thank you! please call him Kintu <3


5:59am Feb 16 2012 (last edited on 5:59am Feb 16 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 634
@Skypi, no problem :) your Iluvu is now in the Pick Up Pen, enjoy ^^ 
( p.s, if you don't like the colouring we can change it :3 )


6:47am Feb 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 634

Your custom Egg has hatched! Our Egg hunting team searched high and low for an egg that would produce such a unique Iluvu and finally, they found it. Your new Iluvu tests out her trunk as she sniffs delicately at the roses surrounding her. 

What would you like to name her? :)


7:20am Feb 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 634

Your custom egg has hatched! A brightly coloured female iluvu jumps and glides into you, nearly knocking you over.

What would you like to name her? :)

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