[B] Black Jahra Mask or Exclusive Jahra Fan Pack

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9:37am Nov 5 2017 (last edited on 7:16am Nov 8 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
The only item left that I need to complete my HA is the Black Jahra Mask. Unfortunately, I haven't seen any for sale, so I'm posting here in the hopes of finding one. The last one sold for 50m, so I'm looking to pay around 75-100m for one. I may go a little higher if needed.

If no one is willing to sell a Black Jahra Mask, I'm also looking for an Exclusive Jahra Fan Pack in the hopes of getting one from it. The last one sold for 99m, so I'd be looking to pay around 150-200m for one. I may go a little higher if needed.

Please post here or Rmail if you have either of these items. Thanks!


Looking to purchase a [b]Black Jahra Mask[/b] for around [b]100m[/b] or an [b]Exclusive Jahra Fan Pack[/b] for around [b]200m[/b]. [url=http://tinyurl.com/y7yw5yur]

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram

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