Your very own Creatu Species (free art)

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8:03pm Aug 16 2014 (last edited on 8:06pm Aug 16 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 257
Alright guys, honestly i'm bored out of my mind 
and I think this is the way to cure it.
I guess we've all wanted their own creatu 
(and egg) made and i'm here to fulfil that wish c:
So write down below the details of your dream creatu,
fur, scales, colour, horns, whatever it is!
Oh, and did I mention it's free?
This is the form you'll have to fill out: 

Creatu Name:
Creatu Details:
Creatu Colour:
Creatu Egg Details:
Creatu Egg Colour:

This isn't official or anything, it's just for fun.

12:41am Aug 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
jumps on this bandwagon for the sake of it

Creatu Name:  Sherlockasaurus
Creatu Details: A dinosaur, preferably T Rex, with curly black hair, a navy scarf,  a long coat and a super tight purple t shirt that looks like the buttons will pop off at any moment. In a nutshell, this man right here: 

Creatu Colour: Basically what I described before. Maybe like a vogar but the green and blue are reversed/swapped. And it's a t rex not a vogar so LOL
Black hair, Purple shirt, navy scarf, long black coat with COLLARS THERE HAS TO BE COLLARS.

Creatu Egg Details: A skull 8) A cracked Skull.

Creatu Egg Colour: Bone Color.



12:47am Aug 17 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Creatu Name: Chiol

Creatu Details: Basically a mix of an owl and a bat aha - leather wings with feathers coverin' the upper half, owl face with bat ears, and tALONS YEH

Creatu Color: Sort of a dusky, blackish brown - has glowing white runes all over their bodies though (except the leathery part of the wings) and their eyes are pupiless and white and glow too aha ha

Creatu Egg Details/Color: A basic oval egg, sort of like a lighter color than the pet, with a single glowing rune on it

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